Cuteness Overload Alert: Goat Gives Birth To Triplets At Beulah Middle School

April 15, 2021

Three new “kids” joined the Beulah Middle School family Tuesday afternoon as a goat in the school’s agriscience program gave birth to triplets.

Beulah Middle agriscience teacher Leanne Jenkins tells the story, in her own words:


My cheeks hurt so bad and my heart feels like it’s going to explode! Today we experienced the most amazing births at Beulah Middle School! I’m in tears typing this announcement to you.

We thought we had a day or two before the arrival, but we moved Mama to her “birthing suite” to get her comfortable with the area. She was there most of the day and was crying to go back to the field with her buddies.

At the beginning of the last period, I had a student go on the back porch to get a duckling. He casually walked into the classroom with the duckling and said, “That goat out there is having a baby.” I told him she’s not having her baby yet, that she had a day or two before arrival. He then said, “oh, I could have swore I saw something coming out of her bottom.”

I went running, and sure enough, there was a hoof coming out of sweet mama!!

About 40 minutes later, with 60 students and staff members quietly watching, we have healthy, thriving, triplets!!!

It was beautiful and amazing and we are all on cloud nine.

Welcome to the world sweet babies ❤️. Brace yourselves for the hundreds of students that are thrilled to have you join our farm ❤️.

Photos for, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Cuteness Overload Alert: Goat Gives Birth To Triplets At Beulah Middle School”

  1. William Lingo on April 16th, 2021 11:22 am

    Welcome to the world kids!!! I am so glad to see agriscience at Beulah middle school, we need more wholesome programs like this in our schools, it’s time to bring back some trades to middle and High school children.

  2. DEBORAH MALMBERG on April 15th, 2021 11:18 pm

    Absolutely cuteness overload! So unusual and so glad all are ok.

  3. fisherman on April 15th, 2021 5:22 pm

    So friends goat gave birth to twins last month.its good education for lids to interact with nature

  4. Esther on April 15th, 2021 7:42 am

    My daughter teaches at Beulah and my grandson attends there. They were telling me about the agriscience class you offered and I was so impressed. The tremendous value to your students that this type of class offers cannot be measured with typical data collection resources. And to experience the birth of these baby goats may be a once in a lifetime experience for most! I’m so glad my family gets to be a part of it!

  5. Paulette Stone on April 15th, 2021 6:06 am

    Beulah is a great school with a wonderful Ag program. My students were so excited when they heard about the baby goats yesterday. I can’t wait to share the pictures with them this morning!

  6. Goat lover on April 15th, 2021 5:32 am

    OMG how mama goat just died leaving 2 babies.o would love to have them.