DeSantis Lowering Vaccine Eligibility To Age 50 Beginning Monday

March 19, 2021

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is lowering the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility age to 50 and over beginning Monday.

“We think we’ve done pretty good this week with 60 to 64, but, but quite frankly, we think that even on current vaccine allotments that opening it up, will be good,” DeSantis said during a Frodau morning news conference in Tallahassee.

The governor said he will likely expand eligibility to everyone, regardless of age, soon.

“So we think that this makes sense and I think we’ll see how it goes next week, but I think we will definitely be opening it up to everybody, certainly before May 1 and, and maybe much sooner than that, so stay tuned there,” DeSantis said.

Pictured: Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Friday morning in Tallahassee that he is lowering the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility age to 50 and over beginning Monday. Photo for, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “DeSantis Lowering Vaccine Eligibility To Age 50 Beginning Monday”

  1. Brian on March 21st, 2021 12:26 pm

    What policies of his do you disagree with? Do you think its ok for men to use the ladies room, or do you believe government should force people to wear masks? Or maybe you don’t like that he won’t allow false history to be taught to our children like the 1619 project, or maybe the economy, nope doing great there too. I love the fact he has a backbone and morals.

  2. Robert Bruner on March 21st, 2021 7:23 am


    You must think the earth is flat.

  3. Luis Santos on March 21st, 2021 6:01 am

    I received my first dose of Moderna but because of going offshore for the following 4 weeks they didn’t give me a return appointment, told me that I was on my own for the second dose, now the problem is that I have one week left before I hit the 42 day mark and can’t get an appointment for it.

  4. David on March 20th, 2021 5:20 pm

    This virus knows no age….what are the politicians point?
    Anywhere else it would be called age discrimination.

    Death also knows no age.

    Politicians are out of touch with reality

  5. More stats on March 20th, 2021 1:27 pm

    @Thomas…. Florida also has the 3rd largest population out of 50 states… We have double the population of the fifth largest populus state…

    New York has a smaller population then Florida yet has over double the reported Covid deaths… Much smaller populus states are right on Florida’s heals as far covid deaths..

    Based on the stats Florida has undeniable done better then most…

  6. Thomas Paine on March 20th, 2021 9:53 am


    There’s only 3 states with more Covid deaths than Florida. That’s right, we’re #4 out of 50 with just under 40,000 Floridians dead.

    Take everyone within Pensacola city limits (based on 2016 census) and erase them. Gone. That’s how many.

    Over 10 times as many people have died from Covid in Florida as perished in the 9/11 attacks. Nobody bats an eye at the additional security measures at the airport, yet it seems everyone has something to say about taking precautions against the pandemic.

    Be responsible. Be a good neighbor.

  7. Willene Bryan on March 20th, 2021 8:28 am

    Thank you for all you do for the Great Sunshine State of Florida Governor DeSantis.
    Your the best.

  8. lee on March 20th, 2021 1:14 am

    desantis is better than most… wish he would take on skanska like he has the the media and dems… guess time will tell

  9. Frank on March 19th, 2021 11:48 pm

    I can say visit a few of these Locked down states with more deaths than Florida and you would appreciate this Governor!

  10. Don't Speak for Me on March 19th, 2021 7:32 pm

    Born, raised, and live in NWFL and I do not support DeSantis.

    Speak for yourself.

  11. Timothy Lee on March 19th, 2021 7:16 pm

    Best governor Florida has ever had. Outstanding job Governor. NWFL loves you!

  12. np630ss on March 19th, 2021 5:43 pm

    @Barbara Agerton- Governor DeSantis is a good man. I find your comment to be demeaning and without merit. His actions have been well thought out and made with the welfare of the state in mind. While I do not always agree with him, I understand he is privy to info that I am not. I trust his decisions but I am also interested in how he arrived at them. His refusal to allow Florida to fall into the septic conditions of other more “progressive” states, garners him my vote. I hope he chooses to run for governor again, before stepping onto the federal platform.

  13. Brian on March 19th, 2021 4:39 pm

    The absolute best Governor Florida has ever had, I love everythhing he does. Hopefully he will run for president in 2024 if Donald Trump doesn’t.

  14. Barbara Agerton on March 19th, 2021 11:23 am

    Gov. you finally did something right!