Century To Apply For $2.15 Million Grant To Rehab Community Centers, Camp Fire USA, Chamber

March 11, 2021

The Town of Century is taking the next step toward applying for a $2.15 million coronavirus relief grant.

Following a public hearing, the town council voted Tuesday night to seek technical assistance from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) to review the town’s pre-application project for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant — Coronavirus Funds.

Century will apply for:

— $1 million for rehabilitation of the Carver Community Center
— $562,000 for rehabilitation of the town’s “Ag Building” community center on West Highway 4 and a parking lot
— $250,000 for rehabilitation of the Camp Fire USA buildings (owned by the town)
— $147,000 for rehabilitation of the Century Area Chamber of Commerce building (owned by the town)

The grants will be awarded by the state in amounts ranging from $200,000 to $5 million for neighborhood revitalization, commercial revitalization, economic development, public service, planning or housing. The grant requires that at least 70% of the funds must be used for benefit low and moderate income persons.

If DEO determines Century’s application is eligible for funding, then a second public hearing will be scheduled before a final application is submitted.

Pictured: Pastor Michael Steward of Pilgrim Lodge Baptist Church questions a grant application for the Carver Community Center as resident Helen Mincy listens. Pictured inset: Century resident Robert Mitchell also questions a grant application for the Carver Community Center. Pictured below: Century Town Council President Luis Gomez during a recent public hearing. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Century To Apply For $2.15 Million Grant To Rehab Community Centers, Camp Fire USA, Chamber”

  1. sam on March 13th, 2021 6:50 am

    there’s a fire hydrant on state line rd at the corner of shady lane thats been leaking for ever.

  2. Chas on March 12th, 2021 1:21 pm

    Century you have bridges, roads, sewage lines, and lightning that needs fixing and repairs. Grants for those projects while applying.

  3. Chas on March 12th, 2021 1:13 pm

    Century has been applying for a lots of grants lately. If the town of Century gets a 2.15 million dollars grants than it will be fair that all parties involved should get what they applied for. It’s going to be a violation problems if not done as such. So do the right thing and Century will progress. The right person is in Century watching.

  4. resident on March 12th, 2021 11:43 am

    Personally I don’t feel it needs to be approved for starters the community center was suppose to be for the children and the grown people have taken over, they go their play ball, fight, drink liquor and make drug deals. I think the entire building needs to be torn down and put a fence around the entire property and lock the thugs out. I understand the community needs to be built up but until the people in the community care enough about their community things will never change. The community center is a death trap and a death waiting to happen and some people actually take there kids there with all this illegal foolishness going on. My vote would be level the place and put it under lock and key. Put a Walmart there anything but what it is.

  5. Northendbratt on March 12th, 2021 10:42 am

    These guys have dollar signs in their eyes,believing these said dollars will trickle down to them personally and if some is no vigilant it will.However,this is a waste of taxpayer money,this is still,at the end of the day, Century….

  6. Lane Crist on March 11th, 2021 7:48 pm

    Heres a cool story for a fictional book: Would be cool if out of nowhere an oil company finds oil beneath century or finds rare earth metals and it can make the people of Century mega rich in just 2 years. Then in a plot twist the mayor and city officials make a series of blunderous decisions and stall and try for backdoor deals and the companies end up making no deals due to the town’s poor leadership and they do elsewhere in Alabama and strike gold and century missed out on a wealthy opportunity.

  7. chris on March 11th, 2021 8:25 am

    The town will slowly destroy whatever is improved there, through either vandalism or neglect.
    This could possibly be why so few new businesses choose to locate in Century.
    Inept leadership could also attribute to this condition.

  8. judy on March 11th, 2021 8:09 am

    Until the town teaches its residents to take care of what is already there, Century needs to get only half of what they need. Then if it stays un-vandalized for 1 year, they will be considered for the rest!