Beulah Man Charged After Fracturing 2-Week Old Infant’s Skull, ECSO Says

April 5, 2021

A Beulah man has been charged after a 2-week old was taken to the hospital with a fractured skull and other serious injuries.

Brock Tatum Baumert, 27, was charged with first degree felony aggravated child abuse and was being held in the Escambia County Jail without bond.

The mother of the 2-week old told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that she went to a friend’s birthday dinner and left her daughters — ages 5 and 10-years and 2-weeks — in the care of Baumert, who was living at the residence with them.

“While she was away, she received several text messages from her 10-year-old daughter asking her to come home. She immediately returned home and found the two-week-old in a child’s swing with a bloody lip, a scratch on her nose and bruising around her face,” the ECSO said.

The mother immediately took all three children to West Florida Hospital. The 2-week old suffered a fractured skull, a fractured clavicle and had multiple bruises. The other two children were unharmed.

Baumert was arrested a few hours later. His relationship to the children has not been released.


24 Responses to “Beulah Man Charged After Fracturing 2-Week Old Infant’s Skull, ECSO Says”

  1. Nina on April 7th, 2021 9:45 pm

    For all those making these negative comments about the mother leaving THEIR children with THEIR father whose also her husband are absolutely ridiculous! There is absolutely nothing wrong with her wanting to go have dinner with a few friends especially when she works full time goes to school full time and takes care of all 3 of their children and her husband! So shame on those who find something wrong with that! I know this woman and have known her for over 10 years she is a wonderful and amazing mother and if she felt or thought for one second that it wasn’t safe to leave her kids with their father for a few hours I know she wouldn’t have! As far as those defending brock I don’t care how excited he was for her to be born you never know what anyone is capable of and if he didn’t do it then why did the oldest daughter have to call mom why didn’t he?! If you have anything negative to say especially about the mom please just keep it to yourself She is already dealing with enough!

  2. Sherrie on April 7th, 2021 9:58 am

    Football Mom – 1st, The article does not state he is the Husband. 2nd, 2 weeks old. WHO leaves a 2 week old Infant to go to a Party? I don’t care how happy he was to have her, he obviously couldn’t handle the crying or fussing. I wonder what he has done to the other 2 Children.
    I stand by my statement, Both are too Blame. So many People out there who do not deserve Children.

  3. Reason on April 7th, 2021 7:23 am

    This is why babies need to be regulated. Too many people who should NEVER raise a child are having them. Those poor kids

  4. Bill on April 6th, 2021 4:47 pm

    Indefensible act. He should never be allowed contact with these children

  5. J.S on April 6th, 2021 1:07 pm

    @molino resident you should of kept that kinda comment to yourself because when it comes to a child of 2wks and another one 10yrs texting her mother to come home the writing is on the WALL……AND I dont care how proud he was or waiting for her to be born I had one just like him and they are evil inside thinking oh she can’t speak..she probably was crying and he couldn’t handle it or maybe something else idk but he done what he done the proof is on this poor child im praying for the kids and mother he’ll get his

  6. Football Mom on April 6th, 2021 12:32 pm

    @ Sherrie

    This is all 3 children’s father. This is the lady’s husband. I personally see nothing wrong with leaving your child with your husband, it’s father????????

  7. Howie on April 6th, 2021 12:10 pm

    “Good thing none of you serve on a jury. Before you immediately damn a person you need to know all of the facts first which you don’t. I know this man personally and can tell you that he has been so anxious for this child to be born and was so proud when she was born. He practically glows at the mention of her and wanted nothing more than to show her off. If he is guilty then he will pay for it. But until he has been proven to be keep your comments to yourself” …. by Molino Resident

    I’ve served as a juror many many times. FACT: Two week old infant with fractured skull while in his care. Evidently the children left for him to care for, was not cared for properly. It took the 10 yr old Sister to call her Mom to come home. What was this dumb idiot doing ? Apparently not glowing. It all comes down to a severely injured infant. Equal punishment: a crack to his skull, bust his lip, put a fist in his face and break his nose while serving in a long term prison facility. It can very well happen when other prisoners find out about his abuse.

    Comments will continue and it’s all one’s opinion.

  8. Sherrie on April 6th, 2021 10:32 am

    Who leaves a 2 week old in the care of someone who possibly has never cared for an Infant? She shares the Blame. 2. weeks. old. Think about it.

  9. Former resident on April 6th, 2021 8:35 am

    @molinoresident. It could be that you only know what this person allows you to know about himself. Half of you people said the same thing when my grandfather was arrested 2 years ago for RAPE and molestation of a minor. But since you all think because you grew up around him or you’ve known him your entire life that there is no way he could ever do anything like that! Well guess what!? There is a line of victims out the dang courthouse door and people still seem to think WE are lying about what WE went through! And yes, I say WE, because I myself was his victim as a child and never told anyone til I was almost 25 years old!! But, oh no, he could never! Right?! Right there in your happy little town of MOLINO!!

  10. David on April 6th, 2021 6:59 am

    Keep your comments to yourself?
    Do you know this is a comment section?
    The rest on here I would guess is to you…
    You do not get to post an opinion on here and think everyone in this forum is going to shut down.
    Grow the hell up ..and fyi…this is not a jury..and do not think you belong on any jury being you have decided what people should do in your little world. They did not arrest this man because he was a suspect…they arrest on things way above your knowledge of law.
    Good day !

  11. SueB on April 6th, 2021 6:33 am

    The jail will protect him from the other inmates. Why? The Judge will probably give him anger management and bail.
    The mother & the 2 children need the help.

  12. A Alex on April 6th, 2021 4:32 am

    @ Molino,
    How does 2 week old get these tyoes of injuries. No stones thrown here, just words
    Guilty guulty GUILTY, CONDEMNED

  13. Matchbox on April 6th, 2021 1:56 am

    Be thankful they put you in jail if this was my child and/ or grandchild …….the only thing I would say is ….may God have mercy on your soul

  14. Stephen on April 5th, 2021 10:06 pm

    If he’s convicted, he’s as good as dead.

  15. paul on April 5th, 2021 9:12 pm

    If it is proven in a court of law he is responsible for the heinous acts to that baby – well Molino resident everyone knows the Bible scripture, and based on the facts that were reported in this public forum , if he is guilty, well it will be you really didn’t know him that well at all, then you can take your self righteousness with you to visit him in prison .

  16. TJ on April 5th, 2021 7:30 pm

    @Molina Resident, what we have here is a failure to comprehend. A two week old baby with a fractured skull, a fractured clavicle, a bloody lip, and had multiple bruises. No way this child could have done it accidently to itself, and I don’t believe the sisters did it. That only leaves this piece of trash as the culprit. Go ahead and blindly defend him because it is apparent that you don’t know him as well as you think.

  17. all of escambia county ! on April 5th, 2021 7:23 pm

    somebody needs to fracture his skull

  18. JTV on April 5th, 2021 6:59 pm

    @Molino Resident, you keep your blinders on and worry about this trash over a two-week old child.

  19. Molino resident on April 5th, 2021 6:45 pm

    Good thing none of you serve on a jury. Before you immediately damn a person you need to know all of the facts first which you don’t. I know this man personally and can tell you that he has been so anxious for this child to be born and was so proud when she was born. He practically glows at the mention of her and wanted nothing more than to show her off. If he is guilty then he will pay for it. But until he has been proven to be keep your comments to yourself. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. If any of you would dare do so you’re nothing more than liars yourselves.

  20. WM on April 5th, 2021 6:19 pm

    Back in the day, this fella would of fallen down 10 flights of stairs before being brought to jail. Granted, it might of only been a 1 story house, but he tried to escape 10 times.

  21. Nana on April 5th, 2021 5:40 pm

    Just put him in with the prisoners they will show him some of his treatment and show him how this injuries come about ,and then give him treatment that he wished he was dead

  22. sam on April 5th, 2021 5:20 pm

    this pitiful excuse for a human should and will receive his punishment.

  23. J.Larry Seale on April 5th, 2021 5:19 pm

    some one needs to fracture his skull……..
    I be glad to do it………..NO COST

  24. JTV on April 5th, 2021 5:04 pm

    No reason for this trash to breathe oxygen anymore.