Escambia (AL) Corrections Officer Charged After Allegedly Smuggling Spice, Meth Into Jail

April 20, 2021

A now former Escambia County (AL) correctional officer was arrested by local and federal authorities after allegedly smuggling drugs in the county jail.

Bethany Whiting, 36, was arrested by Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office investigators and the FBI for an ethics violation of using a position for personal gain. She is accused of smuggling both spice and methamphetamine into the Escambia County (AL) Detention Center in Brewton while she was employed as a correctional officer, according to Sheriff Heath Jackson.

Investigators said Whiting collected money from an inmate in exchange for bringing the narcotics into the detention center.

Whiting resigned her position during the investigation. She was released from jail on a $100,000 bond.

“We will continue to hold our employees accountable and prosecute anyone who decides to tarnish the badge that most of us so proudly wear,” Jackson said. “We refuse to let a few bad apples spoil the bunch and will continue to make an example out of anyone who breaches the public’s trust.”


15 Responses to “Escambia (AL) Corrections Officer Charged After Allegedly Smuggling Spice, Meth Into Jail”

  1. J.Larry Seale on April 21st, 2021 4:31 pm

    if the county would pay them
    a decent wage….Maybe these
    employees would not to stup so low

  2. William Lingo on April 21st, 2021 10:55 am

    There is a huge difference between someone struggling to make ends meet and living beyond one’s income!!!! As a CO, you are paid enough to be able to pay rent, buy groceries and pay your utilities and have enough to make a car payment. The problem with people like this woman is they want their cake and everyone else’s, she didn’t want to live within her means, so she decided to take chances and now must pay the price.

  3. Willis on April 20th, 2021 9:26 pm

    An INMATE has nothing but time and nothing to lose.
    Ok…. I guess she has nothing left to lose at this point.

  4. Tee bug on April 20th, 2021 7:50 pm

    Well the Tee Bug has to bite again on this one and basically all I can say is stupid is what stupid does

  5. Heather Milan on April 20th, 2021 2:36 pm

    @Casey Hawsey – she HAD to do shady stuff? She was not forced to smuggle drugs into the jail. She is also not a child, she knew the repercussions of her actions. If she was struggling to make ends meet like you assumed (even though you say you don’t know her) then she could have gotten a second job. It was absolutely not necessary to do something illegal to “make ends meet”.

  6. Otto on April 20th, 2021 11:38 am

    She resigned from the Escambia Co. AL jail and went to work at the Covington Co. AL. So much for the vetting process!

  7. JTV on April 20th, 2021 10:06 am

    @CaseyHawsey, you should go work at one of these fine establishments.

    I judge everyone who brings in drugs and contraband into prisons. I’ll judge even more the trash that works in prisons bringing in drugs and contraband. It’s dangerous enough to work in these institutions without thugs and thieves being able to run their games that put them into prison in the first place.

  8. Jules on April 20th, 2021 9:32 am

    Dirty officers put good officers at risk daily. So happy this one got caught. When we know they are but can’t catch them is so frustrating! I hope she saved some of that money. She gonna need it.

  9. Karma on April 20th, 2021 8:18 am

    Another one bites the dust, it’s getting ridiculous at how often employees are smuggling drugs into jails and prisons, not to mention the outsiders trying to get drugs over prison fences. They need to do a MANDATORY NO BOND on these charges and people would think twice about smuggling drugs in when they know they gotta stay in jail until after the trial. That’s only fair, this should not be tolerated, thanks to Heath Jackson for cleaning that jail up, because it had gotten corrupt for a while there.

  10. Rasheed Jackson on April 20th, 2021 8:17 am

    It amazes me at how many women are taken by the inmates. All the inmates have is time, time to watch a person and look for a weakness, and yes they are watching the females, telling them how pretty they are and complimenting them in order to gain their favor. While working at a facility I personally observed this. Even though these women had been warned and taught what to look for and how divert it, some fell for their game but not all of them. One night while working on a backup generator in a prison facility, I was being escorted by a young female CO. One of the inmates told her that her hair looked nice and that she smelled good. She immediately called for help and had him placed in lockup but not before giving him a good tongue lashing and letting him know his comments were a waste of time on her. She told him she was only interested in real men, men who make a living by doing honest work not a two thief.
    I do not know this woman or her personal situation, but I do know a woman with a bad home life or marriage is an easy target in a facility like a prison or even a county jail.

  11. Chris J Paul on April 20th, 2021 8:16 am

    Finally a bond I understand.

  12. Casey Hawsey on April 20th, 2021 8:15 am

    What sucks about this is… she had a full time job and still had to do shady stuff to make ends meet. Guess that was her privilege (I hope you can sense my sarcasm). No I am not making excuses for her, just pointing out the obvious! No I do not know her personally…..
    Don’t judge this lady until you have walked in her shoes!!!!

  13. Deborah Daugherty on April 20th, 2021 7:09 am

    How do the inmates get cold hard cash in their hands to buy drugs,,?

  14. VG on April 20th, 2021 6:55 am

    Some folks challenge their dignity, character & morals needlessly daily….

  15. Jr on April 20th, 2021 6:39 am

    Once again, the lure of easy money has cost another CO their job. I’m sorry but I hope they throw the book at her but we all know that a deal will be made and a wrist will get slapped. I know several who work at these institutions and I can’t blame them all for the stupidity of others…