Florida Dept. Of Corrections Relaxes Some COVID-19 Visitation Restrictions

March 14, 2021

The Florida Department of Corrections has relaxed some of their COVID-19 visitation restrictions.

Here are the changes announced Tuesday by the FDC:

  • FDC will be allowing visitation on both Saturday and Sunday. Visitors can apply for 1 or 2 days. Approval is subject to availability.
  • Vending machines will be open. No food sharing is allowed and only one visitor at a time at the vending machine. Canteens will remain closed.
  • The outside visitation area will be open. No changes to the number of visitors allowed per session and all current social distancing and safety measures will remain in place in both interior and exterior visitation park.
  • No limit on the number or age of children
  • Biological and/or legal children of the inmate only s
    • Parent, legal guardian, or authorized non-parental adult of the visiting children must be in attendance (counted in the allowable 3 adults that can visit)
    • Children 6 years of age and older will be required to wear masks
    • Visitors and/or children who become unmanageable, disrupting the overall visitation operations will result in termination of their visit
  • Brief embrace at beginning and end of visit (with masks in place)
  • Social distancing will be maintained
  • Social distancing will require visitors to remain seated at their designated table unless utilizing the restroom
  • Physical barriers will remain in place on tables
  • Play areas and toys will remain unavailable
  • Canteen remains closed
  • Sanitation protocols will continue between each visitation session


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