ECUA Still Working To Replace Over 15,000 Blue Cans In North Escambia

February 23, 2021

ECUA is still working to replace over 15,000 blue cans in North Escambia. The cans were used in the Allied Waste service area that ECUA took over in January 2009.

ECUA customers are asked to leave their blue cans out at the curb after this week’s pick up as crews will be working each day to expedite the replacement process. Cans that already have the ECUA logo are not included in this effort.

“These can are at least 12 years old,” ECUA spokesperson Nathalie Bowers. “The old ones are going to be recycled. Many of them have broken hinges or wheels.”

The replacement cans are not a new expenditure for ECUA. The cans were used for ECUA service in Santa Rosa County, which came to an end on December 31. 2020.

“The replacement cans are at most five years old,” Bowers said. “They are cleaned before deeming them ready to deliver to a customer.”

ECUA customers will not be charged for their new can. file graphic.


7 Responses to “ECUA Still Working To Replace Over 15,000 Blue Cans In North Escambia”

  1. Replaced Can on February 24th, 2021 10:27 am

    Had ours replaced yesterday with a “new” green can in worse shape than our old blue one. One of the hinges was missing so my husband created a new one. Thought that would be easier than calling and waiting for another to be delivered.

  2. Terry on February 23rd, 2021 1:11 pm

    I didn’t know of this. I called them Monday before last about replacing my can because the lid broke off. It was a blue can. They replaced it with a new can 2 days later on Weds. She put my address in their computer for a replacement.

  3. Howie on February 23rd, 2021 11:50 am

    A schedule for the replacement of the cans would help. But for ECUA that is somewhat difficult for anyone there to think of having a schedule. It is an eyesore to leave cans along the streets and highways.

    Yes, Yolanda I agree. My wife and I have very little trash. Our trash compactor is one of the best investments we have put our money into. One kitchen bag per week all alone in that huge can.

    For Resident: I would be calling ECUA hourly to pick it up. I know this method works.

  4. Huh!! on February 23rd, 2021 8:22 am

    Do they still hold garbage?

  5. Yolanda Winston on February 23rd, 2021 8:18 am

    Maybe people should try to reduce their waste. Might not have to worry about taking out the trash as much.

    Its not hard people ;)

  6. Resident on February 23rd, 2021 1:34 am

    “My can has been on the curb for the last two weeks ”

    Me too! And they have not even emptied may can it in the past two weeks.

  7. Jason on February 23rd, 2021 1:30 am

    My can has been on the curb for the last two weeks as the subdivision eyesore. Had ECUA developed a REAL PLAN and identified the areas they targeted for replacement each week, customers would not have had to leave their cans on the curb for weeks on end. I lack faith in the efforts of ECUA and wont be holding my breath that ECUA actually replaces my can this week or next.