Florida Gas Prices Are The Highest Since June 2018, AAA Says

March 15, 2021

Florida gas prices surged again early last week, jumping another 15 cents per gallon, according to AAA.

The state average is now $2.87 per gallon – the highest daily average price since June 2018. Florida’s average price has increased 67 cents per gallon since starting the year at $2.20. The main reason for that increase has been the price of crude oil, which increased nearly 40% since January 1, AAA said.

The average price per gallon in Escambia County was $2.80, the lowest metro average in the state. A low of $2.67 could be found in North Escambia Sunday night at a couple of stations in Cantonment.

“Global and domestic supply and demand continues to be the story behind rising prices at the pump,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “Although gas prices normally increase in the spring, the price hike is especially pronounced this year, as global crude supplies tighten and domestic refinery issues lead to reduced gasoline supplies. Unfortunately, the pain at the pump may get a little worse before it gets better. Gasoline futures and wholesale prices rose another 10 cents late last week. The increase is said to be based on optimism that gasoline demand will continue to grow. It’s possible that increase could cause gas prices to rise again this week, dragging the state average even closer to $3 a gallon.”


8 Responses to “Florida Gas Prices Are The Highest Since June 2018, AAA Says”

  1. Henry Coe on March 16th, 2021 6:35 pm

    Prices are not going up because “X” was elected, they are going up because US and global oil demand is rising and because OPEC and other oil producers cut oil production last year. Now, as countries are seeing COVID improvements, demand is rising faster than supply is rising. OPEC has not yet agreed to pump more oil, so oil prices are up and that’s pushing gas prices higher. This is exactly why gas prices last spring went down (lower demand as COVID hit) then rebounded from $1.74 per gallon nationally in May to $2.12 per gallon during the summer. Biden’s policy and decision to cancel Keystone XL is something that may affect prices years from now, but not now since existing pipelines aren’t even filled due to still lower demand vs pre-pandemic, and oil companies, which lost over $50 billion in 2020, aren’t looking to even drill- not on federal land or on private land at this time- if they raise production it would be from existing wells.

  2. cdpjr on March 16th, 2021 6:42 am

    I sure don’t want to hear one democrat complain about how much gas is.!!!!!!!

  3. Kathleen Woodward on March 15th, 2021 10:19 am

    Shutting down pipeline didnt help

  4. ensley boy on March 15th, 2021 10:03 am

    Gas one year ago $2.12 today $2.80.What changed,oh yeah Joe Biden and the shut down of America oil independence.

  5. Michelle on March 15th, 2021 7:58 am

    Thanks to all of the people that voted Joe Biden into office ! I knew this would happen. Good job Mr Biden. Ha !

  6. Jimmy Brantley on March 15th, 2021 7:24 am

    Wondering what the price would be if we still had President Trump?

  7. jacob on March 15th, 2021 2:37 am

    thanks a lot biden and thanks a lot to the idiots that voted for this moron.

  8. bill l on March 15th, 2021 1:12 am

    This jump in price is no surprise. The ballot stuffing administration is doing everything they can to get it to $4-5 by years end.