Escambia School District Will Now Allow Live Audiences At Performances And Events

April 29, 2021

The Escambia County School District will now allow in-person audiences for fine arts performances and events, according to Superintendent Tim Smith.

The change comes after district policy that was in place since the beginning of the school year forced the cancellation of in-person performances of a Tate High School Drama production. Parents and students took their concerns to and the Escambia County School Board. Most of the complaints centered around why sporting events could have live audiences but fine arts performances and other events could not.

“The new change is that ECSD schools are now able to be hold student events following the same guidelines as athletic events. This includes allowing 50% capacity of audience attendance,” Smith said. His decision came Monday but was not immediately announced as he communicated with the high school and middle school principals in the county.

In addition to the 50% capacity, the same as sporting events, there are a few caveats.

“These activities, such as fine arts performances, must be voluntary for all with no impact on student grades,” the superintendent said. “If someone is uncomfortable performing or attending, they should not come to the event. Schools also may explore options for virtual ways to share these events whenever possible, either live or by posting video recordings.”

The events must also adhere to the district’s requirements for the use of masks, hand sanitizer and social distancing.

When possible, schools are being encouraged to hold events outside. Each school will review their calendar and notify parents of updates.

Athletics were allowed to have restricted audiences all school year due to Florida High School Athletic Association rules.


One Response to “Escambia School District Will Now Allow Live Audiences At Performances And Events”

  1. Willis on April 29th, 2021 5:41 pm

    Good for the Students and families that love to see them perform.