Escambia County Starting Over In Search For Fire Chief, Rejecting Four Finalists

February 3, 2021

Escambia County is starting over in its search for a fire chief, scrapping a list of finalists for the position.

Four finalists were announced in late January, culled from a list of 60 applicants from a nationwide search. They have been notified the search is starting over.

“We will be reposting the Fire Chief position to be open until filled,” Escambia County spokesperson Laura Coale told in an email. “We appreciate the candidates’ time and while we had several good candidates, it’s important to find the right fit for Escambia County.”

During the last week of January, the four finalists were set to meet individually with Escambia County Administrator Janice Gilley and the department directors in Public Safety. At that time, Coale said County Administrator Janice Gilley would possibly make a choice and a new fire chief could be on the job by March.

The finalists for Escambia Fire Rescue chief were, in alphabetical order:

  • William Beaty, Jr. has served as the fire chief at the Garden City Fire Department in Kansas since December 2019. He previously worked as the program coordinator at Lincoln Land Community College (Springfield, Illinois) from 2007 to 2019. He also worked with the Springfield (Illinois) Fire Department from 1996, to 2019, leaving as a captain.
  • Roger Burton served in the Ohio Air National Guard from 2010 until 2020, retiring as installation fire chief.
  • Clinton Cooke served with the South Monroe County Fire Department in Conroe, Texas, from 2009 to 2020 when he departed as Assistant Fire Chief. On his application he stated he reason for leaving as “agreement between the fire chief and I. Will discuss further in interview”.
  • Christopher Hatch has worked with the NAS Pensacola Fire Department since 1986. He was a supervisory firefighter from 1986 to 2005 and has served as assistant fire chief of operations since 2005. He has also volunteered for Escambia Fire Rescue since 1982, serving in positions ranging from volunteer firefighter to assistant district chief and district chief. He is currently district chief of the Bellview Station of Escambia Fire Rescue and serves as president of the Escambia County Volunteer Firefighters Association.

The job has been open for well over a year. Escambia County’s last fire chief, Rusty Nail, was hired in April 2018 and submitted his resignation about a year later. file photo, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Escambia County Starting Over In Search For Fire Chief, Rejecting Four Finalists”

  1. Roger Burton on February 11th, 2021 4:01 pm

    I really wish they would have expanded on my qualifications. I have over 32 years experience, both civilian and military in the fire service. I spent the last 10 years of my career as chief of a combination civilian/military department. I worked my way up from the line to Chief Officer. I also have a degree in Fire Science. Yes I’m retired now, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t put everything I’m passionate about into this position.

  2. Suprtdahustle on February 6th, 2021 10:27 pm

    Let’s take a step back and look at this. Because I see this as a positive direction personally. My understanding is ultimately the decision to do this falls solely on County Admistrator Gilley. Which leads me to believe yes man, bait and switch, dumbing down requirements, and all the fodder has obviously been seen by those in power, and perhaps just maybe there’s been a change of heart for someone… can only hope.

    I understand some are upset they saw it in the media and didn’t receive word personally. Yes a county wide departmental email would have been nice, but hasn’t one of the upper management of fire been out for the past week? I believe they usually are the one who gets that information. I would think maybe this wasn’t a slight at fire at all but just a clerical oversight by those filling in? I mean, one can only hope.

    So back to the drawing board it is. Hopefully the powers that be realize the pay for the job wasn’t something to have qualified applicants tripping over themselves to apply. Maybe someone realized citizens are taking notice and watching closely for indiscrepancies. Perhaps, and this is the theory I’m going with as I muddle through comments I personally receive, is that there was lots of negativity surrounding this hiring process and no matter who would have been hired regardless of qualifications and where they were from, they would have been tainted by the negativity of it all, so someone had the bright idea to throw this list out and start fresh and new. At least that’s my hope.

    As a citizen, actively working in my personal capacity, with my resources and relationships; as someone not employed by the county and someone with nothing to gain by advocating for public safety; as someone sitting back and wrapping my mind around all the information I’m receiving; I’m taking a step back and seeing new leadership stepping in and doing what they can to get the ship back upright. That ship has been sinking for awhile. But, there’s a renewed positivity amongst the ranks and slowly everyone is coming together to work collectively to bail out the water. A reverse lay instead of a forward lay. A left handed search instead of a right handed search. A BVM instead of oxygen.

    So maybe, we can all just step back for a minute, set emotions aside, and objectively look at this. Could we all possibly agree this is a step in the right direction?

  3. Robert on February 6th, 2021 10:52 am

    Who the hell is Melissa Pino?? No, honestly. She thinks she runs Escambia County. Is she a keyboard commando that doesn’t have a life and tries to destroy everyone elses?

  4. yall have no clue on February 5th, 2021 8:27 am

    stop with the ignorance. the decision was made based on the lack of quality candidates. one of the candidates didn’t make the top seven and then mysteriously appeared in the top 4 after two candidates researched escambia and discovered the mess they would inherit and hit the road. one candidate is under grand jury investigation. so was it a waste of money. yep. only one person to blame for that. when you have qual’s like the ones listed, this is what you get. take a look.

    Training and Experience:

    Two years of college level coursework in Fire Sciences, Fire Management, Business, Public
    Administration or related field and a minimum of ten years of progressively responsible
    firefighting/rescue experience, including three years management experience at the Battalion/District
    Chief level or above; or, a combination of education and experience equivalent to these

  5. Mr. Reality on February 5th, 2021 4:06 am

    Mo money mo money mo money.

  6. Insight on February 4th, 2021 1:55 pm

    For such an important position and responsibility it would seem if you have been able to retain or gather a list of qualified that may fit that they may be better served to have professional consultation who specialize in assessment of the current organization and culture as well as candidate searches. You can actually “spend some” to ultimately “save some”

  7. Time for change on February 4th, 2021 12:07 pm

    Maybe they should start over at the top. It amazes me the problems this department has and continues to have since inception in 2000. One thing that hasn’t changed is the Deputy Chief and Bat. Chiefs, has anyone thought they could be part of the problem? I’d bring in a true outside person, let them pick their own command staff to carry out their vision of what a combination department truly is.

  8. "A Listers" on February 4th, 2021 8:21 am

    Your “public opinion picks” didn’t make the cut….. Start over Public Safety Dept. Open back up the offer. We deserve the best out there.

  9. Klondike Kid on February 4th, 2021 7:37 am

    Couldn’t find the right outlander I guess . The BOCC love them some outlanders .

  10. and it continues on February 4th, 2021 3:52 am

    Did Melisa Pino busybody candidate for D2 interfere with the hiring of Hatch?

    You think Underhill is toxic?
    MP is kryptonite.

    Don’t New York. Boston, Philadelphia, my Florida

  11. Big Steve on February 3rd, 2021 10:24 pm

    This is typical escambia county. They don’t want a leader. They want someone who will be pushed around and like it.

  12. David Poole on February 3rd, 2021 9:39 pm

    Chris Hatch is the Answere. The one idiot calling him a good ol boy, she at least meet him before making that assumption. I guess you have to look at the source.

    I do know this, we keep having chiefs resign? As anyone thought that maybe we need to remove the people above the chief? How many chief’s will this be? Is it possible all these chiefs were the issues? I am a numbers guy, And I think it’s much higher. Then the chiefs!!

  13. Joe Ramey Jr on February 3rd, 2021 8:45 pm

    Melissa Pino. I don’t know you but if you know Escambia county you probably know me by name. My family helped build Escambia Fire with over 50 years of dedicated free service and was instrumental in creating what Escambia Fire is today. You were way off base with your comments before and you owe a public apology to Chris Hatch. I am the guy that trained Chief Hatch when he was a 17 year old kid wanting to become a firefighter. His love of the job far exceeds his many professional accomplishments. Having been a volunteer for many years gives him the unique experience for the job. He is definitely not part of the good ole boys club as you claimed or he would have the job despite what you said. People like you who use falsehoods or rumors to advance an agenda is sad and clearly wrong. You were wrong about this and you are trying flip it and say you were right. This is the first time Chief Hatch has ever applied for the job. He is still at his current job and would have to retire to take the position. What good will it do for the county to now spend thousand of dollars and many months or years to turn around and hire the obviously best qualified local guy if he actually chooses to reapply ??? I know I wouldn’t. Meanwhile the brave hardworking firefighters go without clear and qualified leadership which further degrades their moral and possibly risks someone’s life. Why not get on board and help find a solutions instead of tearing down a great Fire Chief that Escambia County would have been lucky to get..

  14. Carson O'Gen on February 3rd, 2021 7:01 pm

    Most of this “top 4″ were actually 2nd round picks already as the actual top contenders dropped out or were hired elsewhere. Up the qualifications and pay so only the best QUALIFIED candidates can apply. Nothing against those who made Janice’s special list, but having only “some college” as a requirement only leads to the cronyism in Escambia.

  15. Flip a coin on February 3rd, 2021 6:11 pm

    GOOD CALL!!!!!!!! Nothing personal against anyone. The county needs to take a good hard look at the candidates .Good ol boys need not apply on this one

  16. Michael on February 3rd, 2021 5:43 pm

    Chris Hatch is more than qualified for this position. It makes no sense that the county is wasting more time and money.

  17. Melissa Pino on February 3rd, 2021 5:28 pm

    Very glad to hear that this is happening–it’s the right decision. Ms. Gilley needs to raise back the pay and qualifications first and foremost, and then conduct a proper nation-wide search, with abundant advertising.

    All of the original candidates who still want the position can and should apply again, and if any of them are the right person for the job, that will be crystal clear through a professional, industry-standard, and transparent search and interview process.

  18. David on February 3rd, 2021 4:27 pm

    @ James Hicks
    With all due respect it is you doing the complaining as you accuse volunteers of doing.
    It is a right of ANY PERSON to bring forth complaints on issues at hand.
    Get over yourself sir and please stop trying to validate your superior poor narratives on the subject at hand. All are equally qualified to do a job you walked away from.
    Any..I Mean Any firefighter has the respect of life. You have shown by your post being a volunteer is less than….do you even understand volunteers is what started this country? We thank you for trying to bolster yourself. And admiration of yourself.
    Ignorance of your stance is greatly appreciated. Not condoned.

  19. Fire Mom on February 3rd, 2021 3:23 pm

    @James Hicks
    You said a mouthful there, Mr. Hicks!
    My son is employed with the department & has been for 10+ years. It seems the county likes to use the Chief position as a fall guy. There are some fine young men that would certainly be great in the slot, but they can’t afford to risk their careers.
    It is truly sad when you have such passionate employees that have the best intentions for the county…and, they are afraid to try to move up for fear of being the next scapegoat!!!

  20. Dalton Lovestrap on February 3rd, 2021 2:50 pm

    What a sham! How much did this process cost? This is wasteful, pick one of what you have already.

  21. James Hicks on February 3rd, 2021 2:25 pm

    No surprise. As many Fire Chiefs as the county has been through over the last several years, with some only staying for a year or so, it’s a wonder any one would apply ( Especially a “highly qualified” individual). Poor testimony for Escambia County.

    Having been in the Fire Service for years and serving as a fire chief in a major metropolitan city and having been involved in the past with hiring fire chiefs for Escambia County, I can honestly say that this county has had some “highly qualified” fire chiefs in the past but they were not allowed to do their jobs, became frustrated with having their hands tied, and allowing politics from county commissioners who allowed volunteers to run to them with complaints about making change. Well, if Escambia wants to keep anyone in this position they must first decide if they really want change and are they willing to let someone come in here and use their professional knowledge to make the required changes.

    Also, it is past time for Escambia County to require the fire service leaders to initiate a training program to prepare their fire service employees to be qualified to fill the top position in their fire department. I also am aware of several current employees that may be able to step up and do the job with some degree of learning as you go but they may not want to risk loosing a career at this stage of the life; that is also a shame. I know that hiring from within is absolutely the best way but the county administrator and public safety director must mandate a legitimate training program to prepare those in the ranks to be ready and willing to step up.

    As a resident of Escambia County and former fire chief it truly saddens me that we find ourselves in this situation.