Florida Forest Service: The Trials And Joys Of Trees

January 31, 2021

|submitted by the Florida Forest Service|

Trees often are low on priority lists – unless you had tree damage as a result of Hurricane Sally. However, you might be surprised to learn that trees played a beneficial, if somewhat behind the scenes, role for good this year and every year. And celebrating the good, while not ignoring potential problems, is important when making decisions involving trees.

Often trees are disparaged, especially after a severe storm. Many trees fell during Sally, causing costly clean up and often significant damage. Some trees were damaged: causing hazardous conditions, opportunities for the tree disease and insect infestation, or simply aesthetically unpleasant disfigurement. Even without storms, trees require care, can interfere with utilities and foundations, and require extra clean up certain times of year. Yet, healthy well-maintained trees might reduce wind speeds and damage for property underneath or on the leeward (downwind) side of trees. Trees also significantly reduce erosion and absorb stormwater.

Trees often give more than they take. Many studies have been done on the effects of green space on a person’s well-being, including lowering blood pressure, speeding up recovery times, and lessening depression and anxiety. Other social benefits include lowering crime rates, increasing property values, creating beauty and space for recreation and relaxation, and lowering cooling bills. They provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. We haven’t even begun to mention the material benefits such as fruit, nuts, wood, and the 5,000 plus commercial products made from trees (wood, roots, leaves, and saps).

So, celebrate trees this year! Winter is a great time to improve existing trees and to plant new ones. Florida Arbor Day is celebrated the on the third Friday in January – January 15, 2021. National Arbor Day is the last Friday in April. While you might not be able to attend a public event, you still can get out and celebrate trees. Below are some ideas.

Existing Trees

  • Care for storm damaged trees.
  • Contact an arborist for evaluation of potential hazards
  • Properly prune out broken limbs to create a smooth surface
  • Some trees may not be able to be successfully treated and need removal
  • o Most trees will recover, but might need time and/or multiple treatments
  • Learn about proper pruning techniques to take care of smaller trees yourself
  • When hiring a professional is required, hire a reputable company with a certified arborist on staff. Ensure the company has both Personal and Property Damage Liability Insurance and Worker’s Compensation Insurance. Arborists certified by the International Society of Arboriculture can be found at http://www.isa-arbor.com/findanarborist/arboristsearch.aspx.
  • Take care of tree roots. Don’t compact the soil by parking or piling things in the root zone. Use caution when applying any chemicals (fertilizer, herbicide, pesticides) to the soil or lawn. Read the label to ensure it will not harm your tree.

New Plantings

  • • Decide what species of tree is right for you, considering the soil type, size of opening, climate, and eventual size of tree.
  • • Plant the tree at the right depth, not too deep or too shallow.
  • • Keep it simple. Soil amendments, fertilizers, and staking are usually unnecessary, especially for small native trees.
  • • Mulch lightly over the root zone, but not against the trunk.
  • • Water regularly until the tree is established. (Three gallons per inch of tree diameter weekly – applied slowly at the root ball)


  • Take a photo of your favorite tree to post on social media. Tag the Florida Forest Service!
  • Take a hike in the woods or a nearby park.
  • Have a picnic with friends or family by a tree.
  • Be grateful for your tree and its benefits.
  • Teach a child about trees. There are many activities that can be used. Check out Project Learning Tree Activities for Families – Project Learning Tree (plt.org) or the Arbor Day Foundation www.ArborDay.org for a few ideas.
  • Plant a new tree.

For more information on the benefits of trees, visit healthytreeshealthylives.org or www.vibrantcitieslab.com.


One Response to “Florida Forest Service: The Trials And Joys Of Trees”

  1. A.W.Thompson on February 4th, 2021 5:37 am

    Very informative information well worth the read.