Dollar General Wants To Build In Walnut Hill. It Would Change The Future Of North Escambia Rural Zoning.

February 17, 2021

Dollar General is considering a location in Walnut Hill, and that could change the future of rural zoning across North Escambia.

Teramore Development currently has three properties under contract at the intersection of Highway 97 and Highway 99A in Walnut Hill, next to Ernest Ward Middle School. One of the parcels includes building constructed in 1940 as the former Bryan’s Grocery and Hardware.

The Escambia County future land use category of the property is Rural Community (RC), and is it currently zoned Rural Mixed Use (RMU). The RMU zoning allows commercial buildings up to 6,000 square feet. There is no provision whatsoever to grant any exceptions to construct a larger commercial building.

Teramore wants the county to make a text amendment to Escambia County code to allow a commercial building up to 11,000 square feet in the RMU zone, with each request for any project over 6,000 square feet requiring individual approval.

If such a text amendment were to be approved by Escambia County, it would allow the construction of not just a Dollar General in Walnut Hill, but any development up to 11,000 square feet anywhere in the RMU zoning category across North Escambia, whether that be Walnut Hill, Bratt, Century outside the town limits, McDavid or Molino.

Buckley Davis of Teramore Development said they want to bring a 10,640 square foot Dollar General Store to the property. Teramore sent letters to 100 residents in the area, inviting them to a recent meeting to gauge community support. About a dozen residents attended the meeting.

For a photo gallery, click here.

Davis told attendees that Dollar General needs over 10,000 square feet for a new concept called “DG Fresh” that offers fresh produce and healthier grocery options. The concept, he said, is Dollar General’s current focus for new stores more rural areas with few food shopping options. Residents said they currently travel 8-12 miles to Atmore or 30-40 miles to Cantonment or Pensacola to shop for food.

Attendees at the Teramore meeting at the Walnut Hill Community Center were generally supportive of the idea of building a larger Dollar General in Walnut Hill, but concerns were expressed about the location next to the school.

The Dollar General parking lot would be accessed from Highway 99A. Residents said it is often difficult at best to see oncoming traffic when drivers pull out from Highway 99A to Highway 97. The speed limit on Highway 97 in the area, outside school zone times, is 45 mph, and the intersection is in a banked curve on the busy state highway.

Retired Walnut Hill pediatrician Cynthia Worrell-White said that outside traffic safety concerns, she has no issue with the proposed Highway 97 Dollar General.

“You’re not really going to an agricultural area in the middle of a field and going to take up good agricultural land. You’re going to a location that has already been a commercial site,” Worrell-White said. “It’s close to that hub of other buildings and EREC (Escambia River Electric Cooperative’s Walnut Hill office) and all. So I think that’s a good choice for those reasons.”

“We’ve got to make sure we keep those safety concerns and keep that intersection safe,” Davis said. “Besides that, I think it’s the perfect location.”

Other residents express concerns about a Walnut Hill Dollar General selling alcohol, but current Escambia County ordinances would prohibit alcohol sales due to the proximity to Ernest Ward Middle School.

Brett Ward, a local agricultural producer, said he was concerned about those yellow Dollar General shopping bags in a rural area. If they blow across Highway 97 into his cotton field and end up in his cotton bales, he said it will cost him money on the cotton market.

“There’s a 16 cent per pound deduction,” he said. “You’ll be hearing from me if that happens.”

For a photo gallery, click here.

Pictured top: Walnut Hill resident Helen Ward listens to details about a proposed Dollar General near her home. Pictured top inset: A preliminary site plan for a new Dollar General in Walnut Hill. Pictured second inset: Cynthia Worrell-White. Pictured bottom inset: Buckley Davis of Teramore Development presents a conceptual drawing of a Walnut Hill Dollar General Store. Pictured below: The conceptual drawing and area map. photos, click to enlarge.


55 Responses to “Dollar General Wants To Build In Walnut Hill. It Would Change The Future Of North Escambia Rural Zoning.”

  1. Chris on March 10th, 2021 1:08 pm

    I live a mile from this site and I think it’s a great idea we need more small stores in the area and the last thing we need is to have big box stores like Walmart and the other big chains. need to remember that the taxes in Alabama are 10% where Florida only has 7.5% and there are no taxes on food so people come across the line so to avoid the taxes. And maybe we can get a red light at the intersection of 97 & 99A. PS they need to make the roof of the building look like a house

  2. jason ward on February 20th, 2021 11:18 am

    save me some gas

  3. Local Resident on February 19th, 2021 1:07 pm

    When you have a private meeting to discuss a public matter, you can expect a reaction. It seems exclusionary at a minimum and down right shady at most. Especially when the attendees supposedly were “generally supportive” with issues like traffic and proximity to the school being their concern. Quality of life, property values, crime and other concerns raised by the respondents to this article didn’t seem to come up at the meeting. I would be interested in knowing who put the invitee list together and if any of the attendees will benefit from the sale of the property and/or the precendence set by the zoning change.

    On another note, in response to the person that is upset with Escambia County for potentially allowing this while not allowing subdivision of farmland for their children. That is a very valid argument, but, be careful what exactly it is you ask for. Every time an exception is made, a little more precedence is set. What starts out as “if they can do it, then why can’t I?” soon turns into beautiful farm land becoming a massive subdivision full of track homes and Dollar Generals on every corner.

    Likewise, to the respondent that said “it’s just one” store, the same rules apply. How do you tell the next developer he can’t, if you already told another, he could?

    To “Native” regarding Steve’s, I just say Amen brother/sister. There are lots of folks wishing for the return of the Mom and Pops (frankly I am one of them). Well, support the ones you do have, first, and maybe more will come. Better yet, rather than waiting on that to happen, get out there and start one up.

  4. Native on February 19th, 2021 11:49 am

    It never ceases to amaze me that people complain about driving a distance to a store. Regarding fresh vegetables? Steve’s Farm provides the highest quality vegetables you can ever hope to find. At a very reasonable price. That is why I live in the country. To stay away from all the busy towns and bright lights. To be able to look up at the sky and see stars instead of florescent lights lighting up the night. If you know someone elderly that could use assistance, pick up what they need at the store when you’re in town. Out here, we need to take care of our neighbors. That is the country life I enjoy.

    – How about this: move closer to a city if you want more convenience. I’ll be a good neighbor and help you pack…

  5. Jean Wiggins on February 19th, 2021 10:55 am

    I live within 2 miles of the proposed site and did not get an invitation to meeting. It will be an eyesore and cause dangerous road conditions. There are plenty of dollar stores available within our area.

  6. William Reynolds on February 19th, 2021 9:07 am

    “Why were only a “select” few invited to the meeting? We pay property taxes and have a vested interest. We didn’t receive any invitation/notification…County Commissionor?”

    From the story: “Teramore sent letters to 100 residents in the area”

    It was not a “public” meeting held by the county. It was held by the private developer.

  7. Krista Johnson on February 19th, 2021 8:45 am

    Addition to my previous response:

    Why were only a “select” few invited to the meeting? We pay property taxes and have a vested interest. We didn’t receive any invitation/notification…County Commissionor?

  8. Bobby JOe on February 19th, 2021 8:30 am

    I’m gonna by so much candy!!!!

  9. Mike on February 19th, 2021 3:02 am

    Everyone acts like one store will turn walnut hill into
    A big city. I used to live in a place that the main road
    Could take 45 min just to go a few miles cause all the
    The stores where butted up next to each other so there
    Was a ton of traffic. There are some
    Talking about how dirty and nasty it will be the old building there
    Is already that way. There are a lot of elderly people who can’t
    Go far and this would be good for them. I live about 3 miles from the the place they will build it while I can see issues about
    Traffic problems that is a concern but it’s stuff that can be addressed. If they want to build the store they will have to listen to the concerns of the community and work to make them happen if they can do that I’m for the store.

  10. lana on February 18th, 2021 11:23 pm

    NO,NO,NO Dollar General! When & where do we vote, we need to keep our county free from china stores, need made in the USA item stores. I vote NO!

  11. R on February 18th, 2021 8:49 pm

    No no no to dollar general. There are WAY too many of them in escambia county, or close to the area like someone said above. It will not raise the value of any property out there, will not bring $$ into the area(uh, hello, it’s a dollar store and is marketed towards low income), the products are not quality(think China and full of lead), put in something nice that will bring value to the area and attract more homeowners or better businesses. Let’s clean up all the old abandoned junky buildings and take a little pride in the land and Cities.

  12. Krista Johnson on February 18th, 2021 8:23 pm

    No…please, do not do this.

    My husband and I live less than a mile from the proposed site. We moved here from Baldwin County to escape the “over growth” that most people see as progression. That progression certainly lines a lot of pockets for the seller, but it also forever changes the landscape, and lifestyle, of rural communities. My husbands’ family roots run deep in Baldwin County, yet we left there in order to have an opportunity to return to real rural living. We chose Walnut Hill. For us, it was an answer to prayer. We want our son to have the same opportunity as we had growing up. If DG, and the likes…are allowed to come here, our homes and land will become a casualty—a casualty having been sold out to the almighty dollar. Please preserve our community and our way of life. Vote no…I beg you.

  13. Dianne on February 18th, 2021 4:35 pm

    Please bring it on we need it

  14. Local Resident on February 18th, 2021 1:59 pm

    Lots of good points on both sides of this issue. I live in close proximity to the location of the proposed DG site (I didn’t receive an invitation to the meeting either, by the way). The rural country charm is definitely what bought me and my family to the area and I would hate to see that change. But having lived in Baldwin County and experienced the massive growth that is occurring there, it is clear to me that money talks and BS walks. I encourage the locals to resist, but, realistically all we can do is push for stringent and strictly enforced architectural and landscape design and maintenance standards as another reader mentioned before. This is an argument as old as time, but like it or not, change will come. But we can influence what it looks like.

  15. Back In the day on February 18th, 2021 11:49 am

    Back in the day. I remember when the Piggy Wiggley Building was constructed by a local builder. That really started the downfall of the Mom and Pop stores. But this is how progress starts, better opportunities for the community in employment and more of products that people would buy.

    I read where a farmer was concerned about the yellow bags. Not really a valid concern when you can see and remove the bag from your field. I have to pick-up cotton out of my yard every year.

    I read that the area would have to be rezoned as commercial property. That is not a valid argument as well since there has been a business their before.

    Safety at the property purposed is not a valid argument. Because the Dollar General will actually be constructed further off the road. This would help with the intersection. The only concern would be speeders not obeying the law, but that is on them, not the Store.

    Someone mentioned that the store would only have 10 employees. Again not a valid argument, because that is 10 people with a job and in the future 10 to to 15 Dollar an hour jobs.

    Here’s the thing, I loved the old Mom and Pop Stores, but they are gone. Things change sometimes for the better and for the worst.

    I believe this store would be for the better for just one reason – jobs.
    We need to stop thinking of just ourselves and think about how this store could benefit the community as a whole.

  16. My thoughts on February 18th, 2021 10:09 am

    If they do build one maybe they’ll make it for handicap accessible for those of us that can’t shop in the ones that are already built. The one in Century is awful.

  17. Back in the day on February 18th, 2021 2:42 am

    I remember back in the Day. Bryan’s Store, Hall’s Store, Vaugh’s Store, Byrd’s Store, Green’s Store, Coopers Store, Driscolls Store and 3 or 4 more I can’t remember the names of.
    You know what most these structures are still there and today eye sores and empty. Coopers is still open, just under a new name. I rode my bicycle to 4 of these stores and sold coke bottles, oh those were the days. Make a little money and buy a drink and a hunny bun.
    Mom and Pop stores are long gone and now we want ONE Store to replace a ruined down store. I say good for Walnut Hill and the community as a whole.

  18. Mary on February 18th, 2021 2:36 am

    I am so sick of Escambia County! They flat out refuse to rezone for families who want to divide their land up for their children, but they’re open to businesses taking over the landscape and dividing the land up to asphalt. I say, NO NO NO to DG!!!!

  19. Bring on DG on February 17th, 2021 10:59 pm

    Seriously folks it’s just one store.. there used to be lots of little convenience stores all over this area now we have to drive basically to Atmore just for a cold soda.. I get the point that people are worried about more development but it’s not going to happen anytime soon, saying this is the next Beulah is just laughable, anyone with business sense would realize there’s not the population base here to support very many businesses. Look how long it took Atmore just to get a Walmart. It’s not going to affect your country living lifestyle to have a store in the community and there would certainly be a positive in having something close by. And let’s not forget we all want good roads infrastructure etc.. somebody’s got to pay for it and businesses pay far more than one individual..

  20. GG on February 17th, 2021 10:10 pm

    Dollar General stores and the parking lots are FILTHY! Don’t expect any better if a DG is built in WH!

  21. Mary on February 17th, 2021 6:35 pm

    NO to rezoning our little community, we don’t want to look like Hwy 29. If this rezoning is allowed will open up NEW CAN Worms….with be the end of our priceless little community as we know it.
    Go to Family Dollar at State Line or one of the many other DGs, I use to shop at Dollar General, due to now dirty the stores are and the amount of boxes (hazard, can not get around store safely or see products on shelves) I stopped shopping at DG.
    Dollar General or any other store like Dollar General will bring more robbery into our priceless little community. Some people will break in for a pack of smokes and/or alcohol as well as for other items.
    How many times in the past has Family Dollar, Piggly Wiggly at State Line been robbed?
    How many times in the past has Davisville Gas Station been robbed?
    Think about all the reasons the people of community and area have posted NO.
    I think the 1000 or so voters that vote in District 5 at Walnut Hill Community Center should have received a letter about the meeting. Would have been larger turn out for meeting if more community people had been notified. Covid and the rainy weather played factor in some of us not getting out for the meeting, doesn’t mean we DO NOT have concern for our Priceless Little Commnunity.

  22. Just say no on February 17th, 2021 5:52 pm

    Say no to Dollar General, and say NO when commissioner Barry ask for your vote.
    He is kicking his constituents’ values, wants, and concerns to the curb.
    Almost 1,000 people voted at the Ruritan precinct, but they only send out 100 letters….
    Who decided who mattered when drafting this mailing list?
    The development group is banking on the law of numbers.
    Mail out to 10% of the citizens, and in turn receive over roughly 10% feedback.
    ….not to mention during a pandemic. Every other business entity currently offers virtual/remote meetings in some fashion. Why not them?
    I know Joe Patti’s is downtown, but something smells fishy here.

  23. Greg Gay on February 17th, 2021 5:47 pm

    Awesome. This is just right down the road from me. I do think the County needs to find a way to push these national companies to invest in the communities they are in. If they could approve the zoning with the stipulation that they must obtain the produce locally. They could team up with local farmers to provide “fresh from the farm” produce. Perhaps they could sell local crafts etc. These national chains should have to team up with the community if they want the laws changed to accommodate them.

  24. Dakota Smith on February 17th, 2021 4:14 pm

    No no no, people that live up this way, live out here for a reason! That reason is to be away from the city and all the crap going on in the city, we don’t want or need stores or neighborhoods being built out here! Y’all are talking about a big dollar general with fresh produce and crap, we grow out own food out this way! Most of us are perfectly fine with driving to the grocery store miles away! We simply do not want this crap being built out here!! No thank you

  25. just sayin on February 17th, 2021 4:07 pm

    @ Resident of Walnut Hill. Why would one move to the country and then complain about having to drive 20 miles to the store? I bet you would move next to the airport and then complain about the noise from the planes. You should move to Pensacola. There is a dollar general within walking distance anywhere in town.

  26. Oversight on February 17th, 2021 2:10 pm

    Even if the grass needs cutting around the store, it will be an improvement to what’s currently there. Com’on man, progress is coming to WH. Look at the positives: a local convenience for residents and more jobs.

  27. Nomo Growth on February 17th, 2021 1:33 pm

    “Keep your city tail in the city.” That’s what we heard when we moved into the area many years ago. We were told, like all over Florida, we have our little corner of paradise, now we were here first, you go find your own. We have enough interlopers bringing in their politics, attitudes, pollution, and businesses. We want to stay in the country!

    But…If you city tax payers could help us with our infrastructure, roads, bridges, fire and police protection, that would be appreciated. How about better cell service, and our wifi is insufficient. A little medical facility sure would be nice, especially one with a department that deals with the understanding and treatment of sarcasm and hypocrisy.

  28. Local Interest on February 17th, 2021 1:31 pm

    If this were a locally owned and operated business, proposing to build/develop the property to the same detail or larger scale, and also proposing a more aesthetic architectural and landscape design, this idea would be more than welcome and the excitement would be through the roof. I’m wondering if the community can set up a committee of community standards that could legally enforce landscaping(to include minimal green space), advertising/signage, and architectural standards for any and all future commercial developments.

  29. Resident of Walnut Hill on February 17th, 2021 12:24 pm

    Yes!! You should most definitely add a Dollar General in this area! Many residents in this area have to travel miles and miles to get to the nearest convenient store. We have to travel 20 miles to get break milk, and eggs.There’s many elderly people that need to get food and supplies but the stores are so far away that they can not get the food and supplies that they need. It would be pleasant to have a dollar general near by.

  30. Joe on February 17th, 2021 12:22 pm

    When is the vote scheduled to happen?

  31. tg on February 17th, 2021 11:39 am

    What the World needs now is another Dollar Store. Good Song Title.

  32. Danielle on February 17th, 2021 11:18 am

    Everyone who commented here needs to call or write our county commissioner, Steven Barry. He’s very pro-business and needs to hear the collective voice of our community. Blow up (by calling) his phone with your concerns. (850) 595-4950.

  33. Same old story on February 17th, 2021 11:12 am

    Jason is exactly right–look at the promised “upscale” DG at Muscogee & 97S.

    The irrigation ran 24/7 for the first two months the store was open before it got fixed, and the place looks like an overgrown weed patch nearly all of the time.

    And there is a Winn Dixie on 29 just south of the old Cantonment location–not sure how another store that close makes any sense.

  34. Walnut hill resident on February 17th, 2021 11:10 am

    We got the letter for this meeting but didn’t go because the pandemic. But a store there is a great idea, it’s midway between stores on the Alabama boarder and the store down in Molino. And it’s going between a large school and the offices for our power company which had a store on that location in the past, so it’s not taking any rural land. This store would be a great addition for a under-served area.
    And to those people complaining that they live 7+ miles from the purposed store and didn’t get a letter… of course you didn’t, 7 miles from here is basically Alabama or Molino, this store isn’t in your area. Stop whining about the store like it’s being put in your front yard, it’s not. Those of us that actually live in the area need a option to grab something they forgot for dinner that isn’t a 30 minute round trip.

  35. Bebe Cee on February 17th, 2021 11:00 am

    It amuses me the comments from the newbies that moved here 7-10-20 years ago when this community has been home to some for generations. Unless they bought an existing house with the same size family as the selling family, they contributed to the population growth in this little town.

    There was originally a small mom/pop store at that intersection and it served the LOCALs very well for a long time. Times have changed and so have people; you take your life into your hands crossing that dreadful raised roadway so that is a legitimate concern. Blowing plastic shopping bags across the road is less of a concern but there is a legitimate point made about how quickly these stores decline, bringing down the quality of life.

    Aging community members need something convenient but I don’t think this planned development is the answer.

  36. Dakodah on February 17th, 2021 10:51 am

    I just moved my family from Texas and am under contract on a land purchase right down the road from where this proposed DG location would be.

    The thought was to build a home that wasn’t surrounded by pavement and commercial properties. If this goes through, the floodgates are opened to any commercial buildings up to 11,000 square feet in the RMU zone (regardless of whether you like the business or not).

    If this goes down what would be the purpose of even moving here? Not sure there would be. The people here WANT to be 10+ miles away from commercial buildings.

    What value would a DG bring to the community? None – even if it were built we’d be driving elsewhere for groceries and whatnot, so we would just have an eyesore DG to look at as we pass by and an additional traffic hazard.

    Sell that land Teraform / DG, its going for a premium nowadays.

  37. EMD on February 17th, 2021 10:33 am

    Because of the “love of money,” one day there will be no more rural zones. That is very sad. What we need is a Wal Mart, or (preferably), a Publix in Cantonment where the old Winn Dixie used to be. The DG in WH, to me, is a very bad idea for many reasons.

  38. Ken Wright on February 17th, 2021 10:23 am

    100 year zoned wetlands rezoned I meant

  39. Ken Wright on February 17th, 2021 10:21 am

    Don’t do it, and.stop slowly carving out sw(express homes in no tree development ) to nw escambia to line the pockets of a “few” who likely don’t even live in the state. You will have allowed 100 to 150 new cars on a street that I’ve lived on for 30 years… They don’t care bout noone but their wallets and whatever councilfolk they’re lining the pockets of can get 100 zoned wetland rezoned commercial.

    It’s not Orange Beach n it’s not going to be Orange Beach……. Sooner waterways will be so polluted like Miami, nola etc.

    I guarantee the majority don’t want any of it…

    Please don’t let them in walnut hill.

    They already got a DG fresh up there ,the special today is deer and bream

  40. T on February 17th, 2021 10:15 am

    I was all for the dollar store until you started talking about zoning changes. O heck no ! I will drive my happy but to the local piggy wiggly everyday . I don’t won’t any kind of big development in this area, look at what happened to Beulah, a small town then development happened. Keep your city tail in the city and leave our rural area alone.

  41. Leslie on February 17th, 2021 10:11 am

    I didn’t get a letter either. Was it only farmers and/or business owners that received one?

    I’m with those against. It’s not that far to the nearest DG or FD. I think it’s a horrible location for that, along with agreeing that the prospect of opening a pandora’s box is not enticing

    If anyone needs signatures to fight against this, please come around the area and make sure you get my signature.

  42. Chelleepea on February 17th, 2021 10:00 am

    Do we really need another dollar store? They promise jobs but at the most each store might employ about 10 people. A lot of states have passed laws to limit the number of stores in close proximity to eachother. They hinder other businesses from coming in and when they close due to lack of customers they leave a huge store No one but another chain can purchase. There are 3 dollar stores in close proximity in century/flomaton. My prediction is one of these stores won’t make it and then we’ll have another empty building.

  43. just sayin on February 17th, 2021 9:50 am

    Has anyone ever noticed the produce at a Dollar G? This stuff is rotten on the shelf and not even suitable to feed to hogs. The county commissioners have literally ruined Beulah. Wake up people or North Escambia will be next.

  44. No on February 17th, 2021 9:13 am

    I cant see any possible upside to this besides enabling lazy people. 0% chance the tax revenue would be enough to justify this

  45. Glenn on February 17th, 2021 8:42 am

    We also live around 7 miles of this location and received no letter about this meeting.
    We also do not want this or any other larger development destroying our rural setting and interfering with the agricultural way of life.
    We grew up in the Ensley area and moved here over 20 years ago to get away from mess like this.
    There is a Piggly Wiggly 7 miles from the proposed location and Walmart is 14 miles.

  46. Niknak50 on February 17th, 2021 8:35 am

    What is the point of zoning regulations if exceptions are constantly being made to them?
    But, it matters not to your county commisioners what you want, what any impact is, or how safety may play a part. They will approve it, you don’t matter.

  47. Really? on February 17th, 2021 8:34 am

    Really? There is something called a pandemic currently ongoing. You’re surprised that 12 people showed up? Where was the virtual option? Every meeting nowadays has a virtual option to help with social distancing. Not to mention 100 letters issued is a joke when the voting precinct half a mile down the rode has a turnout greater than 1,000. Guess DG is only targeting those 100 people to support their business.
    There is currently a DG a few miles up the rode in Florida, and one approx 10 miles south in Molino, Florida.
    Remodel those stores instead of building more trash stores.

  48. Resident on February 17th, 2021 8:30 am

    No…NO..NO.! A privately owned little local mom and pop store would be one thing to consider.. BUT WE DO NOT WANT NOR NEED COMMERCIAL TAKEOVER IN OUR RURAL AREA.! Just know there are many in our area that will fight this.. America is divided enough. Please do not bring this division to our area. We like it rural as is, or we would move to town.!

  49. The DOER on February 17th, 2021 8:27 am

    Oh, my goodness. No. Once we open the flood gates, this won’t stop. Read and think, people. You would be voting to allow ANY commercial business up to this size anywhere in our area. How long do you think it would take to become like the Beulah area? This is what has happened with so much commercial expansion.

  50. Brian on February 17th, 2021 8:01 am

    No thank you don’t want or need it. It would just invite more, this community is fine the way it is.

  51. Ronda on February 17th, 2021 7:41 am

    We live within 5 miles of this location and received no letter about this meeting. We definitely do not want this or any other larger development. We formerly lived within the Pensacola city limits in close proximity to stores, shops, and restaurants and moved here less than 15 years ago to live away from the things you find in more densely populated areas like Walmart’s, Dollar Generals, and McDonald’s. We gladly pay the price of traveling 15 to 30 miles to shop in Atmore or Pensacola in order to enjoy the way of life living in Walnut Hill affords.

  52. Brian on February 17th, 2021 7:03 am

    So would there be no entrance/exit on 97? They will end up making that a permanent light, not just flashing. I have no problem with them adding a store near there but in the curve and next to the school may not be the best

  53. Rebecca Ann Brasch on February 17th, 2021 6:49 am

    Thank you, but no thank you. We moved furthur out from Cantonment to get away from the building up. I don’t mind the drive to Atmore. It’s not just the dollar store, it’s the change in code the opens the door for others. If they make an exception for one then more will follow, with no grounds to tell them no. Soon there will be so much light pollution we will not be able to walk out outside and see the beautiful night sky. Please, lets keep our area rural. Not to mention the number of wrecks that will happen if they put it in that location. Northescambia please keep us aware of future public meetings reference this.

  54. English 101 on February 17th, 2021 5:54 am

    Whoever wrote on the white board cannot spell BAY MINETTE.

  55. Jason on February 17th, 2021 5:05 am

    Just say no.

    Dollar General is a blight on a community. Dont fall for the promises of how their “DG Fresh” will benefit the area. Have you ever visited one of their stores with a “DG Fresh” component? Its highly oversold as a benefit for the community.

    DG is putting in a store at 297a and Kingsfield. There are two additional stores with two miles of this store and a total of five stores within 5 miles of this store being constructed on 297a.

    Once DG gained approval to build, then they need an variance to increase the allowable size. Then they need a second variance to add TWO monument signs – one of each highway – as if passerby’s wouldnt be able to see the sign hanging off the building. It never stops.

    These buildings quickly become “unkempt” and fall into an eyesore with rubbish and overgrown holding ponds and landscape. Drive by the stores popping up all around the area. Visit a store and see how quickly becomes a “dump”, and IMO, crammed with out-dated, often poor quality merchandise. Dont be fooled on what DG is trying to sell.