Nine Mile Road Traffic To Be Shifted Between Navy Federal Way, Allegheny Avenue

April 24, 2021

The Nine Mile Road westbound travel lane between Allegheny Avenue and Navy Federal Way will be shifted to the newly constructed westbound outside lane the week of Sunday, April 25. The traffic shift will allow crews to complete the new median and inside eastbound left turn lanes.

All construction activities are weather-dependent and may be delayed or re-scheduled in the event of inclement weather.


One Response to “Nine Mile Road Traffic To Be Shifted Between Navy Federal Way, Allegheny Avenue”

  1. Wise Years on April 27th, 2021 10:54 am

    As usual, there will be no road construction on 29 within 2 miles of Wal-Mart in either direction. Work has been stymied by at least two weeks of beautiful sunshiney days. Nobody would work on these kind of days for the wages that are paid! ( would you work for 18$ an hour? When there would only be 3 people on the job?)