Questions Raised About Residency Of ECUA District 5 Board Member Kevin Stephens

March 31, 2021

Questions have been raised about the residency of Emerald Coast Utilities Authority board member Kevin Stephens after recent comments he made at a Pensacola City Council meeting and a check of property records. But Stephens says he is, and remains, a longtime resident of Barth, a small community in the Molino area.

The political newcomer was elected to ECUA last year as the representative for District 5, an area essentially from Nine Mile Road north in Escambia County.

Last week, Stephens stepped to the microphone at Pensacola council meeting and made statements that some interpreted as indicating that he actually lives in the city.

“Good evening, my name is Kevin Stephens, 607 Crown Cove,” he said. He also identified himself as vice president of the homeowners association for the Crown Cove subdivision. Crown Cove is in Pensacola very near Veterans Memorial Park on Bayfront Parkway. The U.S. Navy veteran addressed the council in favor of the installation of bathrooms at the park.

“My 10-year old son and I jog down there frequently, three days a week when here ” Stephens told the council.

Speaking at the reopening of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Molino Precinct in February, Stephens referred to his neighbors in the area and driving by the precinct daily on his way home.

“From District 5 to my neighbors here in Molino and Barth, I can’t be more excited about having this substation opened up. I pass it to and from home each day and look at it,” he told a large crowd in Molino.

Public records show Stephens and his wife have claimed a homestead exemption on their Crown Cove property for the past two years. He said that a homestead exemption does not indicate residency.

“I have lived in Molino for over 16 years,” Stephens told late Tuesday afternoon. “I live in District 5 and represent the people of District 5.”

Tuesday, Escambia County Supervisor of Elections David Stafford agreed. He said that the residency requirement for the ECUA board is the same as defined by law for the Escambia County Commission.

“They must be a resident of the district on the day of election by statute,” Stafford said. Florida residency is defined as where a person spends most of their time and is not defined by homestead exemptions.

Stephens explained that he and his wife do spend time at their Crown Cove home in Pensacola, and that time increased right after Hurricane Sally which downed trees and caused significant damage their Barth Road home.

“We do still live in Molino. In fact we’ll be celebrating Easter their this weekend. Anyone that doubts we live there can stop by and hunt Easter eggs with us,” he said.

Pictured top: ECUA District 5 board member Kevin Stephens speaks about his neighbors during the reopening of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Molino Precinct. Picture below: Stephens, far right, looks on as the ribbon is cut on the precinct. photos, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Questions Raised About Residency Of ECUA District 5 Board Member Kevin Stephens”

  1. Dudley Herrington II on April 5th, 2021 7:14 am

    I think that someone is upset because the SWAMP just got CLEANED UP a BIT !!
    DISTRICT 5 is in Better HANDS !!!

  2. Jim on April 3rd, 2021 7:38 am

    Character counts. Deviations from the intent of the rules is misconduct. Either he is evading paying proper property tax rates or lying about his primary residency as required by election law rules. One of the two rules has been broken. Which one? He may be a good person at heart as some have attested, however this is no excuse for the situation he presents himself. You cannot in one breath say you will donate your monies for a cause then turn around and cheat your neighbors by paying less than you owe. This is elitism. Character counts.

  3. Jeff Ikner on April 1st, 2021 1:42 am

    Too funny, I lived in Cantonment over 10 years and would run into Kevin or Lina on a regular bases at the local grocery store, gas stations, post office and barbershop to name a few. Guess the boy just likes driving to the big city of Molino every day to do his shopping?

  4. cdpjr on March 31st, 2021 4:53 pm

    Stumpknocker you are absolutely correct. Your homestead exemption is for the house that is your “primary” residence only. Not one that you visit “once and again” There are “NO” exceptions to this.

  5. William Reynolds on March 31st, 2021 3:54 pm

    “Check the facts of this story. Mr. Stephens was at the City Council meeting to speak out AGAINST installing restrooms at the park.”

    Not true. Mr. Stephens spoke in favor of permanent restrooms, which he basically volunteered time and services of his various businesses to make happen. In addition, he said he would be willing to donate a portion of ECUA salary toward permanent restrooms.

  6. This guy on March 31st, 2021 3:44 pm

    Check the facts of this story. Mr. Stephens was at the City Council meeting to speak out AGAINST installing restrooms at the park.

  7. Stumpknocker on March 31st, 2021 3:09 pm

    When I filed for homestead I was asked and told very clearly by the lady in the tax office that this was only for where I laid my head and had to show all kinds of proof to her, so it maybe that he’s claiming it for wrong house .

  8. Stumpknocker on March 31st, 2021 3:07 pm

    He’s probably claiming homestead on the house in the city to save on taxes for the more expensive home.

  9. tg on March 31st, 2021 9:02 am

    Play By The Rules.

  10. Jimmy on March 31st, 2021 8:35 am

    I’ve personally done work for Kevin a few years back at his home in Barth building a shop and putting a metal roof on his house. Kevin is a great guy!

  11. Gloria Horning on March 31st, 2021 8:21 am

    Lois Benson lives on the beach but uses her downtown address for her voting residence.

  12. Rasheed Jackson on March 31st, 2021 8:02 am

    Sorry Pal but having an easter egg hunt does not prove residency. That has got to be the most asinine retort ever. Clearly he is not good at off script speaking.

    The fact that he said “In fact we’ll be celebrating Easter their this weekend”, signifies that this is not where you normally reside. If Barth is where he actually lives he would not have felt a need to qualify it by stating they will be celebrating there. this statement alone suggest there is another residence.

    I am not saying he has done anything wrong, Just saying he sounds defensive, and that is usually a sign of something amiss.

  13. M. Wolf on March 31st, 2021 7:49 am

    The Sheriff, Supervisor of Elections, Property Appraiser and County Commissioner for District 5 are all very familiar with Pensacola’s downtown crowd and political interests.

    Did they know that Kevin lives in urban Pensacola but represents people in rural District 5?

    They are sworn to execute the laws of the State of Florida? Will they demand that Kevin be investigated the way Mike Hill was back in 2014?

  14. OhYouKnow on March 31st, 2021 6:48 am

    Is he doing a good job? That is what matters. Try reporting on who is actually doing their job and doing their job well once in awhile. I could care less where he sleeps as long as when he is awake he is doing his job and doing it well.