Florida Gas Prices Up About A Dime In The Past Week

January 25, 2021

Florida gas prices jumped another dime last week, reaching an average price of $2.40 per gallon. Sunday’s state average is up 20 cents from the start of the year, and the highest daily average price since February 2020. Despite the recent hike, Florida drivers are paying seven cents less than this time last year.

The average price per gallon was $2.34 in Escambia County, with lows of $2.29 in Cantonment Sunday night. In Pensacola, a low price of $2.22 was available.

“Gas prices have been dragged higher by crude oil prices which remain at 11-month highs,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA — The Auto Club Group. “The gas price hike has likely hit its ceiling for now, as oil prices seemed to plateau last week. Despite optimism for the Covid-19 vaccine, crude prices slipped last week due to rising cases of coronavirus in two of the largest fuel consumers in the world: the United States and China.”


8 Responses to “Florida Gas Prices Up About A Dime In The Past Week”

  1. William Lingo on January 25th, 2021 12:42 pm

    0.10 cents is only the beginning, the Biden/Harris administration is out to ruin America, under the Trump Administration, the United States was energy independent for the first time and now the new Biden administration has turned us back 180° to support Russia and China and end U.S. energy independence. The Globalist Democrats are destroying the last bastion of democracy on earth!!!

  2. Tc on January 25th, 2021 12:13 pm

    All those “climate” experts who think it sounds good to transition away from oil & gas , have another thing coming .. not a person alive today live without the oil & gas industry.. Hope it reaches 5+/gal

  3. Fred on January 25th, 2021 9:15 am

    Buckle up, folks. The prices are going to get higher quickly with the Keystone XL project stopped. Should make Ukraine happy, though.

  4. tg on January 25th, 2021 9:11 am

    And going higher!

  5. Alma R mcdaniel on January 25th, 2021 8:37 am

    Heading to five dollars a gallon.

  6. Singing the song on January 25th, 2021 8:35 am

    …… you just wait…. “Ain’t seen nothing yet”

  7. brianh on January 25th, 2021 6:53 am

    And thanks to our ever so brilliant new president, you can expect them to go even higher.

  8. Anne on January 25th, 2021 6:33 am

    With the “Cancel” folks in charge we’re going to see fuel costs continue to rise.
    Remember, it’s not only fuel. Plastics, Vinyl, all sorts of cosmetics, we use every day are made from petroleum based products.
    Oh, and that big bunch of toilet paper you fought to buy, it comes in big trucks that use petroleum fuels and guess what the price is passed along so your cost to keep clean will also be wiping out your wallet.
    And friends, it has only just begun….