Milton High, Former Ernest Ward Teacher And Coach Jeff Larson Lost To COVID-19

January 1, 2021

A Milton High School science teacher and coach with North Escambia ties has passed away due to COVID-19.

Coach Jeff Larson passed away on Christmas Day.

He was in education for 38 years, the last 26 as a science teacher at Milton High School.

“He was probably the most revered science teacher in the department. A great teacher, a tremendous football coach, but a better person,” said Tim Short, principal of Milton High School.

Larson was a coach and teacher at what was then Ernest Ward High School in Walnut Hill.


9 Responses to “Milton High, Former Ernest Ward Teacher And Coach Jeff Larson Lost To COVID-19”

  1. Bob on January 4th, 2021 1:19 pm


    …no they didn’t. We’ve known about zoonotic viruses and their potential to spread for decades. There is zero evidence that that COVID-19 is anything other than another novel coronavirus, like MERS or SARS.

    Even if that conspiracy theory were true, China isn’t responsible for our abysmal reaction to this pandemic. China didn’t make people in our community ignore social distancing guidelines. China didn’t prevent us from wearing masks in public. China didn’t stop us from placing a moratorium on evictions. Those failures are on us.

  2. Tim Seichter on January 2nd, 2021 10:32 pm

    To all connected to Jeff Larson. I grew up with Jeff in Wisconsin. Jeff was the Big Rivers Conference player of the year as halfback on the our high school football team, and also played hockey and baseball.

    From my perspective, he was bigger than life, and had a heart twice the size of Wisconsin and Florida combined. He will be missed by many people.

    My condolences to your community.

    Tim Seichter

  3. Chico on January 2nd, 2021 4:12 pm

    To Bill and Matchbox: Your anger and frustration should be directed at China on every death related to COVID. They manufactured this and released it intentionally on us. IMO “an act of war”.

  4. sam on January 2nd, 2021 7:35 am

    the government has failed us again. the vaccine is available, people have signed up to get it. what is the hold up?

  5. Matchbox on January 2nd, 2021 12:30 am


  6. Mike Honcho on January 1st, 2021 11:55 am

    Super guy he will be missed

  7. john on January 1st, 2021 8:23 am

    I personally do wear a mask (only around others outside of my household and where required), and carry a bottle of hand sanitizer. I am around alot of people who don’t. I am somewhat higher risk as well as my wife. I thank God we haven’t gotten this virus. At the same time I don’t begrudge those who choose not to. Also I don’t know of anyone who has kept a perfect record of mask compliance including myself. I don’t think it is actually possible. Anything outside of of a full p100 respirator half face or full face will probably not protect you 100%. The mask i wear around in public are of pretty high quality non surgical mask military grade materials. And I can detect smells and scent getting through it. Which tells me there is still possible for a small enough micron of covid getting through it.

    Everyone please do what you can to (slow) the spread, because we are not going to stop it! I will be praying for this man’s family in their grief.

  8. Bill on January 1st, 2021 7:13 am

    Everyone who has refused to social distance and wear a mask is complicit in his death.

  9. tooma on January 1st, 2021 5:54 am

    Bless his soul Father, keep his family and friends in your care, in Jesus’s name amen.