Florida Gas Prices Average Highest Since July 2019, AAA Says

March 1, 2021

February was the most expensive month at the pump in Florida since July 2019, according to AAA. Throughout the month, gas prices increased an average total of 24 cents per gallon.

Florida drivers are now paying an average price of $2.61 per gallon.

In Escambia County, the average price per gallon was $2.65. The lowest North Escambia price to be found Sunday night was $2.55 at stations on Highway 29 and on Muscogee Road. A low of $2.54 could be found at several Pensacola area stations.

“Last month’s jump at the pump was largely driven by refinery issues — caused by arctic weather in Texas,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA — The Auto Club Group. “Other factors were tightening global fuel supplies and continued optimism that the COVID-19 vaccine and stimulus money would help boost fuel demand. Drivers should expect continued volatility at the pump in the coming months as refineries enter maintenance season and prepare to switch to summer gasoline.”

NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Florida Gas Prices Average Highest Since July 2019, AAA Says”

  1. Lee on March 1st, 2021 5:49 pm

    Gas prices are a supply demand issue. So, low prices when the virus had businesses closed and people weren’t traveling. Now that we have people getting out more, returning to work, etc., prices rise with demand. As far as the windmills in Texas, law makers were aware they were not prepared, but failed to act. Biden had nothing to do with that failure.

  2. Not a fan on March 1st, 2021 1:40 pm

    @google is free…. Thanks for reminding me of something I missed.. OBidens WINDMILL ENERGY.. How did that work out for Texas? When they are frozen solid, it is unlikely it will be a dependable source of energy!! Why not blame OBIDEN? Put the blame where it belongs. Right in his lap! Or on his desk… I hope it bounces back and bites him.. right between the eyes.. It is ok to admit that u made a mistake by supporting Biden.. I know it is shameful. But maybe u will learn from The mistake!!

  3. David Huie Green on March 1st, 2021 1:14 pm

    “prices on everything have gone up since the election. thanks dems”

    When prices went much higher than this in the previous four years, the claim written here was that the then-current administration had improved the economy so greatly that prices were going up.

    Outlook seems to depend on whether your guy is in or out of power.

    David for clear vision

  4. Google is free on March 1st, 2021 11:10 am

    Stop blaming Biden for this. Whether you like him or not, it’s a myth that presidents or their policies can have a big impact on Gas prices within the first few months, and it has only barely been over 40 days since Biden took office. The keystone ordeal did cause a temporary increase due to gas/oil companies using their price raising scare tactics, and then the refineries closed due to Winter storms in Texas. This is only Temporary, Gas will go back down. Also, I wonder why we never hear Republicans condemn their leaders when they mess up or when gas prices go up while they are in office? A lot of people who voted for Biden are condemning him for bombing Syria and the stimulus checks.

    I hope everyone makes the effort to do a little more research from now on to better understand how these things work.

  5. Waiting for 2024 on March 1st, 2021 8:40 am

    You aint seen nothing yet…. Give this regime a few more months

  6. DM on March 1st, 2021 8:10 am

    Thanks Joe!

  7. sam on March 1st, 2021 7:20 am

    prices on everything have gone up since the election. thanks dems.