Pensacola’s Mask Ordinance Has Now Expired

April 25, 2021

A Pensacola ordinance requiring masks to be worn inside businesses in the city has expired and is no longer in effect.

Pensacola employees are still required to wear masks while in common areas inside city facilities, and members of the public are encouraged to wear masks inside city facilities.

The ordinance was unenforceable after Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an order in September banning mask mandate enforcement by local governments.

Pensacola’s mask ordinance first went into effect in June 2020.


42 Responses to “Pensacola’s Mask Ordinance Has Now Expired”

  1. Elizabeth on April 28th, 2021 1:03 pm


    Save your speech for abortion doctors and nurses who get paid to kill a beating heart.

  2. Bob on April 28th, 2021 12:09 pm


    You might not have been there the first day of medical school, but the first thing they should have taught you was the Hippocratic Oath.

    It is your obligation to help the patient. If you are unable to, your next obligation is to do no harm.

    Are you really willing to bet the health of your patients and community on the gamble that nearly every medical institution and research body in the world is wrong? How can you call yourself a “medical expert” if you are willing to endanger your patients for your own personal beliefs?

  3. Elizabeth on April 28th, 2021 10:05 am

    @joy bryant…. CORRECTION… I meant to say “we DON’T wear our masks because we know better”.

  4. Imagine That on April 28th, 2021 9:44 am

    Why is everyone named Joy such a downer. I mean, are they predestined to be lonely and depressed and push it on others?

  5. Elizabeth on April 28th, 2021 2:02 am

    @joy bryant

    If you wear your mask and have had your vaccine, then brava!! But, as the democrats like to say, “my body, my choice”. My constitutional rights don’t end because of your fear. Besides, the scientists on CNN are not the only scientists on God’s green earth…. many other scientists say the risks are citizens WEARING the masks. If you choose to trust the CNN agenda, it doesn’t make you correct, it makes you less informed and narrow minded.

    As a medical professional, (which you are NOT), my eyes have seen the lies related to the China virus. Many of us in the medical field refuse to take the vaccine and wear our masks because we know better. So if you feel better having taken your shot and wearing your mask, then good for you. But, don’t judge me or others because we choose to believe what OUR EYES HAVE SEEN.

  6. M white on April 27th, 2021 8:58 am

    Thank goodness tired of wearing these damn mark.

  7. Infidel Numero Uno on April 27th, 2021 1:20 am

    The Governor does NOT swear to keep us “safe” when he is sworn in. He does however swear to defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. End of Story. You wanna wear a face diaper? Feel free to do so. But don’t tell me what I can and cannot do, what to wear, where to go, where not to go blah blah blah…… If you have yours on it shouldn’t matter that I don’t. So many naive and gullible sheeple out there it’s disturbing.

  8. Jdud on April 26th, 2021 3:18 pm

    @ Charlie Odom…well said brother…well said.

    I refuse to live in fear. If you choose to live in fear…STAY HOME, WEAR YOUR MASK, get your vaccine; bur don’t push your agenda on me

  9. Ernest nolen on April 26th, 2021 2:02 pm

    I’m sure our worthless mayor will think up some demo reason to try and require one. He is suppose to be a mayor but he’s nothing more than a yes man. Took down our statue removed the southern flag from the cemetery and old Hayward before him took away our “city of five flags”, and they call theirselves Southerners! Stand by I’m sure he’s got some idiotic thing in mind , right Grover? By the way he’s not a veteran’

  10. CHARLIE ODOM on April 26th, 2021 1:54 pm

    I see loads of people in the comments who probably watch CNN and have zero ability to research actual facts and science.

    Coronavirus particles are 100s of times smaller than the holes in masks, yet people still believe they protect from viruses for some reason. Also, social distancing indoors offers zero protection, since the particles, once again, are many times smaller than the holes in the filtration system, which circulates those particles throughout the conditioned space. Wearing a mask does ONE thing: it offers a false security to those who believe the propaganda, instead of following the science and facts.

    Sorry, but ignorance is not bliss.

  11. Common Sense on April 26th, 2021 12:34 pm

    @ M Smith..

    Maybe you should do your research…That Stanford study you mentioned isn’t even affiliated with the university…Stanford has made a statement saying it was ONE author and they do not agree with what the paper says.

    hmmmm….was it a Facebook link????

  12. Alison on April 26th, 2021 9:02 am

    I have a 14 month old who is too young to be able to wear a mask and must breathe whatever air is around. Since so many refuse to wear masks I have only taken her to medical appointments. When you wear a mask you protect people like my daughter, other young children and developmentally disabled people who can’t wear masks. The vaccines, while they are our best tool at beating the virus are also not 100 percent effective. So when there is a high level of virus in the community, there is a higher likelihood of breakthrough infections for vaccinated people. I know many people here in Escambia who have had the virus and survived. But several of them now have ongoing cardiac and respiratory problems which they’ve never had before. The long lasting effects of this virus are real and hopefully you won’t have to discover that yourself.

  13. T Bob Dan Bill on April 26th, 2021 7:27 am

    For the past few months it felt like there wasn’t a mask mandate in place at all…..

  14. KIMBERLY Creamer on April 26th, 2021 1:53 am

    @CW Even though you have had ur vaccine, fowxnt mean your supposed to stop wearing you mask. You still can give the virus to others. All the vaccine does is make ur symptoms not as severe. Also, the vaccine does not stop you from getting the variant, and only last 6 months. As a covid ICU nurse, I beg people to wear their mask. I have worked this past year and have seen enough senseless deaths last a lifetime. Also, thanks to the mask, hardly anyone has gotten the flu virus. #FRONTLINER

  15. pencil on April 26th, 2021 12:46 am

    Our governor downplayed the virus, manipulated state reporting on the website, hid the fact that he contracted the virus, allowed the wealthy to cut the line when the vaccine did come out and has his vaccine already.

    Im satisfied local and county governments are doing their part. Its too early to drop mask mandates until more get vaccinated though.

  16. Rasheed Jackson on April 25th, 2021 10:38 pm

    If this pandemic has taught me anything it is that fear can and will divide people faster than anything. Not only will it divide people but it will cause them to turn on each other.

  17. CW on April 25th, 2021 10:12 pm

    I don’t think people should assume just because someone else isn’t wearing a mask that they haven’t had their vaccine. I’ve had both of my shots, and I got them just so I could stop wearing masks all the time.

    I didn’t get those shots for nothing!

  18. Lora on April 25th, 2021 9:52 pm

    Joy Bryant,
    Please do continue to wear a mask, and get the vaccine, if you wish to do so. If it makes you feel more comfortable, it’s your prerogative. However, I have every right to not wear a mask or get a vaccine. I (nor anyone else) is responsible for your health! If I can’t tell you what to eat to keep you healthy, if I cannot stop you from having an abortion and purposely ending a human life, if I cannot force you to drive safely and follow the speed limit, etc., I also am not responsible for your health because of a virus.
    Also, we do not have polio, smallpox, etc anymore BECAUSE the vaccines were done correctly, and the general population was not used as lab rats for mass clinical trials, and that is exactly what is going on with this vaccine.
    I have known one person that actually tested positive for this virus. Even doctors have said that the numbers are grossly exaggerated. Sometimes research has to be done, rather than just blindly following the media or your political views or your emotions. As far as the scientists, even Dr Fauci has said that masks don’t work when talking about this and past viruses. The scientists are not even offering up consistent recommendations.
    NOTE: when I say ‘you’, I am not referring to you specifically, but in general.

  19. Christopher Bucci on April 25th, 2021 8:48 pm

    @Terry Lynn—–My choice to not wear a mask is harmful to others how exactly ? If the mask works then what’s wrong with they’re mask ? Explain that.

  20. Chris on April 25th, 2021 8:42 pm

    @Joy Bryant—–I am certainly a Trump supporter. Democrats are the greatest enemy and threat America has ever known. That being said, I’ve never worn a mask, along with my family, friends, and co-workers. Funny how I can count the people I know that tested positive for Covid-19 on one hand. It just kills me how the likes of CNN etc al, have a stranglehold on many in this once great country.

  21. Who cares on April 25th, 2021 8:25 pm

    If you choose to or decide against getting the vaccine, it’s nobody’s business. Nobody has the right to judge each other. If your so scared of non vaccinated people then you should probably stay home. It has a 99.98% chance of survival. You stand more of a chance of being killed by vehicle if you leave your house. Not to mention, a lot of people can’t get the vaccine due to health issues such as prior strokes, blood clotting, prior anaphylactic shock, autoimmune disorders, etc. so, maybe you judgmental clowns need to take a step back and realize “you” are not the most important person in society and the whole world has no responsibility to conform to your standard.

  22. A Alex on April 25th, 2021 6:52 pm

    Terry Lynn, RIGHT ON.
    I AM A long hauler 71 years old and I cant take the shot for another 60 days. Masks are not hurting you, wear it. Ron, youre not getting my vote again. Vacines are NOT 100% IN YOUR FAVOR NOR MINE AND NOW THE MANUFACTURER IS SAYING YOU MIGHT NEED BOOSTERS.

  23. JTV on April 25th, 2021 5:48 pm

    @terry Lynn what happened to my body my choice? We’ve had to hear this nonsense for years with the abortion issue. Every person that gets covid only a minute percent die. Every abortion ends in a human death. In my case, my body my choice doesn’t kill anyone. Get the shot and wear a mask and stop worrying about those of us not afraid of the Scamdemic.

  24. Terry Lynn on April 25th, 2021 5:13 pm

    Wow and we wonder what is wrong with the world today !? It has nothing to do with the me, me, me I only care about me mentality that is expressed by the majority of the population. The supporters of the no mask referendum would obviously survive contracting this virus or they feel secure enough in their personal health to believe they would survive catching this virus and there is absolutely no thought to those that they might spread it to that wouldn’t survive it. Wearing a mask in Public Places really isn’t that hard to do as a common courtesy for the elderly population. It isnt like we’re being asked to hold our breath while indoors and if it wouldve save a tenth of those who have passed away, it’s worth it. I’m all for people’s individual rights unless their actions cause harm to others. In this case not wearing a mask can bring harm to others. If you want to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, go for it, if you want to bungee off a cliff without protective gear, go for it, if you want to pass a virus onto me because you can’t put a mask on, well no thanks..
    As Governor, a big part of Desantis’s job is to ensure the safety of ALL Citizens. He has failed, he’s ignored CDC Guidelines and Warnings in favor of $$$$. Can’t take money with us when its our time to go. That being said Desantis needs to go, time to clean house with our government.

  25. Christian on April 25th, 2021 5:02 pm

    @joy bryant

    If they choose not to get vaccines that is their personal choice. As long as they are easily available to whomever wants and you have yours why worry? FYI anti vaccine is not a partisan choice…people on ALL sides of the political spectrum have strong opinions pro and con…to sit here and polarize folks about the issue is extremely out of touch.

  26. Eugene on April 25th, 2021 5:02 pm

    If person A chooses to be vaccinated, and person B declines, why should person A be concerned with person B ? Person A chose the vaccine and thereby is protected……Right ? Critical thinking skills appear to be is short supply among a great number of Americans.

  27. NPC on April 25th, 2021 3:56 pm

    @joy bryant. If masks and vaccines work why are the numbers at the same level as they were a month ago with no decrease? MIT did a study and found that there is no difference between 6′ and 60′ when it comes to indoor “social distance” as the ventilation will provide the proper exchange of air. What your eyes read are not always the facts.

  28. M Smith on April 25th, 2021 3:43 pm

    Stanford University just released an article on a study that proved that masks are ineffective… you might want to read it but your eyes probably won’t believe it

  29. Jerry on April 25th, 2021 2:46 pm

    It’s sad that people are willing to put their slight discomfort in wearing a mask over people’s lives. They won’t care until it is their life or someone close to them…even then they probably still won’t care.

  30. JTV on April 25th, 2021 2:25 pm

    @ joy bryant, you may want to live in fear, I won’t.

  31. K.C. Cooper on April 25th, 2021 2:08 pm

    Good riddance!

  32. Chris on April 25th, 2021 1:41 pm

    Ron DeSantis is the greatest! With everyone receiving shots, we should stop wearing mask all together.

  33. Dreama on April 25th, 2021 1:17 pm

    Thank goodness our city, county and state are getting back to normal. We have the best Governor ever. Governor Desantis knows how to be a leader.

  34. Philip Lamanac on April 25th, 2021 1:01 pm

    Mayor, governor, great job. Not everyone can take the shot. Due to health problems. If you do not like the mayor ,governor move out. Has is doing a great job
    Now we can all go back to work get off freebies wagon.

  35. Philip Lamanac on April 25th, 2021 12:58 pm

    Thank you, great job.

  36. Kevin Vickrey on April 25th, 2021 11:16 am


  37. Eric on April 25th, 2021 11:13 am

    I agree the greatest

  38. Brian on April 25th, 2021 9:14 am

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Ron DeSantis is the absolute best Governor in Florida history.

  39. JTV on April 25th, 2021 6:52 am

    Good riddance

  40. Brian on April 25th, 2021 6:43 am

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we have the greatest Governor in Florida history

  41. joy bryant on April 25th, 2021 6:20 am

    It may be expired HOWEVER until the forever tangerine folllowers that refuse to care about their family and friends and WILL NOT do the RIGHT thing and get a vaccine – I will wear mine! there is NO such thing as polio any more, small pox, DUE TO VACCINES!! Shame on those who think they are smarter than the scientists~ Even those in India and poor countries line up to save their lives and those they love!! I have had both of mine FEEL GREAT – but don’t know if I had been a carrier and WILL NOT risk others! I care—I read– I believe what my eyes see!!

  42. michael coffel on April 25th, 2021 2:43 am

    guess our mayor is as stupid as he looked