FDOT To Conduct Safety Study For Highway 29 In Century After Pedestrian Crashes

March 10, 2021

Just days after pedestrian was struck and killed trying to cross North Century Boulevard (Highway 29), the Florida Department of Transportation says they will conduct a safety study in Century.

“FDOT is currently organizing a pedestrian traffic study for that area as part of the department’s efforts to improve pedestrian safety,” said Ian Satter, public information director for the Florida Department of Transportation District 3.

FDOT said there have been four previous pedestrian crashes on the roadway, including a fatality, south of East Highway 4. About 11,000 vehicles pass through Century each day.

“The Department will begin a Safety Study of the US 29 corridor which will review current roadway features and determine the most appropriate countermeasures which may include, but not limited to, street lighting, crosswalks and pedestrian refuge islands. The study and countermeasures will be funded through the Department’s Highway Safety Improvement Program,” Satter said in an email.

“We want to take care of the safety of our citizens,” Century Mayor Ben Boutwell said Tuesday night. “Any type of visual effect that will help them get across the street safely, I love that idea. I love the idea of flashing lights.”

There’s only one marked pedestrian crossing along the three miles of North Century Boulevard in the entire town of Century. It’s at the intersection of North Century Boulevard and East Highway 4, just over a mile north of the spot where a 71-year old man died while trying to cross near Pond Street last Friday.

In May 2019, a 26-year old woman was struck on North Century Boulevard, just south of the Century Branch Library. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, she was standing on the sidewalk and improperly crossed in front of the vehicle. The pedestrian was airlifted to Sacred Heart Hospital as a trauma alert by LifeFlight helicopter. She also received a ticket from FHP for failing to yield to the oncoming vehicle because she was not in a crosswalk.

In 2019, the former mayor told the media he had previously asked the state to conduct a safety study, but the study was never done.

“After reviewing the traffic crash information from the incident on May 6, 2019, a study was not conducted at that time,” Satter confirmed Tuesday.

In April 2017, a pedestrian was struck by a car at the entrance to the Century Town Hall and the Century Branch Library. The driver told FHP that the man suddenly appeared in front of her vehicle; she was unsure if he was crossing or standing in the roadway. His family approached the Century Town Council asking for a pedestrian crosswalk in the area of the town hall and adjacent library for safety reasons. Mayor Henry Hawkins said at that time that he would approach the FDOT to explore a pedestrian crossing.

Boutwell acknowledged that speed is also a major danger to pedestrians and others along North Century Boulevard.

“We need to put out some speed limit signs that show what the speeds are going on with caution lights to say hey, you need to slow down. We have too many people speeding in this community…They need to slow down.”

“Safety for our citizens is what it boils down to,” Boutwell added.

Pictured top: A pedestrian died last Friday, March 5 after being hit by this vehicle on North Century Boulevard north of Pond Street in Century. Pictured inset: A pedestrian was critically injured and ticketed by the FHP after being hit by a vehicle in May 2019. Pictured bottom: A pedestrian was struck by this vehicle in April 2017. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “FDOT To Conduct Safety Study For Highway 29 In Century After Pedestrian Crashes”

  1. Kimberly Peeples on March 20th, 2021 6:32 pm


  2. Neutral on March 13th, 2021 5:51 pm

    Instead of trying to make a bad situation worse by voicing unwanted opinions why doesn’t the people in this town just pray for everyone involved & leave it the hands of the FHP and God. Now that sounds like a smart idea doesn’t it.

  3. Lewis T on March 11th, 2021 3:31 pm

    First, not having looked at a map why not on this side of century have a four-lane bypass around sensory that hooks up with Highway 113. It’s good have four lanes and restrict building on both sides of it and have a 45 mile per hour or more speed limit. The city of Crestview did that many years ago.

  4. respectfully on March 10th, 2021 10:52 pm

    @Rojer That. so let’s say it’s coast clear for you to walk across the street and I drive up not doing the speed limit and not paying attention to the road and hit you that’s ok ?

  5. respectfully on March 10th, 2021 10:47 pm

    it’s so crazy yal have so many negative things to say about this situation but wasn’t there to actually see what happened. I’m quite sure that if this was someone in your family you would want respect too . yal are so disrespectful in these comments it’s crazy . I’m trying to be as humble as possible but it’s really upsetting me when reading some of these comments . there’s literally no hope for some of you people ! and most of yal are grown and still have no sense . do better !

  6. Curious on March 10th, 2021 7:46 pm

    @ Jennifer S….. I’ve driven through century everyday since I started my job back in 2008 multiple times a day sometimes….Like I said I am sympathetic towards the death and towards the family but my comment wasn’t aimed towards this gentleman singling him out I’ve seen plenty of people and I mean PLENTY That run across at random places and yes there’s distracted drivers but there also careless people walking and putting more crosswalks in would be great and definitely help because I’ve had people run out in front of me from before the police station all the way to odoms…Again I’m not singling out the individual I’m aiming at the majority sorry for your loss

  7. bozo on March 10th, 2021 7:31 pm

    “two many people”


  8. Bill on March 10th, 2021 4:50 pm

    If we invested all the money we spend on private automobiles on public transportation everyone would have access to free, safe, and convenient public transportation. We could have underground rail systems and give the surface space used by roadways back to nature. I know imagining better ways for society to be organized is threatening to some people but just think about it. We could do so much better than the private automobile.

  9. Sharday on March 10th, 2021 3:41 pm

    I feel like it would be great for the community, and I understand the quote-on-quote “stupidity” in the situation. But for this generation and the future generations to come, I believe that it would be best for us. Some don’t follow the rules of the road because they just don’t. So I don’t think you should put full blame on either side of the tragic accident, acknowledging that the man struck that day was my great uncle. It wasn’t like he walked right in the middle of the street and plunged in front of a car as most of you are putting it. Many people have told me that if you weren’t there, or know why this could have happened with all the facts, then we should keep a positive mindset. I honestly feel as if they should enforce the rules of the road for both drivers and pedestrians more. Following, that they are trying to make it safer for your grandkids, nieces, nephews, sisters, brothers, cousins, etc. to cross the street without this happening all over again. I am incredibly appreciative that they are doing something rather than nothing at all.

  10. Jennifer S on March 10th, 2021 3:17 pm

    @curious, clearly you’re not from Century cause if you were you would know that Century only have one crosswalk and it’s located half way through century. So you’re telling me in order for me to avoid a ticket I have to walk to the only crosswalk in town to get to the other side. Please do some research on the town before you comment. Yes I know the gentleman that was killed, he was basically like an uncle to me and with y’all saying that it was stupid of him to cross the road without using a crosswalk which resulted in his death is very hard for me to understand. Let me help you to understand what I mean. This man crossed the same highway for 60years ( I just said that number cause he was 71) and was never hit, shouldn’t this tell you he always crossed with safety and that this wasn’t his fault, maybe the driver wasn’t paying attention and that the driver was doing something in her car in which had her distracted

  11. Brian on March 10th, 2021 1:25 pm

    They should have run I-110 north to I-65 years ago. This would have greatly reduced traffic in Century, benefited Pensacola tourism and attracted businesses that thrive on access to transportation and logistics.

  12. Roger That on March 10th, 2021 12:56 pm

    Crossing a road is something I learned in elementary school. Look both ways and proceed with caution. Lets don’t throw millions of dollars at a situation that will not fix stupid.

  13. Susie on March 10th, 2021 11:17 am

    DP – I agree wholeheartedly. Not only does Cervantes have a LOT of crosswalks already, they are about to spend MILLIONS of dollars adding more, adding flashing lights, lowering the speed limit, and narrowing the lanes all for pedestrians who illegally cross the road! All of this will be to the detriment of the drivers who have to navigate Cervantes on a daily basis. What ever happened to personal responsibility & NOT expecting the government & OUR tax dollars to protect you from your own stupidity??

  14. new to Century on March 10th, 2021 10:33 am

    Of the 11,000 cars going through Century on any given day, over 75% are traveling faster than 35 mph. I suggest we put speed bumps every half mile or so from Tedder to the railroad tracks. That will slow drivers down to the speed limit and give people trying to cross the 4 lanes plus turn lane a chance to safely get across the road. Make the speed bumps just high enough to slow drivers to 35 mph so they are not having to put on brakes at every one. Like rumble strips….If Century had a police force it could be a legit speed trap and make money from the tickets given out. And with a police department there could be a designated traffic officer to run up and down Hwy 29 to assist walkers cross the road.

  15. Oversight on March 10th, 2021 9:22 am

    So just what is FDOT’s threshold of deaths before it’ll take action? Likely there will have to be a few more pedestrian travesties to engage FDOT into actually do more than a study.

  16. Curious on March 10th, 2021 8:39 am

    Just wondering…. I understand someone lost their life do to this accident and my sympathy for them and the family but I’ve driven down 29 in century and seen multiple times too many to count that people are crossing or running across at places where there is no crosswalk or pedestrian lines!!! Shouldn’t they be ticketing those for crossing in those areas instead of lights and crosswalks ? I mean yes the speed limit is 30 but still some random person crossing at the Last moment is kind of hard to stop or predict! Start looking into fining those individuals as well its not always the drivers in some instances!

  17. DP on March 10th, 2021 8:23 am

    These pedestrians fatalities are bad but the facts are as follows.
    1. You can add fifteen crosswalks ( they did it on Cervantes) and the pedestrians will not use them.
    2. Drivers are distracted and exceeding the speed limit.
    3. If you look before you cross and there are no cars coming you WILL NOT get run over.

  18. Rasheed Jackson on March 10th, 2021 7:54 am

    Designated cross walks would be good start.

  19. Dedra Yonker on March 10th, 2021 6:53 am

    I mean no disrespect to the deceased but I personally think this is a huge waste of money. I drive Hwy 29 through Century twice daily. There are four lanes with a complete paved median, the speed limit is 35 and except for the occasional person that’s either running late or somebody that’s not from around here the speed limit is adhered to, there are paved sidewalks and visibility is mainly clear in all directions. Accidents are going to happen and I can think of several other busy roads and intersections that truly need a traffic study way more than that stretch of Hwy 29.

  20. StraightShooter on March 10th, 2021 6:42 am

    Safety Tip. Don’t walk out in front of cars on highway.