Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson Won’t Seek Second Term

March 29, 2021

Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson said Monday morning that he will not seek a second term.

He made the announcement at a Monday morning press conference, citing the direction and divisiveness of government and elections. Robinson cited the controversy over the city’s mask mandate as one example. He said the overall tone is shifting toward political and individual agendas becoming more important than the good of the city.

Robinson is in his first term as Pensacola mayor. He previously served for 12 years as an Escambia County Commissioner.

The Pensacola mayor’s seat will appear on the 2022 ballot.


26 Responses to “Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson Won’t Seek Second Term”

  1. David Huie Green on April 3rd, 2021 10:19 pm

    “he seems to be a Globalist”

    Clearly a disqualifier!! He should learn the world is flat!!!
    (for those not understanding, that is sarcasm or maybe a bad joke, regardless, not serious)

    “We need educated children, not indoctrinated ones, who will grow up to govern as Godly Patriots and not Left Leaning Marxist wannabees or their dupes.”

    Marxism doesn’t work, so that is true.

    Still, to deny that there have been some flaws in our past would also require indoctrination. Realizing this does not make one a dupe. Denying our flaws as a requirement for loving our nation requires indoctrination and loving what it isn’t rather than what is.

    I am uncertain how this determines whether or not one would be a good mayor, though. Are the “ungodly Left Leaning Marxists” really that concerned with every city’s mayor?

    David for truth

  2. Jill on April 3rd, 2021 12:45 pm

    Well well well, we have a bright, shining opportunity to elect an upstanding mayor in 2022. I have been considering county commissioner meetings myself, but I hear so many negative remarks about the meetings. Maybe that means more of us civilians in the area need to actually show up and let our voices be heard? It’s time for us to show up and get to work, from the bottom and all the way to the top!

  3. Tony McCray on March 31st, 2021 11:51 pm

    Grover Robinson is on of the most impactful politicians in Pensacol and Escambia County. There are two sides and maybe three sides to every story.
    Grover’s story is one that deserves a closer detailed look. I know where we live and the political divisions are substantial but we must build consensus as a fair and equal access community. Grover, I hope you change your mind.

  4. Randy on March 30th, 2021 9:14 pm

    Goodbye Grover! I see where someone suggested David Morgan. He’s a control freak that ran off a lot of good people at the sheriffs department.

  5. Karl Schlotfeldt on March 30th, 2021 3:07 pm

    Good riddance! Some of the best news I have seen today, He’s an appeaser nothing more, he did nothing to better Escambia County or the City of Pensacola.

  6. Melinda on March 30th, 2021 2:13 pm

    The City Council needs to go too !!

  7. EMD on March 30th, 2021 1:08 pm

    I do not know this man personally. But, he seems to be a Globalist, or one of the MANY they are using to do their will. I hope we elect some true patriots and those who understand that one cannot change things by erasing history. We need educated children, not indoctrinated ones, who will grow up to govern as Godly Patriots and not Left Leaning Marxist wannabees or their dupes.

  8. Tony R. McCray, Jr. on March 30th, 2021 11:34 am

    How about a different point of view: Grover Robinson brought a sense of purpose to the Office of Mayor. The comments of far left socialism in Pensacola, Escambia County, and Northwest Florida is far fetched. Also, there is NO HANDWRITING ON THE WALL Y’ALL yet because its toooooo early! We must find a way to bridge the gaps of politics and build consensus for a Pensacola that creates a quality of life for us all!!!

  9. Molino Mom on March 30th, 2021 9:42 am

    Grover is used to having his opinion count. In this case (city), it doesn’t.
    He will probably run for county again.

  10. Dudley Herrington II on March 30th, 2021 9:42 am

    THIS is the BEST NEWS I have Heard !!!!

  11. Good grief on March 30th, 2021 12:16 am

    He knows he has no chance of winning. Good riddance!

  12. M. Wolf on March 30th, 2021 12:10 am

    Let this be the start of something good. Vote them all out.

    Mayor Robinson is a symptom of what sickens local politics. He is a career politician who does what the downtown crowd tells him to do. Like all local political types, he is also expendable. Those who put Mayor Robinson in office are already looking for a replacement.

    Under Mayor Robinson, Pensacola’s history was erased and its character injured. Pensacola is becoming a city where the wealthy (mostly white liberals) live well and the poor (mostly minorities) struggle all in the name of progress. Pensacola is more expensive, more divided and more difficult to live in than it was 10 years ago.

    Based on current performance, not a single person serving in Pensacola city government, the Escambia County Commission or Florida House (Districts 1 and 2) deserves re-election. Our vote and trust are too valuable to waste on them.

    Today, the Mayor made the smartest choice of his career. I wish him well in the future. He paid a price to serve. He and his family deserve our thanks.

    In 2022 and 2024, let’s get rid of the incompetent and self-serving political class in this county, state and country.

  13. William L on March 29th, 2021 9:23 pm

    Good, He wasted taxpayers money and doesn’t deserve to have his name on anything in this county. The Boatramp bearing his name should have been named in honor of a local hero, not a self serving good ol’boy.

  14. Olin Schultz on March 29th, 2021 5:24 pm

    Charlie Robinson;
    Take it from one of his former employees, he is worthless and would ruin Pensacola’s good name. He is more worried about the part in his hair than the City’s good!

  15. SouthFlomaton4Ever on March 29th, 2021 4:31 pm

    In my opinion he tried to walk the political tightrope between the “woke” crowd and those concerned with protecting their heritage and in the end, trying to do such earned him no accolades from either side. Not to mention other shortcomings in Pensacola. Stand for something or you’ll fall for anything. Good, Grover, Gone!

  16. Gman on March 29th, 2021 3:52 pm

    Proof that there is a God

  17. mnon on March 29th, 2021 3:30 pm

    In today’s political climate I’d get out too if I were a politician, cop or teacher. Not worth dealing with these new “Woke” type and far left socialism supporters.

  18. Cut & Run on March 29th, 2021 3:11 pm

    I wouldn’t either…. cut and run while you still have your dignity

  19. C. Johnston on March 29th, 2021 2:52 pm

    Worthless as a County Commissioner and even more worthless as a Mayor. You really screwed things up now, good-bye!

  20. Charlie Robinson on March 29th, 2021 2:25 pm

    He didn’t have a chance, heard rumors that Morgan was going to run for it
    at least he has a spine.

  21. Tough dirt on March 29th, 2021 1:52 pm

    I guess, if you can’t hang with the big boys… run forest run.

  22. tg on March 29th, 2021 1:16 pm

    He also saw the handwriting on the wall.

  23. Anne on March 29th, 2021 1:12 pm

    Writing on the Wall, old Grover read the Writing on the Wall.
    Grover, your time in politics is over and you need to focus on other things.
    Best wishes to you, you made a good decision for all of us.

  24. perdido j on March 29th, 2021 12:50 pm


  25. Susan Tucker on March 29th, 2021 12:43 pm

    We’re sorry to hear that sir I’m sure the salary is not worth the suffering you have to go through God bless you

  26. Chris on March 29th, 2021 12:16 pm
