Escambia Man Gets 10 Years For Burglaries, Vehicle Thefts

March 13, 2021

An Escambia County man has been sentenced to a decade in prison for auto theft and burglary.

Circuit Judge Coleman Robinson sentenced 20-year old Kody Allen Gresh to 10 years in state prison.

Gresh was sentenced following a plea of no contest in seven cases. He pleaded to grand theft auto, burglary of an unoccupied conveyance, and petit theft.

“These cases arose from a pattern of criminal conduct Gresh committed during October 2019, in which Gresh and his co-defendants went to residential areas to steal and burglarize multiple vehicles,” State Attorney Ginger Bowden Madden said.

Between October 7, 2019, and October 24, 2019, Gresh stole four vehicles and burglarized three, according to the State Attorney’s Office.


9 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets 10 Years For Burglaries, Vehicle Thefts”

  1. shannon on April 6th, 2021 1:29 pm

    First of all, I am so glad you want to “blame” the parents. You know it’s not always on the parents. No matter how may times a parent stears a child in the direction to do right things. At some point, anyone is going to choose to do what they want to. Secondly, it’s absolutely sad that everyone is so quick to assume that someone cannot reform. AS IF, YOU’ yourself are so perfect. I suggest you look in the mirror and see NO FLAWS at all before you point fingers. Because I promise you, that you have a few. The bigger picture here is the broken society that we have, that we have allowed our systems to become so broken that parents fear to discipline their children, that children can and know that they can run amok. That we have become so NUMB as a society that we do nothing anymore when people who do need help ask for it because we are to busy with those that dont.

    So, while THIS kid who probably got the short end of the stick in this deal got more time then some sex offenders I have seen before you sit on your soap boxes with your oppinions of what should have been done I would make damn sure you have the facts. Also – I am his step-mother and I dont give a good god damn how you think. Unfortunatly sometimes no matter how much you love, direct, beg, plead, or pray, you cannot make them understand until it is to late.

  2. on March 16th, 2021 11:16 am

    Poor guy probably had bad parents. He is probably the real victim.

  3. Tee bug on March 13th, 2021 5:09 pm

    It’s not to late he can turn his life around I hope he takes advantage of being locked up and does make a complete turn around

  4. Donald W Cooper on March 13th, 2021 4:42 pm

    He or she that has never stolen anything, that is taking something that belonged to someone else, in their whole life does not exist. So l guess according to JTV we are all thieves.

  5. yeah yeah on March 13th, 2021 3:08 pm

    @Jtv that is such an ignorant thing to say. Once a thief always a thief, give me a break. People do stupid things when they are young sometimes. Then they grow up. That’s just part of life sometimes, people make mistakes and then grow up and move on.

  6. JTV on March 13th, 2021 10:26 am

    Once a thief, always a thief. He’ll be planning more heist and honing his skills the next ten years in prison.

  7. steve on March 13th, 2021 10:03 am

    I am all for criminals going to prison to crimes. But I seen people with far worse crimes get way less. Most of his crimes are property crimes were as I seen a person that got beat down after getting robbed at knife point and he only got 10 years.

    He looks young and I hope he takes the time he has in prison to get his life right… Even though I know he will never be able to get a good job till he proves to society that he is not the same anymore.
    time will tell.

  8. Big AL on March 13th, 2021 8:42 am

    He’ll have fun in prison. Way to go Judge Robinson.

  9. Anne on March 13th, 2021 7:51 am

    Terrible waste that you chose a life style leading you to PRISON for 10 years.
    Hopefully, the rest of your gang will get the same, or more, punishment.
    People work hard for the things they have and do not deserve anyone to steal them.
    Maybe you’ll learn your lesson and obtain a skill to get work when you get out at 30 years old.