Are You A Student That Can Write The Worst Bad Poem? The Library Has A Contest For You.

April 16, 2021

West Florida Public Libraries is looking for poems that are bad, really bad. None of that lovely as a tree stuff.

The WFPL is holding a Bad Poetry Contest for middle and high school students through April 30 in honor of National Poetry Month.

Here’s what to do:
1. Write the worst poem you can! It must be original to you to be the “worst,” so don’t copy anyone else.
2. Submit your poem in-person at one of seven library branches or online using this form before April 30. If you submit at a library, be sure to include your name, your grade, and a usable phone number on your submission.
3. Only one submission per person.
4. One middle school winner and one high school winner will be selected. An honorable mention for both categories will also be selected.
5. This contest will be judged by library staff. Winners will be contacted on May 14 The best bad poem will be posted on WFPL’s social media.


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