Escambia Man Gets 30 Years For $20 Robbery With A Knife

April 29, 2021

An Escambia County man has been sentenced to 30 years in state prison in a robbery that netted him $20.

Gregory Wyman Padgett, 57, pleaded charges of robbery with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault on a person 65 or older by threat with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced by Judge Joel Boles.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to a business on University Parkway on the morning of March 29, 2020. They found a victim who reported he was confronted by a man with a knife demanding his keys and wallet or the man would stab him. To try to diffuse the situation, the victim gave Padgett $20 before he left the area.

Padgett was last seen walking westbound on Nine Mile Road away from the incident. Deputies found him a short time later near a restaurant. Padgett was in possession of a knife and positively identified by the victim.

Prosecutors said Padgett confessed. He has an extensive criminal history.


15 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 30 Years For $20 Robbery With A Knife”

  1. David Huie Green on May 5th, 2021 6:53 pm

    “Add 3 years to someone’s sentence for failing drug treatment in prison?”

    Rephrase it.
    Give the longer sentence then knock three years off for certain accomplishments. There is no real difference but it sounds better.

    (Not that anything here says or implies drug use.)

    As to those who make great distinction between drug pushing and the violent acts often committed by drug addicts, if one leads to the other, there is also no real difference. It’s a lot like murdering someone and paying someone else to do it with the slight difference being who gets paid.

    David for better people

  2. William L on May 2nd, 2021 10:08 pm

    It’s so easy for some of you to sit back and judge someone, casting your stones of words onto someone you know very little about, most people don’t understand the ones they live with much less read about.
    Prison isn’t the answer for every crime, especially drug crimes that send users to jail or label them felons for simply possessing drugs. The majority of these people had jobs and were doing their part before they were locked up for simply possessing a controlled substance. They lose their jobs, can’t support their families and for what, some for profit prison? They are being turned into criminals in most cases, it’s not the reefer madness most you seem to think

  3. Diane B on May 1st, 2021 6:07 pm

    This person was a relative living in our home. For personal reasons, he was asked to leave. Then he proceeded to come back and break into our home, steal valuables, and leave in one of our cars. He never got arrested for this crime but got arrested in the county where he wrecked our car and served 4 years…he was a felon and in possession of a gun and ammunition he stole from our house. He was not out very long before he did his current crime. Believe me people when I say he got what he deserved and probably what he wanted because he knows how to live in prison but can’t make it work out in the real world. Please don’t feel sorry for him … But you can definitely pray for him.

  4. Valerie E. on April 30th, 2021 2:03 pm

    I’m his blood niece this man got what he deserved. He’s been in an and out of prison my whole life for everything under the sun. He thinks he can have anything he wants and he thinks he can hurt people along the way to get it. He had robbed Convenient
    stores at gun point. He robbed his own sisters house while she was out of town he’s robbed my dad stole his car and gun and my step mom’s jewelry. He’s no good for society he belongs where he’s at.

  5. Brittany H. on April 30th, 2021 11:43 am

    Lone Cheif,
    What you fail to know is he has been in prison since he was in his 20’s and has done many felonies. He DOES NOT know how to live in the world outside of prison. He is part of my family and I am glad to see him going away for this long. He has threatened my family for way too many years and we never got the justice we deserved. FINALLY the system is giving that to us! Go to florida department of corrections and look him up, you will see his record then and understand why he deserves to be in there!

  6. No Excuses on April 30th, 2021 11:36 am

    @ Dave,

    The way the drug program works in the federal system is that if they complete it (over 500 hours), they get time off their sentence. It’s a decision made by the Warden, sentencing judge, and the treatment team as to the effort and commitment to change that the participant shows. If they wash out of the program, they don’t get any time off. Adding time would not be legal, in this particular case.

  7. Stupid on April 29th, 2021 9:15 pm

    Dave you really don’t know what your talking about and sound stupid. Add 3 years to someone’s sentence for failing drug treatment in prison? Your a joke.

  8. No Excuses on April 29th, 2021 11:04 am

    @ Bird,

    I agree. It sounded to me like he wanted to go back. Some people can’t make it on the outside and want to be where they know how things work. It’s sad, but I’ve seen repeat offenders come back to prison after being on the street for a short time. They told me that was why they were back.

  9. Bird on April 29th, 2021 9:09 am

    This man is a relative of ours. he has spent more time in prison than out. The system hasn’t worked for him. He doesn’t know how to live as a free man. Seems like he does things to be sent back. I guess he got what he wanted. Hopefully he will find Jesus one day.

  10. NobodyInParticular on April 29th, 2021 7:55 am

    Dave thinks possession is a violent crime. Dave, will you define the word “violence” for us please?

  11. Sebrina Salter on April 29th, 2021 7:02 am

    What it fails to tell you is that he has been in prison before, several times, and he was currently out on parole.

  12. Dave Simpkins on April 29th, 2021 6:55 am

    Lone chief:

    Have you even bothered to look at Florida’s sentencing guidelines? Drugs sale and possession is not “technically” a violent crime. With all the drive by shootings and murder that’s associated with drugs, I consider it a violent crime. Dealers shooting each other up, druggies killing each other while high and overdose death… that accounts for a lot of death. Drug crimes and sentencing should be MUCH firmer. One should Go to prison and get “clean” and get the drug treatment. Should not be released back out to the streets for that. If you fail drug treatment in prison, it should add an automatic 3 years to your time. I’ve gone 57 years in Escambia county without doing ONE illicit drug. No excuses.

    I’m on your side but please look at sentencing guidelines to gather a better perspective on how they sentence. Armed robbery is a lot worse than selling cocaine.

  13. ensley boy on April 29th, 2021 6:11 am

    Apparently this wasn”t his first run in with the law.

  14. Matchbox on April 29th, 2021 4:09 am

    He gets 30 years yet we can’t seem to get an eight time convicted herion dealer off the street..makes alot of sense

  15. Lone chief on April 29th, 2021 1:41 am

    I see no rhyme or reason of how folks are sentenced in FL. Sure he should have been sent away for a while. 30 years for a threat seems a bit excessive to me when we have a multitude of thugs around here who have DOZENS of felonies and STILL doing the same criminal actions. Actually harming…or worse. Sorry I just don’t get it.