Commission To Consider Body Camera Purchase For ECSO, Funding Plan

March 23, 2021

The Escambia County Commission is considering the purchase of body cameras for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, and a funding plan has been developed to cover the costs for the next three years.

In January, Sheriff Chip Simmons followed through on a campaign pledge and asked commissioners for $912,727 to purchase body cameras for his deputies.

“Every day that we do not have body cameras, there’s one thing that could take place that could come up and embarrass the Sheriff’s Office, could embarrass the county,” Simmons said. “I just think that this is that important — too important for us to delay it.”

Commissioners decided in January to revisit the issue in March, and now there’s a roadmap for the purchase..

The proposed funding schedule is as follows:

  • In fiscal year 2021, purchase 268 body worn cameras to equip all patrol officers
  • In fiscal year 2022, the Sheriff’s Office operating budget will increase $250,000 per year for four new positions to support administration, monitoring and data storage related to the cameras
  • In fiscal year 2023, it is anticipated an additional $50,000 per year will be required for additional storage

CARES Act funds would be used to purchase the body cameras to equip all patrol officers. The purchase will outfit all deputies, and the equipment will sync will existing vehicle cameras. Warranties and software as needed will also be included in the purchase price.

The commission is expected to vote on the plan at a meeting Thursday morning.


18 Responses to “Commission To Consider Body Camera Purchase For ECSO, Funding Plan”

  1. Jason on March 25th, 2021 1:34 pm

    Its a big investment but its also an investment that will protect our department in todays times. As a tax payer id rather pay for cameras then multiple lawsuits.

  2. No One on March 25th, 2021 11:24 am

    Another perspective:
    Recording everyone who comes in contact with law enforcement is a violation of everyone’s 4th Amendment rights.

    I have not committed a criminal act, I am not under investigation for it, there is no signed warrant, thus it is a violation of my rights.

  3. Pat on March 24th, 2021 12:22 pm

    @Rufus Lowgun
    The cameras need to be alot better than a gopro. They need to be tamper proof so no one can remove a memory card and edit the footage. The need to have encryption so random hacker man cant be hired by criminals to remotely track all the officers locations. The storage needs special security concerns to preserve the chain of evidence. Trained information security personelle need to be hired to continuously monitor everything to prevent data breeches.
    There is ALOT of things involved that most people would never think of.

  4. John T on March 24th, 2021 2:55 am

    @Rufus Lowgun:

    By staying with the body camera at the cost proposed, it’s the same make for the in-car video system so they all sync up.

  5. John T on March 24th, 2021 2:53 am

    @Rufus Lowgun:

    Your numbers are incorrect, there is approximately 427 sworn law enforcement with the ECSO.

  6. paul on March 23rd, 2021 7:09 pm

    Do the right thing, don’t consider it , DO IT, equip our LEO ’s with the tools they need to execute their duties more efficiently , body cam footage will aid in justice being served and it could be crucial in delivering guilty verdicts for all the scumbags that are preying on the public at large. .There job is protecting and serving the public, lets help them anyway we can.

  7. JTV on March 23rd, 2021 2:40 pm

    @kane the children’s trust scam is another tax on property owners that will do nothing that isn’t already being done. Lining pockets of people who can decide on who gets what. Put puppies, kittens or kids on a tax and the stupid will vote for it.

  8. Stumpknocker on March 23rd, 2021 2:05 pm

    @ William L not true , actually the cameras have become most useful for showing the deputies innocence than the other. It reveals how people lie and file false complaints on our deputies. And is very useful in court when a subject say they didn’t say or do that. As of right now the deputies have not taken recourse against these false claims but that will be changing very soon, this will give them the option to have a person arrested for filing a false police report and a civil law suit, so yes they want them, it will become a tool to defend themselves with.

  9. William L on March 23rd, 2021 1:19 pm

    This should have been done 10 years ago, but the ECSO felt they needed armored vehicles and other unnecessary equipment. They have received more than enough in federal drug war funding to provide these cameras, but officers really don’t want them, because they hold officers accountable and I know that ESCO has a long history of good ol’boy politics when it comes to holding deputies accountable.

  10. Rufus Lowgun on March 23rd, 2021 12:00 pm

    So a Go Pro costs approximately $300.00, There are 320 deputies currently with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department. I’m no math wiz, but that comes to about $96,000.00. I know there are additional costs for data storage, software, etc., but $800,000.00 in additional costs seems a bit excessive. I think every cop should have a body cam, and I think it should be active every time a cop is on duty. Having said that, I think a breakdown of the nearly million dollar price tag according to Chip is needed before the ECSO gets a cent.

  11. kane on March 23rd, 2021 11:33 am

    @JTV Do you know what the children’s trust even is or what it does or are you one of those people that just hate things they don’t understand without rhyme or reason?

  12. Bob on March 23rd, 2021 11:06 am

    Let’s hope they chose the best vendor not the one they currently have for in-car camera. Let’s hope there is a real bid for that contract and transparency.

  13. Susan on March 23rd, 2021 9:39 am

    I agree with you JTV. These cameras should be a necessity for our officer’s safety!

  14. David on March 23rd, 2021 8:57 am

    @ JTV
    Could you provide us with your personal list of what is stupid concerning children ?
    Perhaps with that list you could note which ones are stupid and which ones are not
    We will as a county try and appease your challenged outlook on life.
    God help you.

  15. Stephen on March 23rd, 2021 8:20 am

    It’s insane to think they didn’t already have them. Especially in the anti-police.climate that we currently live in.

  16. Steve on March 23rd, 2021 7:57 am

    Hope they live steam every one of those cameras. Bet support would come to a end real quick. People are horrible and when they know their going to be exposed…..
    Just watch cops and other shows like it.

  17. retired on March 23rd, 2021 7:47 am

    NOT just patrol deputies, But all sworn officers including the SHERIFF, Lt’s, Sgt’s, investigators, ETC.
    while on duty

  18. JTV on March 23rd, 2021 5:02 am

    Yet we voted for a stupid children’s fund scam. I’d rather my money go for our deputies.