Escambia Health Department Closes Online COVID-19 Vaccine Form

January 16, 2021

The Florida Department of Health in Escambia County has temporarily closed their online COVID-19 vaccination request form.

The form allowed individuals 65 and older to request a vaccination. The health department will continue to work through the list of individuals that previously completed the form and schedule appointments and vaccines became available.

FDOH-Escambia said the department is working to identify and implement a more efficient appointment process.

For more information, call FDOH-Escambia COVID-19 line at (850) 595-6500, option 6. Appointments cannot be made on the phone.


18 Responses to “Escambia Health Department Closes Online COVID-19 Vaccine Form”

  1. David Huie Green on January 20th, 2021 11:16 am

    “SO you all want to blame the republicans…”

    Most were just responding to the claim Democrats are in power in Florida, but, yeah, blaming those in charge for encouraging behavior which kills and wounds seems reasonable.

    “The very people that cut the red tape”

    Also known as protections for health and against corruption. Regulation for the sake of regulation is silly but so is throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

    “and got the drug pushed thru YEARS ahead of what a demo would have done..”

    Helped with one of the two vaccines which have been approved and not the other or others soon expecting approval. And that after ending cooperation which would have warned us earlier and ending programs which might warn years in advance of others and the development of protections against them.

    By the way, medicine isn’t Democratic or Republican but better medicine avoids intentional lies.

    “you just dont have a clue”

    Yep, WE are the clueless ones.

    David for the people, even the clueless

  2. tbdotcom on January 18th, 2021 12:48 pm

    Since teachers were declared essential workers, and are faced with exposure on a daily basis, they should be considered a priority. Simply come to each school and administer the shots to those teachers who want the vaccine there.

  3. Bewildered on January 18th, 2021 5:36 am

    Really? not even one subject deserves handling for the welfare of all and not be made into a political issue – maybe Biden plans to only vaccinate and keep alive his supporters – Solve two problems at once – No more resistance and clawing for power. LOL
    But seriously, since worldwide a huge number of people already carry COVID antibodies, this group could step aside for the moment and let the limited vaccine doses go to the ones that need it. Is the antibodies blood test still done?

  4. Jason on January 17th, 2021 3:24 pm

    Yes, people are inconsiderate! I run a residential air conditioning and heating company and you’d be surprised how often a customer will make several appointments for the same no cool call… we show up in our pre scheduled appointment window and another service truck is already there… sometimes these calls are 40 miles or more from our office but the customer didn’t bother to call and cancel. This happens 7 days out of the week in our hot months. Thousands of dollars lost in fuel and payroll every year.

  5. David on January 16th, 2021 8:49 pm

    People creating multiple appointments and showing only for one is why we are in this debacle right now.
    Dont have anything to do with Democrats or Republicans.

    Its selfish people as ourselves who shoved someone else out from an appointment…lets say 5 appointments ..and you show for one that leaves the other 4 slots showing filled.
    We humans always want to blame someone.
    And the persons (plural) who got their shot and left the other slots as they were could care less about anyone.
    Doubt what I am saying…call and ask that question on how many people…man many many pulled that sad little stunt.
    The politics behind it is pure people greed..” I want mine” “I dont care about those others”
    The civilized at its best.
    Look in the mirror …and there is the culprit…the politician ..the blamer….
    Personally …I feel it has something to do with El Ninio or the La Ninia

  6. John Canerot on January 16th, 2021 4:09 pm

    It doesn’t do any good to play the blame game. Lets see what the Biden Administration does to solve the Covid 19 vaccination problem. Distribution is obviously a job that Amazon does quite well. May I suggest that the new administration direct Amazon to immediately stop delivery of consumer purchased parcels and direct their efforts to distributing Covid vaccine from the manufacturers directly to centers properly equipped to vaccinate the population based on aged priorities. I would think by now the medical community has been vaccinated and its time to vaccinate the elderly starting at the oldest down to the youngest citizens.. By the way I’m 91 yrs old and have pre-eisting health issues and despite my wife and my best efforts we have been unable to get an appointment to be vaccinated. John C.

  7. Steve on January 16th, 2021 1:45 pm

    SO you all want to blame the republicans… The very people that cut the red tape and got the drug pushed thru YEARS ahead of what a demo would have done..
    You are incapable of rational thought, must blame and pick and choose sides when the reality of the matter you just dont have a clue.

    YOU are the problem, FEAR is the other. Scared to death that you got to wait a little while to get something that may or may not work for ya..

    The sky is not falling and you will be ok. FAITH…. So lacking.. Would never make it in teh Loins DEN…. The mice in the cage would get you long before the Lions.

  8. Bryan on January 16th, 2021 12:35 pm

    Judy you do realize that Escambia County is controlled by republicans and so is the state right? That the Trump administration is still in control and has been awful at nearly everything it does?

  9. Jan on January 16th, 2021 12:31 pm

    Last I looked Trump is still in the White House and Florida has a Republican governor and Matt Gatez and Rick Scott

  10. pk on January 16th, 2021 11:48 am

    to be fair Dems are not in control yet, keep politics out of it, this is going to be hard to get it to everyone, it is still better to be an American waiting to get on the vaccine list then those in other countrys

  11. Denny on January 16th, 2021 11:19 am

    Judy, I’m sorry you (and many others) haven’t been able to get vaccinated. The response to ending the pandemic has been pathetic. By the way, Republicans have been in charge of the country, state and county for years.

  12. Onward on January 16th, 2021 11:01 am

    Judy…lest you forget we in Florida have a Republican governorship so how are the dems to blame?
    BTW, please return your stimulus check which is democratic socialism.
    Government regardless of political party isn’t efficient.

  13. Thomas Paine on January 16th, 2021 10:37 am

    We live in a red county, in a red state, in a country with a Republican congress and President. Place the blame where it belongs, on the incompetence of the Trump administration.

  14. Reality Check on January 16th, 2021 10:06 am

    @Judy, which democrats are in control of the Florida Department of Health in Escambia County? Last I checked, Florida and Escambia county are both severely conservative. 390,000 plus Covid related deaths occurred under Republican leadership. Although, no one educated is surprised that such misinformation is so prevalent on the right. Besides, why would you even need a vaccine for a “hoax”? Keep drinking the kool aid.

  15. John on January 16th, 2021 10:04 am

    For those who believe they are the only rock on the beach here is the population numbers as of 2020 just in Escambia. (297,618 ).
    The population of persons 65 and older is as follows.
    Males : 18,025
    Female: 23,525
    Total: 41,550
    You can armchair quarterback and throw out conspiracy theories, but the problem is available sites, manpower and available doses.
    There isn’t a play book for this situation. We are supposed to learn from past mistakes but so many times it is just easier to steer the same course and hope it will be different this time.
    I heard it is just a hoax anyhow and will be gone by Easter and we’re rounding the curve.

  16. David Huie Green on January 16th, 2021 9:33 am

    “This is what happens when Dems are in control!”

    Would it do any good to point out Democrats are not yet in control and will not be at the state or county level?


    Thought not, guess reality is still just an option.

  17. judy on January 16th, 2021 9:05 am

    My husband id 76. I tried for over 8 straight hours, (hitting re-dial) until I finally got thru to a person who put him on a waiting list! Now I hear there are people who are cancelling and they have not called him for the vaccine yet! This is what happens when Dems are in control!

  18. JTV on January 16th, 2021 6:19 am

    The government isn’t equipped to run more efficient.
    They’re the opposite of efficient