Molino Man Charged With Drug Trafficking, Weapons Offense After Hotel Search Warrant

March 28, 2021

A Molino man is facing multiple drug and weapons charges, including drug trafficking, after a search warrant was executed at a Pensacola hotel, and a Pensacola woman is also facing charges.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office served the search warrant at the Suburban Extended Stay Hotel in the 3900 block of Barrancas Avenue. Two people, Damion Tobias Bryant of Molino 32-year old Kiersten Marie Heusohn of Pensacola, were inside the room at the time, an arrest report states.

According to investigators, Bryant possessed approximately 267.8 grams of methamphetamine, 37.37 grams of a heroin and fentanyl mixture, 12.1 grams of synthetic marijuana, 22 grams of marijuana, 265 whole and 37 partial Alprazolam pills and two oxycodone pills.

In addition, deputies reported finding $1,475 in cash in the room and a .45 caliber pistol in a pool.

Bryant was charged with trafficking in methamphetamine, trafficking in heroin, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, destruction of evidence, and two counts of possession of a controlled substance. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $240,000 bond.

Heusohn was charged with conspiracy to traffic methamphetamine, conspiracy to traffic heroin and destruction of evidence. She was released from jail on a $102,500 bond.

Bryant has eight prior felony convictions, according to his arrest report.


44 Responses to “Molino Man Charged With Drug Trafficking, Weapons Offense After Hotel Search Warrant”

  1. Michelle on April 3rd, 2021 4:43 pm

    I agree with unknown and I’m not scared to put my name out here hes a good person with one huge heart! Hes just doing what he knows! Hes actually the reason I’m clean today instead of turning me out like he could have! he told me to get the act together it’s so easy to judge sittin behind a computer screen never knowing what someone’s been through or going through..

  2. Me on April 2nd, 2021 5:20 pm

    Bondsman very rarely get the whole 10% premium in cases of large bonds such as these. They will usually take less than half and be put on a payment plan with mandatory check ins every week similar to pre trial release. Most times they are re arrested on new charges and the state will revoke the original bond anyway. Also collateral is required to cover the cost of the entire bond in case the defendant jumps bond and or fails to appear in court. Most times it is property or a house that is the only asset large enough to cover such a surety bond. Guaranteed someone put up their deed. Any bondsman not doing that is a fool and guaranteed not to be a bondsman for long!

  3. MR REALITY on March 31st, 2021 1:02 am

    WOW the opiod war is working…He had TWO oain killers in all that stuff….This guy wont get in much trouble…just reality.

  4. Barry on March 30th, 2021 2:43 pm

    Unknown, I think you may be right he looks innocent to me, couldn’t of had anything to do with those drugs. Must have just showed up at the wrong place at the wrong time. Give me a break.

  5. secretfoxx on March 30th, 2021 2:05 pm

    Everyone IS innocent until PROVEN guilty. Instead of being negative and assuming these two are guilty, pray for their families that are dealing with the situation. The “drug addicts” that are supposedly suffering from dealers..haha They are addicts, you can’t force someone to get sober. Getting sober and rehabilitated to be a “contributing member of society” is a choice. There will always be addicts and there will always be pharmaceuticals, whether legal or not to numb the pain of addiction.

  6. Lost on March 29th, 2021 8:43 pm

    Can somebody say FAILURE TO APPEAR? Bet your hiney they won’t show up for court.

  7. Elise on March 29th, 2021 8:21 pm

    Ppl like him help people kill themselves with drugs. Idc how you put it. A drug dealer is almost as bad as an actual murderer. I get it doing drugs is a choice. I am a recovering heroin addict. But selling drugs and helping ppl kill themselves is a choice too! Get him in prison!

  8. Supply & Demand on March 29th, 2021 8:42 am

    Better living through modern pharmacology

  9. TDG on March 29th, 2021 8:16 am

    -Unknown “what you do for work doesn’t determine who you are”.
    Not necessarily, but when you choose to become a career felon living off of selling poison to people who commit crimes to be able to afford their habit, it kind of says a little bit about who you are.

    -Unknown “someone can molest kids but when someone sells drugs they are a monster.” No one here is defending child molesters, and only one is defending a drug dealer. Look, the dude may be your buddy, and treats you well, and that’s great. On the whole he’s destroying our society because of his selfish greed, with no regard for the misery he contributes to.

  10. tommy on March 29th, 2021 7:22 am

    The Police needs to go after whoever paid $34,250.00 to bail these 2 out of jail. It would have taken over 24 stimulus checks to get them out.

  11. Bewildered on March 29th, 2021 7:20 am

    Has our bond system been overhauled ? You used to have to pay 10 % of the bond in cash. None of these thugs hold a job , I know there is big money in illegal drugs, but how do they come up with $24,000 or more to bond out ?

  12. A Alex on March 29th, 2021 3:50 am

    Good question.
    Likely no unknown truthful answer here

  13. Hmmm on March 29th, 2021 1:03 am

    @Unknown… did you happen to have some of his drugs in your car when he hustled to bring you gas?

  14. loveless on March 28th, 2021 10:09 pm

    put they butts under the jail.

  15. Chris on March 28th, 2021 8:38 pm

    I see how most people feel here. I also see the point of @Unknown. Clear proof the government was involved in the drug game in the 80’s. Probably much much worse that can only be speculated on.
    Besides, what’s taking him off the street do ? NOTHING. As long as there is demand, you’ll never stop the supply. Is it bad. Yes. Can it hurt people ? Yes. However, their choice. I believe in liberty and that a person should be able to consume whatever they want to. Government is at least ten times bigger than what it was designed for. Thank a Democrat.
    One more thing. I read a report in the 90’s about alcohol and drug use amoung teenagers and young adults. In European countries where drug use is either legal or tolerated, use in the stated age group was two to three times less what it is here in the US. Why do you think that is ? Just some ideas and statements to get you thinking.

  16. sam on March 28th, 2021 7:14 pm

    8 felony convictions and he’s walking the streets. thanks justice system.

  17. TDG on March 28th, 2021 7:03 pm

    Unknown said “could be your kid”. Exactly, it could. What if your kid was buying his wares? What if your kid prostituted him or herself to be able to get the drugs? What would you say then? Still a good guy?

  18. paul on March 28th, 2021 6:08 pm

    The facts reported by – Bryant possessed approximately 267.8 grams of methamphetamine, 37.37 grams of a heroin and fentanyl mixture, 12.1 grams of synthetic marijuana, 22 grams of marijuana, 265 whole and 37 partial Alprazolam pills and two oxycodone pills.

    Then someone makes this comment -” He was set up!”

    “He never tried to hurt any one or screw any one over.”
    Yea , Meth, Heroin and Fentanyl on the street never hurts or screws anyone over

    Maybe “unknown” can be a character witness at his trial…

  19. Unknown on March 28th, 2021 5:33 pm

    Y’all people are negative and miserable you have nothing better to do than sit on the computer and be a freaking keyboard crap talker… could could be your kid… people can turn their lives around… misery loves company stop speaking bad upon others do do not know their situation!!!
    Innocent until proven guilty that was not even his hotel room!!! They set him up!!

  20. paul on March 28th, 2021 5:32 pm

    When he has his day in court, those commenters can vouch for “the good things he does” no rationalization for the way he generates his income by dealing in highly dangerous and addictive drugs. A real good guy huh?

    If he wanted to be a real good guy – He would stop selling poison, turn his life around / do the right thing for his loved ones.- the people he has addicted are going to suffer and the aftermath has such a ripple effect That family he cares so much about are going to suffer because of his choices.

  21. Unknown on March 28th, 2021 5:31 pm

    He is going to do right. You do not know the struggles he deals with on a day to day bases. A few people pitched in to help him bonded out. So he must not be that bad of. A guy if people were willing to spend thousands on getting him out!! He isn’t your normal dealer. He takes care of his kids as his family. He never tried to hurt any one or screw any one over.

  22. A Alex on March 28th, 2021 4:04 pm

    Drugs kills the young and you thinking its ok because its his job. Good guys with felony records dont have guns. He deserves 25 years and no parole. Had enough court freedom

  23. Howie on March 28th, 2021 3:54 pm

    “He has a big heart and is always helping any one he can. Not every one has been dealt the same deck of cards. He is doing the best with what he has. He is a great father, one of the best I know. He goes above and beyond and takes amazing care of his kids. He takes care of practically his whole family financially. Some one can go rape and molest kids but when some one sells drugs to provide for their family there a monster!” by Unknown

    Yes he is a Monster! He can do anything he wants with the salary he gets from drug trafficking. Daily drug salary = the money that bailed him and his sidekick out of jail.

    I’m hoping the court system sends them away for many many years. Disgusting pieces of trash.

  24. terri sanders on March 28th, 2021 3:09 pm

    Bob C..come on man..Where do you think they got the money?? Drug dealers are not poor….there are probably dealers supplying them with drugs to sell so it is vital to have their dealers back on the street as soon as possible…as to what a fine father he is and how he takes care of his extended family so well..I say get a legal job…stop pulling people into a deeper bondage by supplying their drugs of choice…What a great role model he is to his family..breaking the law at every wonder America is so sick..

  25. j anes on March 28th, 2021 2:55 pm

    to “UNKNOWN” guess he should have picked a different line of work. Just because he sells drugs to make sure his kids have a good life doesn’t mean crap. He is putting more drugs on the street, that hurt other people. If he’s such a good guy why did he need the gun? To protect his inventory? And if he’s such a great guy why not work from home? Why hotel room? Maybe his good guy routine is just to throw everybody off from what he really is, a habitual felon deals drugs. And if he supports his whole family, where did someone come up with The 10 percent Bond to get him out of jail, oh and his girlfriend out of jail? I guess the whole Community thinks he’s such a great guy came together and bailed him out. Very doubtful but I hope this time the judge put some away for a long time. And then you we’ll have to find a new source for gas money

  26. Reminiscing on March 28th, 2021 2:43 pm

    Went to Tate High School many years ago with Damion… He was a pretty solid guy back then.. Unfortunate the life choices some make along the way…

  27. Joke? on March 28th, 2021 2:14 pm

    @unknown…. that’s a joke right? You have to be joking? Comparing a drug dealer to an honest working man… what is this world coming to…

  28. Wow some more on March 28th, 2021 1:50 pm

    @unknown, and YOU are part of the problem. Making excuses for a poison peddler only serves to make the problem worse. He gives money that made illegally to people…’s not like he’s frikken Robin Hood or something! No hero at all. I don’t care WHERE he comes from, his heart is NOT good, his intentions are ALL misguided and he’s nothing short of a murderer of people. I knew it would be a short time before somebody would come out making excuses for this trash. I bet ol’ girls folks are proud of her too!

  29. JTV on March 28th, 2021 1:40 pm

    @Unknown, so quick to point out other criminal activity but supports your thug criminal buddy. I hope you spend a lot of time visiting this trash in prison.

  30. Stumpknocker on March 28th, 2021 11:37 am

    8 felony convictions and still walking the streets, it’s called justice reform from the bench!!!!! And only 32 years old.

  31. Chris on March 28th, 2021 11:24 am

    Yup. Those gun laws sure do work good.

  32. Unknown on March 28th, 2021 11:24 am

    There is two sides to every story! I know this man personally. He is one of the most caring, considerate, and thoughtful people I know. When ever you need something he is always there. I am not referring to drugs… I am referring to when my car ran out of gas, I needed money to make ends meet or I needed a place to stay. He has a big heart and is always helping any one he can. Not every one has been dealt the same deck of cards. He is doing the best with what he has. He is a great father, one of the best I know. He goes above and beyond and takes amazing care of his kids. He takes care of practically his whole family financially. Some one can go rape and molest kids but when some one sells drugs to provide for their family there a monster! What you do for work doesn’t determine who you are!!! The government allows drugs in to this country. The CIA sold crack to improvised areas. I know police officers that use drugs and most of them cheat on their wives with sex workers. If some uses drugs they will stop at nothing to get their fix….he isn’t a bad person because he sells drugs…he works harder and more hours than probably 99 % percent of you people!!!!

  33. rational on March 28th, 2021 9:50 am

    If he had 8 prior felony convictions, why was bond set? No bond, no drug dealer out on the streets. Very simple!

  34. tc on March 28th, 2021 9:16 am

    Bailed out with drug money…

  35. paul on March 28th, 2021 9:00 am

    Poison peddlers, they kill people, they are the source of so much misery and pain on society, and they are back on the street – Anyone think the bond money came from a legitimate source? Might as well add money laundering to the list of charges. Just happened to have the cash to bond out.

    So turn them loose only to get back to their day jobs , the business of poisoning people with heroin ,fentanyl., and meth is just a side thing to make some extra cash in these tough economic times. It’s sickening that they are both not already in prison for a very long time. Just imagine the frustration of LEO’s in this revolving door of no justice..

  36. Wow on March 28th, 2021 8:15 am

    How do people who have no real job or “legal” source of income bond out like this? Yeah, we know. Bond is a joke to this kind of trash. Out there selling poison, the cops do their jobs catching them but the garbage is back on the street before the paperwork is finished. Hope karma catches them soon.

  37. tg on March 28th, 2021 7:31 am

    Revolving Door will never solve the problem.

  38. Denbroc on March 28th, 2021 7:20 am

    8 prior felonies. I detect a pattern.

  39. bob c on March 28th, 2021 7:12 am

    Good Grief…Where’d these two come up with the BOND Money?
    From the article:
    He (Bryant) was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $240,000 bond.
    She (Heushon) was released from jail on a $102,500 bond.

    $342,500.00 Bond? had to pay what, 10% of that? $34,250 to bondsman?
    How did they scrape that together with even their $1,475 stash being confiscated by LEO?
    Crazy is our system.

  40. PensacolaEd on March 28th, 2021 6:41 am

    8 Felony CONVICTIONS, and how many other felony arrests where it was pleaded down to a misdemeanor? So maybe a dozen or more serious arrests and not one Judge thought maybe this guys needs to be off our streets? And now, he’s out on the street again?

    Next time you vote, let’s all check “NO” for keeping all these Judges that keep turning these career criminals loose into society over and over.

  41. Mickey Powell on March 28th, 2021 6:25 am

    $240,000 bond???

  42. JTV on March 28th, 2021 6:05 am

    Take out the trash

  43. R. W on March 28th, 2021 5:58 am


  44. Jr on March 28th, 2021 4:48 am

    Great job ESCO for getting those drugs off the street. I don’t understand how some of these people even get a bond. Especially a CONVICTED FELON in possession of a firearm. One would think that this individual is t going to abide by the law or conditions of a previous conviction. It also states he had 8 prior FELONY convictions. This is a person that’s not going to do right. I know that people are going to say “rehabilitation” works but it failed in this situation. Now, both are out on bond and good luck seeing them again. I doubt they both were able to put up the entire amount of the bond so 10% gave someone a nice payday….SMH at bonds for people charged with such crimes…