Escambia County Now Reporting Number Of Recovered COVID-19 Patients

January 8, 2021

For the first time since the pandemic began, Escambia County is now reporting a number of people believed to be recovered from COVID-19.

Of the 24,530 total cases in Escambia County as of Thursday, the county reports 22,794, or 98.2% of them have recovered, for a fatality risk of 1.8%.

The Florida Department of Health does not have a clear standard or definition of “recovered” and does not report a number of recovered individuals. Escambia County is reporting an approximate recovery number defined as the total cases prior to last month, minus deaths. In other words, anyone that tested positive more than a month ago is presumed to have recovered.

As for the “fatality risk”, here’s how the Escambia County explains that calculation: “The Crude Case-Fatality Risk (CFR) is calculated by dividing the Total Number of Fatalities in Escambia County (Resident and Non-Resident) by the Total Number of Confirmed Cases in Escambia County (Resident and Non-Resident) and multiplying by 100%. The Crude Case-Recovery Risk (CRR) is calculated by subtracting the CFR from 100%. The CFR and CRR are not adjusted for the time delay from diagnosis to death which is highly variable from one to eight weeks.” now includes this recovered number data in our daily reporting.

Pictured: COVID-19 testing last August at the Walnut Hill Community Center. photo, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Escambia County Now Reporting Number Of Recovered COVID-19 Patients”

  1. A Neighbor on January 10th, 2021 1:54 am

    There are many well meaning persons who believe the choice to where a mask is their right. From a legal perspective in our area they are correct, however from a moral standpoint I would disagree. The fact is that ever person in the US who has died of this disease has contracted it from someone else. Likely unbeknown by the giver of the disease they where a direct participant in the death of another, perhaps many. A responsible gun owner would not act callously in a manner that could potentially kill another. So I suggest the same precautions be done to protect your fellow neighbors. Be kind and respectful to others and wear a mask. I promise, it won’t take away from your cool macho reputation, but it might just save a life. Exercise your freedom by doing the right thing. WWJD?

  2. Big red on January 9th, 2021 6:03 am

    @cj. Use curbside pickup or home delivery. Look at the recovery rate and it shows it’s the same as the none existing FLU now. So if you or a older family member that may have health conditions please stay home. I’m sure if a person is sick with fever, chills, and body aches they won’t be out walking around in public, let alone shopping. This is not to discredit your beliefs but just use common sense.

  3. Stephen on January 8th, 2021 8:32 pm

    @CJ- in all due respect, if you do not feel comfortable being out and about, then stay home. Your fear does not trump others freedom.

  4. Rita Jenne-Ryan on January 8th, 2021 7:24 pm

    Im happy to hear this. We should know many have recovered and the survival rate is almost 99%. All the stores Ive gone to Ive seen everyone wearing masks in the Cantonment area. I have continued wearing a mask & use sanitizer for myself, I cant control others. Anyway, how would you know if you had Covid if you dont have symptoms?

  5. CJ Lewis on January 8th, 2021 4:53 pm

    If not already being done, the Florida Department of Health should follow-up with people who they know to have been infected (and survived) to assess if they have any lingering symptoms, i.e. what some call “long haul” COVID.” The big mystery is that so many people were infected, had no symptoms (and so felt no need to get a test) and then recovered. It is anyone’s guess how many people “they” might have infected without knowing they had been infected. It remains amazing to see how everyone wears masks in some stores (Fresh Market, Dollar Tree (9th & Creighton), Target (Bayou), Winn Dixie (Bayou) but not others like the Winn Dixie at 9th & Creighton. We left Hobby Lobby earlier than planned a few days ago after after counting about ten people not wearing masks to include two in the check-out line. I didn’t want my 82-year old wife around those people. At Walmart on Creighton a few days ago, I counted 17 people not wearing masks within the first five minutes of walking into the store. Shocking. No one cared. The day prior I had counted 24. A PPD officer must have been somewhere in the store because his SUV was parked outside but he was nowhere to be seen, consistent with Mayor Robinson’s policy to not anger Governor DeSantis by enforcing the city’s mask ordinance. The Board of County Commissioners should ask the Department of Health to see if it can break out its numbers further to separate those for the county’s two municipalities the City of Pensacola and the Town of Century. I know that I would like to know the trend in Pensacola prior to adoption of its mask ordinance, immediately after adoption of the mask ordinance (almost universal compliance) and then starting in late September when Mayor Robinson tried and failed to have the city council repeal the mask ordinance. Mayor Robinson’s shocking position described in the PNJ on September 26 is best summed up in his own words: “It’s a question of management. It’s not a question of masks.” District 4 (Cordova Park) Councilman Jared Moore, whom his constituent and neighbor Mayor Robinson described in December 2018 as “the future of the city” is cut from the same mold as Mayor Robinson saying, “In two weeks or a month, it might be a more comfortable thing to consider.”

  6. J on January 8th, 2021 4:53 pm

    Good to know there CDC can do simple math.

  7. SueB on January 8th, 2021 12:01 pm

    People with symptoms of SHORTNESS OF BREATH, LOST OF TASTE OR SMELL, CHILLS, MUSCLE PAIN, SORE THROAT , COUGHING M A Y H A V E COVID-19. These symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to virus. Exposure is usually CLOSE CONTRACT with people which includes loved ones, family members, neighbors who do not practice avoiding close contact with sick individuals.
    However, look at each symptom! It could be heart attack, the flu, etc.

  8. Denny on January 8th, 2021 11:30 am

    Anyone could have made this calculation all along without the government doing it for them.

  9. Jay on January 8th, 2021 11:02 am

    Seems to me it has been the virus deniers and anti-vax conspiracy theorist that have been clamoring for this ’survival’ number for a while now, as if it would prove them right.
    Well, here it is, and it shows that the death rate is near 2% (which is horrifying).

    Happy now deniers??? (let me guess, you have another conspiracy theory to push about the survival rate, right, and how it’s fake/altered….???)

  10. EMD on January 8th, 2021 10:32 am

    Thank you SO much.

  11. NavyDave on January 8th, 2021 8:58 am

    It’s about time. In order for both citizens and government agencies to make intelligent decisions on risk management and allocation of resources we need to have the whole picture, and this is a valuable metric.