ECSO: Cantonment Man Wanted On Multiple Felony Warrants

April 22, 2021


The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is looking for a Cantonment man wanted on multiple charges.

Hunter Grant Myrick, 31, is wanted on two counts of failure to appear, grand theft of a vehicle, two counts of fleeing and eluding, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, kidnapping and driving while license suspended as a habitual offender.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP or the ECSO at (850) 436-9620.


19 Responses to “ECSO: Cantonment Man Wanted On Multiple Felony Warrants”

  1. To add to it..... on April 26th, 2021 1:52 am

    @Bobby C those are only the ones you looked up in Florida. He has been arrested on Alabama as well. He is the one that lead the police on a chase through several different counties before finally being detained.
    Seems like he has zero regard for the law, he must enjoy being in prison..

  2. Chris on April 25th, 2021 8:32 pm

    @Cris Tal’—Well, first let’s clear up some misconceptions on judgement. Many people think (either because the Word has been so perverted or out of ignorance) that God said not to judge others. What is actually said is, “Judge not, lest you be judged”. Meaning, you will be judged in the same manner you judge others. I’m certain many people here are completely fine with that.
    Second, it’s a news site with a comment section. When a story is posted here, it kind of makes it everyone’s business in North Escambia County. Also, many here know the individual in question. Myself included. Most of his life. He is garbage. Has been for many years. The fact he was even free to commit these crimes is questionable to say the least.
    Lastly, I see that you and your friend Leeann attended the same school. Or rather, didn’t attend by the looks of your grammar.

  3. Bobby C on April 24th, 2021 11:04 pm

    I counted 11 different arrest in Escambia County jailview and another 7 arrest from Santa Rosa County jailview.. These are all a matter of public record. I wonder how much is too much?

  4. CrisTal' on April 24th, 2021 6:55 pm

    you guy’s and gal’s, have nothing better to do than get on a comment page and degrade a person’s option on a matter . Get off the computer go feed your kids kiss your wife hey maybe cut your grass you’ve been meaning to do the past six months but failed to do so because you would rather have your head up someone else’s business. You people need to get a life and leave Lee ann individual alone . To each their own. They were right when that said only our Father God can judge us, you all will be dressed in your Sunday best tomorrow while your judging someone today. I pray for each and everyone of you. Let’s not judge because tomorrow this could be your son or daughter nephew neice. If you didn’t see the person committing a crime don’t be a judge to convict by your opinion. Good Day My Friend’s!!!

  5. Mom on April 23rd, 2021 10:09 pm

    This guy is a real piece of work. Has been for years.

  6. Robinhood on April 23rd, 2021 5:35 pm

    I love reading what people post. Makes for great entertainment seeing how people can’t spell or write complete sentences and reflection on our school systems as well.. SAD

  7. No Excuses on April 23rd, 2021 12:28 pm


    Perhaps you could do a better job of convincing us if you wrote in a legible, understandable manner. Your blog post is so full of errors it detracts from the readers attention focusing on those.

    He’s 31. I’m certain he was taught right from wrong, at least in school if not also at home. He made poor choices, so now it’s time to pay. Insanity is the definition of doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. Or, stupidity, which I suspect is the case here.

  8. chris on April 23rd, 2021 7:58 am

    @ Leeann: I don’t care if he is convinced. If he is convicted, well that’s a different matter,

  9. Stanley Beech on April 23rd, 2021 6:34 am

    Leeann. Why don’t you make a deal with the County and take him in. If he commits another felony in three years, He goes to prison and so do you, along with the Judge that keeps suspending hs sentences by thinking he’s a good boy. Also, you might need to see an Eye Dr, since you can’t see the damage he has done to others.

  10. SueB on April 23rd, 2021 4:57 am

    @ Leeann, you need to read and comprehend about poor 31 year old habitual Hunter. He has already been convicted of a felon & has a suspended license.
    In addition, research Judges before you vote to keep them on the bench. Most have poor grade averages in knowing the law.

  11. Stumpknocker on April 22nd, 2021 11:11 pm

    @Leeann now your facts lol, how bout the facts this guy has been creating havoc in the cantonment area for sometime now , leaving a trail of victims who where never made whole. Those are the facts,I’ve known him for almost 20 years and he’s always been involved in some sort of criminal activity, I can only imagine all the stuff he has done and gotten away with it.

  12. Nod on April 22nd, 2021 9:24 pm

    Leeaan, Years ago I watched a man beat up my brother But he was found not guilty due to a technicality so I guess he didn’t do it.

  13. rickety splits on April 22nd, 2021 8:56 pm

    “we the people” keep re-electing the Judges time after time. One term
    and back to lawyering might be good for all concerned.

  14. Leeann on April 22nd, 2021 8:47 pm

    How can anyone say anything about him he has not been convinced so before u judge know ur facts im so sick of everyone knowing not a dam thing are government is so crypt they lie in prison remove people kids that are not guilty that have done nothing but get judged on there past people learn people f
    Grow u r no one else can judge only are father God

  15. Get em!!! on April 22nd, 2021 8:37 pm

    @ Guy Gerricault

    We’re not talking about wrongly arrested for a crime. We’re talking about REPEAT OFFENDERS 2-3 times. Those that HABITUALLY repeat the same crime they were arrested for and “especially” those arrested within ONE MONTH’S time with 8 felonies. There is ABSOLUTLEY no reason why these thugs should be bailed out.

  16. paul on April 22nd, 2021 7:29 pm

    Enough of the repeat offenders -no more express justice – no more pleas for lighter sentences. put them in prison keep them in prison for the max sentence EVERYTIME

  17. Guy Gerricault on April 22nd, 2021 6:56 pm

    Would you still feel that way if you were wrongly arrested for a crime you didn’t commit and your court date wasn’t for months?

  18. NPC on April 22nd, 2021 3:29 pm

    Keep them incarcerated until their court date and crimes will reduce.

  19. JTV on April 22nd, 2021 3:11 pm

    ECSO, keep risking your lives capturing these thugs, our lazy judges will continue to set low bonds and risk our lives.