Voters Approved The Escambia Children’s Trust. Member Volunteers Are Needed Now.

January 24, 2021

Escambia County is seeking applications from county residents to serve on the Children’s Services Council (CSC).

In November, voters approved the creation of the Children Services Council to be funded by an increase in ad valorem taxes of up to a maximum of 0.5 mil. The Children’s Trust of Escambia County will provide early childhood education, safety, developmental, preventative, health, and well-being services, including after school and summer enrichment programs.

Once members are appointed to the CSC, the newly formed government body is responsible for assessing the needs of the children in the county and developing a strategic plan for addressing unmet needs which must then be submitted to the Escambia County Commission. The CSC, like the county, must also go through the process of adopting a millage rate and budget in accordance with Florida’s Truth In Millage (TRIM) Act, and the CSC must submit an annual report to the board as required by Florida law.

To be considered for the CSC, Florida Statute criteria include the requirement that nominees have been residents of Escambia County for the previous 24-month period and are willing to submit an annual statement of financial interests form. Florida law also requests that gubernatorial appointments are representative of the demographic diversity of the county’s population.

After the application deadline of Jan. 30 has past, the eligible applications will be compiled for the BOCC’s consideration during the Feb. 18 meeting. In order to narrow down the pool of applicants to the 15 nominations that will be submitted to the governor, each commissioner will nominate two applicants and the full board nominates five additional applicants.

The governor will have 45 days to make a selection or request a new list of candidates.

Resumes and both applications may also be submitted via email to or by mail to:
Shamara Jernigan, Program Coordinator
Escambia County Board of County Commissioners
P.O. Box 1591
Pensacola, FL 32502


5 Responses to “Voters Approved The Escambia Children’s Trust. Member Volunteers Are Needed Now.”

  1. David Greene on January 25th, 2021 11:30 am

    Rule #1.

    Make sure who is in charge of the $$$ can balance their own checkbook.

  2. Jlb on January 24th, 2021 9:19 pm

    I love children. However it seems like so many of these organizations get taken advantage of. No one is held accountable for how the money is spent. I feel like children are used too often as a political Pawn to get more money. I hope I’m wrong I hope the people in charge of this organization make sure that this money is spent wisely.

  3. Miguel on January 24th, 2021 9:12 pm

    John, you feel the same about giving at church? Tithe is 10%, and there’s literally no way to show how those monies are spent to actually help folks aside from those earning from the church. If the church had held their end of the bargain taxpayers wouldn’t be spending a thing, the problem is that they pay no taxes and fly private, live large and aside from preaching do nothing to help those in need. Look at Santa Rosa, more churches per capita and yet still folks are poor, underfed, overworked and have little to show at the end of the week for all they’ve done. Meanwhile there’s not a pastor in the region starving.. Take your issues up with the folks who promised that if they didn’t have to pay taxes they’d do the right thing with the monies, they ain’t. . .

  4. Me on January 24th, 2021 12:30 pm

    I felt the same way at first. All of my kids are grown why would I do this? Well because although my husband and I worked our butts off to do what was needed to keep our kids on a certain path not all are afforded that. There are actually some trying their hardest to ensure their children grow to lead productive lives. Not everyone is the same just because their surroundings may seem the same. So if this is how to help then I will part with what I know I can’t take with me when I die. Nor do I live that gotta have this that and the other.

  5. John D Bodie on January 24th, 2021 7:46 am

    Well , no I don’t hate children. But this is just another way to squeeze a dime from folks. I go to work every day and work ( keyword, work) and the government just keeps taking. I work just to give my money away for others to reap the fruits of my labor. It will never stop, so people just keep agreeing to such as this. Please wake up.