‘Animal’ Beats 71-Year Old Woman With Wooden Club, Sheriff Simmons Says

May 15, 2021

A man Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons called an “animal” is charged with attempted murder after beating a 71-year old woman with a wooden club.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to the Circle K on the 2700-block of Gulf Beach Highway in reference to an unconscious woman who had been hit with a bat.

“What the surveillance video showed was shocking. You can see 30-year-old Michael Coggeshall enter into the store, take his backpack off and aimlessly walk around. A short time later, the 71-year old victim enters the building and walks up the service counter, minding her own business. The suspect grabs a wooden club from his backpack, walks up behind the victim and viciously attacks her, hitting her in the head with the club,” the ECSO said in a statement.

“I hope this is not a sign of the time,” Sheriff Chip Simmons said. “Watching this animal pace around behind the victim, contemplating his action is chilling. If you are not angered by this kind of behavior, I question your humanity. Rarely if ever in my law enforcement career I have I seen something so random and something so down right evil. I was disgusted watching the video of the event unfold. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim. We are charging him with attempted murder because that is the most we can charge him with at this time. I hope justice finds Michael Coggeshall and judges him accordingly.”

Deputy Jerimiah Meeks and Investigator Joshua Timo worked the case. Timo was in the area of the Circle K looking for Coggeshall when he spotted him on a bicycle and tried to make an apprehension. The suspect fled and was later apprehended by Deputy Matt Watkins’ K — 9 Bady. Coggeshell was bitten by the K-9 and treated at a local hospital before being to the Escambia County Jail.

The 71-year old woman remains hospitalized.


30 Responses to “‘Animal’ Beats 71-Year Old Woman With Wooden Club, Sheriff Simmons Says”

  1. Rich on May 16th, 2021 4:42 pm

    Time for the return of an eye for an eye. If you don’t carry, more and more people are providing reasons you should.

  2. Lilly on May 16th, 2021 3:42 pm

    Please do not Insult the Animal population.. Humans are more dangerous than we like to think.

  3. JimC on May 16th, 2021 8:01 am

    Kudos to K9 Officer Bady! (Hope you get that nasty taste out of your mouth!)

  4. deBugger on May 15th, 2021 2:58 pm


    BEST ONE Liner of the Day Award
    {so far}
    Goes to~~~

    DonDon on May 15th,
    2021 6:30 am

    Give that K 9 a biscuit.

  5. Ashbug on May 15th, 2021 2:09 pm

    I live very close to this circle K. Management needs to take better control of there property. They continue to allow all the homeless and high junkies to hang out right on the side of store. I’ve been harassed multiple times over the yrs by the ppl. Begging for money or talking to them selves. You can easily tell when they are high. But none of the circle k managers will run them off. In fact they allow them to come in and out of the store. Not buying anything dirty just scary looking to be around. Police needs to be around that area and behind that store more often. Homeless junkies has seriously taken over this area.

  6. Robert on May 15th, 2021 1:45 pm

    Sheriff Simmions I agree with your statement, remember your remarks when a Deputy gets a complaint for calling a member of the public an animal.

  7. Mary Mattheiss on May 15th, 2021 1:41 pm

    It is a sad , sad day that an elderly lady ( like myself) can’t feel safe walking into a store to pay for gas or buy a Slurpee in our community. I pray this poor lady recovers physically from her injuries. Emotionally she won’t ever recover . I hope justice is served and that this perpetrator ‘s freedom is denied him for a long time. If he is a repeat offender maybe it is time to leave him in prison. If he has proven time and time again that he is untrustworthy , put him away and don’t let him out.

  8. Northendbratt on May 15th, 2021 12:20 pm

    Is it possible he’s trying to go back to prison, maybe

  9. Richard on May 15th, 2021 11:53 am

    If I had been there he would not be a problem. You never know when there is a legal concealed carry person there.

  10. deBugger on May 15th, 2021 11:07 am

    I’m not a lawyer, but Sheriff Simmons’ remark will likely be pounced upon by the defense as being “prejudicial”… . .

    only a somewhat educated Escambia Native.

  11. Concerned on May 15th, 2021 10:45 am

    Anyone knows someone on the inside might need to make a phone call.

  12. David Overman on May 15th, 2021 10:29 am

    I know the victim and the perpetrator. Mary is a kind and fragile older lady. I understand that Michael has lived most of his life in prison. Mikey Mike has a polite persona masking obvious criminal psychopathy. The whole neighborhood was after him and I believe his cousin who was good friends with the victim helped in the apprehension. I was personally shocked as I frequent he circle k and have had conversations with him. Goes to show that just because someone is polite and has good manners that there may be something evil lurking underneath. There are some people in the neighborhood claiming that he was also setting fires in peoples houses. I think they are planning on seeing him get additional charges. My friend has been calling the hospital daily to check on Mary’s condition. Yesterday she was recovering.
    She was an innocent victim and there is no way anyone could have seen this coming. Let’s hope she recovers, she was frail to begin with. My prayers are and have been with her since I first leaned of this tragedy.

  13. Bewildered on May 15th, 2021 10:25 am

    Not a politically correct statement: why are we bothering with trash like this and feed and house them for the next 50 years? You cannot rehabilitate devils like him.

  14. SueB on May 15th, 2021 10:21 am

    Sheriff Simmons, this guy is not an animal he is a person with no conscious & a source of evil. He might have acted like an animal surrounding his prey but he knew what he was doing and not mentally ill.

  15. Lorraine Collier on May 15th, 2021 10:03 am

    I hope the inmates find out what he has done. I am also pretty sure her family is waiting for him to get a bond so they can bond him out and take him on a one way trip. God Bless the woman and her family and God show no mercy on the p.o.s. soul!

  16. Hillbilly on May 15th, 2021 9:34 am

    Need to give him a low bond and let the public know when they release him. We are sick and tired of low life scum taking over our towns. He needs to be beat like he has done to this poor defenseless lady. I would like to take his bat and stick it up his bleep bleep and make him a human lollipop. Then our justice system can put his bleep back in jail to rot.

  17. Mike on May 15th, 2021 9:28 am

    Is this the crazy druggie who is always standing out there along that exact stretch of Gulf Beach Hwy talking to himself and dancing around?

  18. Missy Bugg on May 15th, 2021 9:05 am

    They should test the dog for rabbies he may have gotten from this ‘Animal’. Good boy, good boy!!!

  19. JustWondering on May 15th, 2021 9:00 am

    There is no one that can condone this! If anyone tries to say that he is a good guy and was having a bad day, YOU need to do a self check!

  20. Deborah Daugherty on May 15th, 2021 8:54 am

    I can’t say on here what I want to do to this low life poor excuse of a man..I hope he gets what he deserves from his cell mates..

  21. BeeDub on May 15th, 2021 8:29 am

    @Matchbox and @mad hatter – I agree. What a disgusting, low life, excuse of a human.

  22. MIssy Bugg on May 15th, 2021 6:54 am

    They better get that dog a rabies shot after biting that worthless pos so he doesn’t catch anything. Good pup!!!

  23. Kane on May 15th, 2021 6:53 am

    Wondering if he needs help getting bonded out.I will be glad to pick up and give him a ride to the woods

  24. D rock on May 15th, 2021 6:43 am

    Hope he has a horrible time in jail. Even felons love their grandmother. Hopefully he gets a fistful of reminders about that.

  25. AL on May 15th, 2021 6:40 am

    Time to take out the trash.

  26. DonDon on May 15th, 2021 6:30 am

    Give that K 9 a biscuit

  27. Mad hatter on May 15th, 2021 5:57 am

    Let me know when this punk gets released he will get some long arm justice. You dont mess with kids or the elderly

  28. JTV on May 15th, 2021 5:55 am

    Pure trash. Our weak DA will take a plea bargain.

  29. Matchbox on May 15th, 2021 5:33 am

    He should be beat to death with the same bat…how disgusting

  30. Dave Simpkins on May 15th, 2021 3:10 am

    Absolutely sickening. Hopefully the courts wont flop on their face again and let this guy go with just probation like they always do when they start feeling bad for criminals.

    “Oh hes a good boy”