Century To Attempt Charter Review Again, Seeking Volunteers For Committee

February 11, 2021

Century will try again to rewrite the town’s charter and is seeking volunteers to help.

The previously appointed 11-member Century Charter Review Committee is now down to just six people.

The Century Town Council appointed the committee in August 2019 to explore the town charter — the document that establishes the town, outlines its powers and spells out how it should operate. The charter has not been updated in almost 40 years, and that often creates problems in the operation of the town.

The committee held their first meeting in October 2019, two months after it was established. The early meetings were spent learning about the Sunshine Law, orderly meetings and background information. Most of the discussion at the committee’s sporadic meetings then centered around one central topic — the form of government and the possible addition of a permanent city manager.

The COVID-19 pandemic slowed regular meetings for the charter committee and any chance of moving forward in 2020, preventing any charter change from making the ballot.

The Century Town Council is accepting applications for volunteers for their Charter Review Committee until March 4, 2021. All applicants must reside with the town limits.

To download an applications, click or tap here. Applications are also available at the Century Town Hall. The deadline to apply is March 4.

Pictured top: Century Charter Review Committee Chairperson Mary Hudson Bourgeois (right) and member Evelyn Hammond at a 2019 meeting. NorthEscambia.com file photo.


9 Responses to “Century To Attempt Charter Review Again, Seeking Volunteers For Committee”

  1. Resident on February 12th, 2021 12:29 pm

    >>>I do not see any input from District 5 County Commissioner.

    And why would you? Century has its own autonomous government. It would not be the county’s place to tell Century how to govern itself. That’s for the citizens of Century to decide.

  2. SueB on February 12th, 2021 10:16 am

    I do not see any input from District 5 County Commissioner.

  3. M in Bratt on February 12th, 2021 7:46 am

    @Buster; No, I don’t live in the TOC, but you have to realize that this bunch of clowns represent the interests of the whole North Escambia area when it comes to any kind of development. TOC has a history of making commitments to developers and then changing the terms after a project is underway. TOC has a history of mis-appropriating funds while at the same time letting their infrastructure fall into ruins. TOC cannot even provide a dependable water supply to the prison which is their biggest customer. Then you have to ask why the TOC exists as a Chartered City? By any modern State if Florida standards and laws this area could not even be chartered today. You have to ask; Does the TOC exist for the good of the citizens, or for the self gratification of the clowns that run it?

  4. Buster on February 12th, 2021 12:19 am

    @Alan, @t, do either of you live within the town limits?

  5. retired on February 11th, 2021 6:35 pm

    Be sure to include loan assistance in the charter

  6. t on February 11th, 2021 4:27 pm

    Alan you have the proper plan.

  7. chris on February 11th, 2021 4:22 pm

    This is laughable, to say the least.

  8. Bebe Cee on February 11th, 2021 12:03 pm

    There are attorneys that specialize in updating outdated docs. Given the past history of leadership in Century, it would be money well spent. The previous leadership has shown their lack of fiscal responsibility so hopefully new leadership won’t follow that same path.

  9. Alan on February 11th, 2021 11:51 am

    Dissolve the town charter, turn it all over to the county, and all your problems will drift away.