Another Charge Filed Against Cantonment Woman Who Allegedly Punched, Spit On ‘Frail’ Elderly Woman In Parking Lot

March 6, 2021

An additional felony charge has been filed against a Cantonment woman accused of punching a “frail” elderly woman in the face and spitting on her after a minor vehicle collision in a local Dollar General Parking lot.

Allisha Dawn Jarvis, 25, was first charged with battery on a person 65 years old or older. Court and arrest records show that she has now also been charged with felony burglary with assault and battery.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the Dollar General at Highway 29 and North Tate School Road to find a 72-year old woman in the parking lot bleeding from her nose. She told deputies she was turning around in the parking lot when she accidentally hit a Ford Expedition that was leaving the parking lot.

The victim stated she was still in her vehicle when Jarvis approached and “violently punched” her in the face through a rolled-down window before spitting on her, according to an arrest report.

Jarvis told deputies that she walked up to the victim’s vehicle window and cussed at the elderly woman, but she stated she never punched her in the face, the report states.

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputy wrote in his report that the victim was “extremely frail” at 5-foot, three-inches tall and weighing only about 90 pounds. Jarvis, the report states, is about the same height and weighs 147 pounds.

The deputy stated the elderly woman had a slight cut on her nose that was bleeding and “you could clearly see dried spit on her collar.”

A witness confirmed the victim’s statements.

The burglary charged stemmed from Jarvis reaching into the victim’s vehicle.

Jarvis was later released from the Escambia County Jail on a $10,000 bond for the burglary charge and $7,500 for the assault charge.


24 Responses to “Another Charge Filed Against Cantonment Woman Who Allegedly Punched, Spit On ‘Frail’ Elderly Woman In Parking Lot”

  1. Jc on March 10th, 2021 11:01 am

    Andy you’re so right! I witnessed a slob verbally abusing an elderly man at a ballpark but before I could get there people pulled her away. What’s wrong with these people?

  2. Tammy on March 10th, 2021 9:56 am

    People can say violence begats violence all you want! She’s my children’s age! If that was one of my kids i would punch them just like she did that old lady! Then beat their @@@ for being so disrespectful!

  3. Jc on March 9th, 2021 11:45 pm

    She’s why I’m getting to where I hate humans.

  4. William L on March 9th, 2021 1:57 pm

    Good, these are more appropriate charges for the crimes committed!!! Now, if she’s convicted, hit her with the stiffest sentence under the sentencing guidelines.

  5. Chas on March 8th, 2021 5:44 pm

    Leave her in jail for the first 48hr. She will get her payback. Jail has a way of balancing things out.

  6. lmn on March 8th, 2021 9:43 am

    Sad excuse for a person. Unfortunately there are others just like her that think it’s ok to act this way. They live in a me, I world and have no consideration for others. Hopefully she will get some time to sit and think about her disgraceful actions.

  7. Js on March 8th, 2021 12:20 am

    Someone needs to teach this little girl respect

  8. Get some on March 7th, 2021 3:14 pm

    I’ll fight her, but I won’t cut weight

  9. Tabby on March 7th, 2021 11:43 am

    @Aaron–Yes, very cool. Despite the pansy liberal “violence begets more violence” crowd, the facts show that violence is what’s required to quell more violence in most instances.

  10. Jeffrey on March 7th, 2021 11:20 am

    She viciously attacked a frail, elderly woman. She doesn’t need a good talking to or tune out. She needs someone to cut a limb out of that apple tree and impress upon her with extreme prejudice that attacking the defenseless is unacceptable and can lead to severe consequences.

  11. Tc on March 7th, 2021 11:07 am

    Yes Aaron.. meet violence with violence, an eye for an eye.. snowflakes like you are part of what’s wrong with society today ..

  12. Apple tree on March 7th, 2021 6:31 am

    I would guess that this young woman was likely raised by parents with similiar values of many who have commented below. Some of you need to take a good look in the mirror and do a little self-reflection, because you are probably raising your children to react like this woman did. You know what they say, the apple never falls too far from the tree.

  13. aaron on March 6th, 2021 6:18 pm

    yes respond to violence with more violence! very cool!

  14. Jeb on March 6th, 2021 4:03 pm

    And it happened at dollar general…..imagine that

  15. CKS on March 6th, 2021 12:34 pm

    If I ever witnessed this sort of behavior, the police would be pulling me off of the trash girl. Well worth tarnishing my flawless record. Infuriating to say the least.

  16. @Sueb on March 6th, 2021 12:30 pm

    Because they can’t prove it was a hate crime. Just because you commit a crime against an elderly person doesn’t mean it’s a hate crime against the elderly.

  17. Sueb on March 6th, 2021 9:56 am

    Why didn’t the Judge add “Hate Crime against Elderly,” This girl will not change unless she gets Anger issues and her thoughts of “I’m better than you” attitude. Wonder what her parents & grandparents are saying, “she’s a good girl”. I guess she was having a bad day. Bond is not high enough. 10% of $10,000

  18. alex on March 6th, 2021 9:36 am

    This girl needs a good ole southern butt whooping. I can assure you this. Had it been one of my grandparents, shed hope she never gets released.

  19. Chris on March 6th, 2021 8:59 am

    Pretty classy. God said to care for widows and orphans. He did not say to spit on old people.

  20. Andy on March 6th, 2021 8:07 am

    I was raised to never ever ever hit a woman. But I have to say, if I witnessed this fat loser do what she did to this elderly woman, I’d likely break that rule

  21. Horse lover on March 6th, 2021 8:05 am

    She needs some jail time an punched in face. Some of these young people today are out of hand.what has happen to our country go into businesses today an people act like they hate their job so they are rude.even dr.offices some never speak.if people cant be nice they need to get another job.what happen to people .

  22. Jeffrey on March 6th, 2021 8:03 am

    She needs a country [redacted]-whoopin’ …or three. That would do more to reform her than anything.

  23. JTV on March 6th, 2021 5:46 am

    Smug Thug

    Put Princess Dollar General in prison.

  24. Debbie on March 6th, 2021 4:54 am

    DISGUSTING !!! If this was my daughter I would be so ashamed of her . My first word is the only way I can think of to describe this person . She must have a black heart beating in her chest .