Missing Kids Found Near Munson, Manhunt Underway For Their Biological Mother

March 3, 2021

Two young boys kidnapped Tuesday in Louisiana were found safe Wednesday afternoon near Munson in Santa Rosa County, but their mother remained on the run.

Kaesyn Heck, age 8, and Jax Matthews, age 4, were kidnapped by their biological mother Shawntel Heck Tuesday afternoon from their father’s home in Ponchatoula, Louisiana, according to Louisiana authorities. The children were in a 2013 Hyundai Elantra stolen from the father’s residence.

Deputies received information about a possible destination for Heck in Santa Rosa County. The two children were recovered about 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at an address off Byron Cooley Road, about three miles southwest of the Munson fire station.

The suspect fled from the area and a K-9 search began, according to Sgt. Rich Aloy of the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office. As of about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, deputies were still searching for the suspect.

Shawntel Heck is a former resident of the Milton area, according to Santa Rosa County Jail records.


6 Responses to “Missing Kids Found Near Munson, Manhunt Underway For Their Biological Mother”

  1. Been there.Still there. on March 5th, 2021 1:54 am

    **2 sides,
    OMG you just described my life to a “T”..When I read this story I immediately felt bad for the mom and the kids..i could be wrong, but I saw myself in her shoes , with everyone against her , just wanting to get her babies away from hell any way possible.The phrase ” ID do ANYTHING for my children ” is usually looked at as a “sweet “or” wonderful” saying..except when your backed into a corner and see no other way to escape and have had enough.You may end up in the paper being chased AND STILL WORRYING ABOUT NOT JUST YOUR BABIES, BUT YOURSELF.All over “Doing anything for your kids.” **(This may or may not be the case in THIS story, but sadly , horrifically it IS in many many others.It happens to the moms..but it also happens to the dads too. They are not excluded in these horrible stories. Of physical, emotional, and verbal Abusiveness by NARCISSISTS from hell.)Im praying for everyone .Because even the bad side needs help.

  2. Beeildered on March 4th, 2021 6:00 pm

    Very confusing circumstances. Since the older kid has her maiden name, not sure how the boyfriend and probably the father of the younger one can have custodial rights to both.

  3. ELW on March 4th, 2021 5:49 pm

    There are always two sides to every story. One of them is always wrong. But which one. That’s to be seen.

  4. 2 sides to every story on March 4th, 2021 1:53 pm

    Before we get so quick to condim the mom, stop and think about the other side of the story. In a few cases, they may actually be doing right by taking kids away from mom for various reasons. But I have seen cases where they could not have been more wrong! The dad and his family could be well off financially and dad be a control freak and emotional abuser. Maybe she wanted out of relationship bc of that, if no other reason. Maybe he moved her that far away from home( santa rosa county) Had those babies and she wants to leave and move back home. He knew that he had to come up with legal paper trail to remain in control in that sense. A mental and emotional abuser will not think twice about putting the law on u for anything. Nothing.! I’ve seen a man make it up, attempt to pick a fight. To avoid the fight the girl tried to leave… Walking bc he controlled use of vehicles too. ( It is suppose to be hers but put in his name so he has that legal control as well)So lady leaves WALKING and he calls 911 telling them he was attacked by his girlfriend. Child may be in danger.. PAPER TRAIL.. A few days later, everything is fine. Baby please come home. I’m sorry. I love you. And a yr down the road, she goes to jail for that BS Warrent from when she left tryn to avoid his wrath.. More paper trail. I do not put it past any sorry a$s punk daddy to stoop that low.. I’ve seen it happen. Happened to me.! Fortunately, with a heads up from mutual aquaintance as to what was going on, my family stepped up, hired me a good lawyer, and the plan backfired.. But she may not have the support that I did.. And may be the victim here. Not the dad. And the kids may be traumatized too. They hanging with mom, gone to see family, next thing they know is all $@&! has broke lose and mom had to hit the woods.. Very sad.. I hope it all gets worked out, for the sake of them babies , who more than likely, love their mom very much!

  5. Bigblock345 on March 4th, 2021 12:59 pm

    Glad they were found safe. Mom needs a long lockup.

  6. TJ on March 3rd, 2021 7:52 pm

    Here’s a case where the judge was right when he placed these boys with the Father rather than their Mother, and she just proved it.