Down Home Feel To Law Enforcement: Sheriff Chip Simmons Reopens Molino Precinct

February 21, 2021

Hundreds of community members attended the reopening ribbon cutting for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Molino Precinct Saturday.

It was a scene that took on the feel of a community festival with balloons, children’s activities, food, demonstrations and the “Star-Spangled Banner” playing as Scout Troop 430 of Molino raised the flag into a blue sky. And that community feel is exactly what Sheriff Chip Simmons hopes the substation will be.

“We want this to be a hub. We don’t want to take anything away from Jimmy’s (a Molino restaurant). You can go eat at Jimmy’s and come over here,” Simmons said. “We think that having a more down home feel to law enforcement is a benefit to everyone. We think that we are going to have a quicker response time. We are certainly going to have deputies and supervision up here that knows the nuances of this area specifically.”

That supervision will come from Lt. Bobby Nelson (pictured left).

“I hope that this building can be a bridge to the community that it has been missing for the last few years.,” Nelson said. “I just want you to know that you are going to get my best and the best from everybody out here…Anything that we can do, were are here for you.”

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“We want you to be part of the community. We want you to stop by here, to come in here and say hello,” Simmons said. “If you want to have a meeting, I’ll drive up here. We’ll have a meeting in here.”

“I want thank Sheriff Simmons for standing by his campaign commitment to reopen this office,” Escambia County District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry said.

Simmons said he hopes to add even more deputies to the Molino precinct and a person to staff the office five days a week.

“I can’t be more excited about having this substation open,” District 5 ECUA board member Kevin Stephens said. “I know my wife and my family are feeling a lot better right now having our local law enforcement here closer.”

After officially opening the precinct, Simmons asked for just one thing in return.

“I just want you to do one thing for me. Every night when you go to bed, say a quick prayer and thank God that there are men and women that are willing to do this job,” Simmons said. “There’s a lot of negativity involving law enforcement, but I can tell you this. I work with 700 of the most dedicated, and professional, and decent hardworking men and women that you can ever ask for. So before I go to bed, I thank God for that, and I would ask that you do the same thing. I add an extra blessing tonight and say thank you for the neighborhood, thank you for the neighborhoods that will engage with us, support us, and are just great benefits to our community.”

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26 Responses to “Down Home Feel To Law Enforcement: Sheriff Chip Simmons Reopens Molino Precinct”

  1. David on February 24th, 2021 9:38 am

    @ Kane

    Seat belts are law…mask is not
    There also is a lot of evidence in aliens
    Not mask evidence as you claim.
    You are welcome

  2. Kane on February 23rd, 2021 1:41 pm

    I see a lot of mask hate here. I tell you what if it is a “personal choice” shouldn’t seatbelts be as well? I mean I don’t feel like buckling my kids up when I get in the car what a headache that is and don’t get me started on the car seat sheesh

    And to those officers not wearing those masks think about how quick you are to write a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. Masks are common sense and not only that there is a lot of evidence that shows they at least slow the infection rate to some degree.

    With that out of the way I am very happy the Molino substation is open they definitely needed it. Cantonment could use one as well there have been a lot of vehicle break ins around the Kingsfield area these last few years some even had weapons stolen from them.

  3. Joe on February 23rd, 2021 7:50 am


  4. Dreama B. on February 22nd, 2021 11:51 pm

    Almost every comment was about mask wearing. Stop with that nonsense. Don’t allow Covid to consume every part of your thoughts. It was,an outdoor event. This post was about a police station opening to protect and bring community together. I wish the ECSO would open up a sub station in Beulah.

  5. Well on February 22nd, 2021 8:35 pm

    You got it stumpknocker.

  6. No one on February 22nd, 2021 11:30 am

    For those saying “Mask Mask Mask”. I ask you to think about something.
    For those who are hard of hearing or deaf and lip read, is it safe for an officer or deputy to have their face covered? How long will it be before someone says “You did not have to put your hands on, taz, shoot my mema? She just couldn’t hear you, she only reads lips”.

  7. Jason on February 22nd, 2021 11:12 am

    To all those complaining about masks, stop!!!! We dont want that drama up here in Molino. Your taking a good thing and throwing politics and different views into it. Lets focus on the big picture of this post which has nothing to do with masks. Theres no law that states you have to wear a mask up on this end of the county. Clearly you havent been into the dollar general up here were noone wears masks. Have some respect for this post. Congrats on opening the precint back up.

  8. Just Sayin on February 22nd, 2021 10:26 am

    @ Lead by Example – do some research. Escambia county is NOT one of the highest counties in the state of Florida with COVID-19 cases. . The counties in South Florida have way higher numbers AND they wear their mask religiously. Personal choice. Protect yourself with the mask or masks that you choose. Don’t judge others if they don’t want to wear one.

  9. SueB on February 22nd, 2021 9:35 am

    Covid-19, the flu, etc., will get you one way or another. You don’t know who has taken the Covid shot(s). You do not know who has been with someone who has COVID, flu, etc. It is precautions we have to take now and in the years to come. The deputies wear mask, gloves, when arrive at a call for help. Why, don’t know what they will be confronting.

  10. Howie on February 22nd, 2021 9:28 am

    I attended the event and wore my mask. Although with an outside event it is not necessary, but I’m old and need to be closer than 6 ft. to hear you talking. Wear yours or not – it’s by choice at this time until it’s the law to wear one.

    The day was interesting by speaking with Sheriff Simmons, visiting with the Deputies and their K-9’s and horses, special vehicles were on display, crime scene display, reading material for personal and home safety, great food and friendly conversations.

    Don’t forget to lock your doors – vehicles, homes, businesses, outdoor sheds.

  11. Stumpknocker on February 21st, 2021 10:52 pm

    @Kate lol you folks were never left alone, there has always been two deputies assigned to every shift, just like it is now, only difference is the precinct is open now during the daytime, but only when someone is there.

  12. RICHARD COOK on February 21st, 2021 9:12 pm

    As stated earlier, Escambia County Florida has one of the highest counts of COVID-19 cases. You can come to your own conclusions why. You have the right to choose to wear a mask or not. However, if you get COVID-19 or you spread it to someone you may care about and they die. Then you will change your mind. I do hope no one gets it or faces death, because you didn’t make the right choices. I know people who have gotten COVID-19 and I know some that have died and none of them wore a mask. I for one can’t afford to take the chance with my own life or those who I care about.

  13. Rasheed Jackson on February 21st, 2021 7:08 pm

    Mask or not to mask? It is a personal choice. If you feel you need to wear one, or two, or three, knock yourself out!! If you are uncomfortable around people who chose not to mask, then simply avoid them. Remember we were told by the CDC that 6 feet was a safe distance. So practice the six foot rule, and use sanitizer. Sanitizer works 100% of the time and, there is a sanitizer, Covaguard that is FDA approved and it claims to last all day. So do what you need to feel safe but please, please, please, stop whining about those who decide not to mask!! And NO, they are not putting others at risk. It is your responsibility to protect you.

  14. Rebel on February 21st, 2021 5:20 pm

    Thank you officers for your service and dedication to our community, and for risking your lives for us every day.
    Also thank you so much for not wearing the silly, useless face masks and promoting people to make their own choices on if they want to cover their face or not. Mask should be a choice not a mandate. Back the blue!!

  15. DP on February 21st, 2021 5:02 pm

    The latest info says people who wear mask constantly in a group or not touch there faces on average 200 times a day. More masked people are sick than are not. This event was outside. Enough already.

  16. David on February 21st, 2021 4:32 pm

    If a few of you are interested, what statute are you referring to about LEO not having mask on as many here did not.

    Choice to or not to.
    The end!
    No one asked if anyone liked it or not.

  17. Worry about yourself on February 21st, 2021 3:34 pm

    If your mask and vaccine work, then you shouldn’t care who wears what. Wear your mask and take the vaccine but leave others alone

  18. Zacktag on February 21st, 2021 2:55 pm

    What a great turn out. Good community support. Thank you to all the Force and Chip.

  19. Shay on February 21st, 2021 10:44 am

    This is so awesome! We saw this yesterday on the way home, wish we had stopped!

  20. Barbara Agerton on February 21st, 2021 9:51 am

    No Masks…. :(

  21. SueB on February 21st, 2021 9:24 am

    Mask! Mask! People, please wear mask! Keep distance. About time, Steven Barry showed concerned about North Escambia.
    However, KUDOS for our Sheriff. Officers wear gloves, need to wear face masks.

  22. billie s. on February 21st, 2021 9:04 am

    Im so glad they opened it back up. I hate that I missed the open house. Thank you to everyone that serves this end of the county to keep us safe.

  23. sam on February 21st, 2021 8:14 am

    if any area needs the service it’s that one. cantonment area is really bad.

  24. Kate on February 21st, 2021 7:26 am

    Thank God, for this. we were out here all alone, help was so far away.

  25. Kathy on February 21st, 2021 7:19 am

    Blessings over our law enforcement! Happy to see this happen.

  26. Lead by Example on February 21st, 2021 4:09 am

    Thank you Steven Barry for setting an example for wearing your MASK and practicing Social Distancing. Majority of the people at this event were NOT.
    Escambia County Florida is one of the highest counties in the State Florida with COVID-19 cases and you can see why? When Elected Officials do not set a good example as a good leaders. Then it makes them that other kind of leader, a sorry leader. A safe community is one where it’s leaders try to make it safe. Lead by example.