Escambia County Unemployment Rate Up Slightly

April 18, 2021

The unemployment rate in Escambia County increased last month, according to data released Friday by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.

The unemployment rate in Escambia County was 4.9% in March, up from 4.8% in February. That represents 7,275 people out of work out of a county workforce of 149,398. One year ago, Escambia County’s unemployment rate was 5.4%, or 8,060 people.

The professional and business services industry grew faster in the metro area than statewide over the year. The industry gaining in jobs over the year was professional and business services with 1,200 jobs.

Industries losing the most jobs over the year in the Escambia County area were:

  • leisure and hospitality -2,000 jobs
  • government -600 jobs
  • manufacturing -300 jobs
  • education and health services -300 jobs
  • other services -300 jobs
  • financial activities -200 jobs
  • information -100 jobs

Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 4.7 percent, unchanged from a year ago and down 0.2% from a year ago. There were 475,000 jobless Floridians out of a labor force of 10,170,000. The U.S. unemployment rate was 6.0 percent in March.


8 Responses to “Escambia County Unemployment Rate Up Slightly”

  1. Bob on April 21st, 2021 10:51 am


    What if you’re working 60+ hours a week and still not making enough money to live?

    When did the concept that “Everyone who works a full time job deserves to make enough money to live” become a radical idea?

  2. John Johnson on April 18th, 2021 7:42 pm

    I remember when I made minimum wages but
    Who can survive on them now. Sure there are
    a lot of jobs out there paying $10 but they can’t
    keep good help. That why the jobs keep coming

  3. Jlb on April 18th, 2021 5:44 pm

    I’m sick of people complaining about $10 an hour. I remember when minimum wage was around $2:50. Have some pride get a job. Don’t be yes that is some of it. Plenty of jobs in this are. Be a grown up go to work.

  4. @lee on April 18th, 2021 1:58 pm

    Because flipping burgers isnt a career, its a stepping stone. People have to want to work for more. If they dont want to put in the effort to work for more, then theyll always be at the bottom complaining that they arent paid enough.

  5. lee on April 18th, 2021 12:50 pm

    folks i agree 100% about getting back to work and not living off government benefits.

    however, i do struggle to see why people would want to ever go back to work when most businesses only want to pay $10 hr give it take a couple dollars.

    going to work is the right thing to do yes please don’t get me wrong. but what about these businesses can’t make them understand people want their time to be worth something more than the bare minimum.

  6. retired on April 18th, 2021 8:59 am

    The jobs are out there. But the government is paying as mush to stay home and sit on your ass. welcome to the new welfare system (government slavery).

    I know several companies that are hiring and have had people quit because of this.

  7. working harder on April 18th, 2021 8:36 am

    There are plenty of jobs out there… Escambia County Schools have departments in dire need of employees. Transportation, Custodial and Food Services are running extremely short of help. That leaves the people dedicated to the jobs working multiple positions to keep things running. Perhaps if the unemployment checks were cut off…..”why work when you can sit home and get paid without breaking a sweat?”
    Just sayin’.

  8. Michael on April 18th, 2021 2:47 am

    There is absolutely NO excuse for this many eligible ABLE BODY people to be unemployed at the moment. There are so many employers offering positions, so get up off your entitled butts and get a job. Stop waiting on more government handouts. It is terrible that businesses are posting signs PLEASE be patient with us due to short staff the service and wait times are extended. I applaud the current people that are working, you guys are doing the right thing by working hard and earning your living.