Century Raising Franchise Fees Charged Gulf Power And EREC; Customers Will Pay Up.

March 19, 2021

The Town of Century is in the process of finalizing new franchise agreements with Gulf Power and Escambia River Electric Cooperative.

In 1994, the franchise fees for both utilities were increased from 3% to 5%, and now the council is raising the fee to 6%.

While the franchise fee is technically charged to the utility, both Gulf Power and EREC tell NorthEscambia.com that they pass the full cost of the fee on to their customers.

The town council has held a first reading of a new agreement with Gulf Power that will become official after one more meeting. They are also setting their sights on an increased fee for EREC.

Gulf Power customers with an average 1,000 kwh monthly usage pay about $140 a month, according to Florida Public Service Commission documents. The franchise fee increase will cost customers in the Century town limits about $1.40 per month.


14 Responses to “Century Raising Franchise Fees Charged Gulf Power And EREC; Customers Will Pay Up.”

  1. William Lingo on March 23rd, 2021 2:36 pm

    @emily Who do you think owns the solar and wind farms in the United States? The existing power companies own them so you won’t be getting away from them anytime soon.

  2. In line on March 22nd, 2021 7:02 pm

    With regards to Emily’s thoughtful, yet sharp, criticism of the battle on renewables, I’d like to reply.

    The amount of energy falling on people’s property is simply stunning. From direct sunlight, to the tremendous amount of thermal energy in an even warm attic, to ground temperatures, property owners simply would not believe what an abundance of energy can be harnessed on their own property.

    The frustrating and truly mind boggling effort by certain government officials and big money to find ways to prevent or discourage people/property owners from using technology to harness on site energy… it’s crazy.

    Although not all properties are suited (shade, tall building shadows), most commercial structures are well suited to rooftop solar. Think of retail strip malls, stand alone shops, churches (many sending much of the weekly offering to utility bills)… and all that energy on the roof!

    Water can easily be heated with heat from attics with heat exchanger water heaters for 90% less electricity.

    Yes, these devices cost more upfront, but the real need is to think long- and not short-term. It’s called ROI, return on investment.

    People are missing out on big utility savings, less taxation from utility bills, and money that can be used elsewhere in the business or family.

  3. In line on March 22nd, 2021 6:41 pm

    After doing a quick internet search on area franchise fees, 5% and 6% are in line with other local governments in the area.

    Just for clarity, the ADDED 1% will boost the cost of a $140 bill by $1.40. That would be a total franchise fee of $8.40/month on a bill with 1000 kW.

    Since the fee is utility use based, find ways to use less energy. Insulation and Energy Star have long term benefits on the monthly utility bills!

  4. Justice on March 22nd, 2021 5:52 am

    I agree 100% with Chris.

  5. Emily on March 21st, 2021 7:12 pm

    If the United States would start using more solar energy power and windmill power, we wouldn’t be so dependent on these electric companies who are holding us virtually hostages to their company’s bills and extra fees. The sun and the wind are the cleanest form of energy that we have on this Earth. And yet, the corporations keep lobbying the politicians, who keep doing their bidding. People need to wake up and think for themselves and stop listening to these greedy power hungry political figures, who care nothing about the people who elected them.

  6. dishearted on March 21st, 2021 5:02 am

    if people have to pay a customer charge to the power company why do they have to pay a franchise fee, ( PSC) Public Service Com is a BIG PROBLEM,

  7. Chris on March 19th, 2021 1:15 pm

    If you wait long enough, Flomaton and Century will dry up and blow away.

  8. Things not what they seem.... on March 19th, 2021 10:21 am

    Ensley boy, I am promoting you to Ensley Man!!!! You know what you are talking about!!!

  9. ensley boy on March 19th, 2021 8:31 am

    Most people who are rich own some kind of business.When you raise their taxes they simply pass it on to the customer as Gulf Power did in the above article ( franchise fee ). Biden doesn”t seem to understand that. When you claim your are only going to raise taxes on the rich,that is an inaccurate statement. The increase will always be paid by the the fellow not making &400000.00 a year.

  10. Oversight on March 19th, 2021 8:04 am

    Government’s insatiable appetite for tax dollars. Century is just getting its bite first. Next will be the county, state and the feds coming after your wallet.

  11. sam on March 19th, 2021 8:00 am

    so flomaton increased a sales tax 1%. now century being a monkey see monkey do town won’t let the chance to stick it to it’s citizens. the feds are gonna give em 700 thousand dollars i believe, but thats not enough.

  12. cdpjr on March 19th, 2021 7:49 am

    like I’ve said before… Tax the drugs going through Century and it will become one of the richest towns in the state.

  13. South Flomaton 4Ever on March 19th, 2021 6:27 am

    Amounts to a Back door tax….however, it’s been almost 30 years since it was raised…most likely the increase matches inflation.

  14. SW on March 19th, 2021 5:11 am

    Way to go, Century.
    Keep failing.