Century Asking The Florida Legislature To Fund Three Utility Projects

January 10, 2021

The Town of Century has prioritized three projects for funding requests to the Florida Legislature.

The three utility projects are:

1. Highway 29 Construction Utilities

The Florida Department of Transportation completed design on a project to improve portions of Highway 29. The town will be required to adjust the height of existing valves and manholes, and make changes to natural gas lines, water lines and sewer lines in one part of the project. Construction is expected to begin in 2022.

2. Water Meter Replacement Project

The town wants to replace all existing commercial and residential water meters with electronic meters than can be read remotely. They are asking for the funding needed to replace the meters, along with new software and training for a complete radio system.

3. Well And Water Plant Rehabilitation

The town is requesting funding to rehabilitate three existing water wells and water treatment plants. Work has already been done on the well located at the Century Correctional Institution and the well on Henry Street, but the well on Blackmon Street still needs repairs. The electrical and treatment equipment at all three wells needs to be rehabilitated, with much of it needing complete replacement. Each well house building needs cosmetic work, and the well located at the prison needs a permanent standby generator.

The requests will go to Rep. Michelle Salzman and Sen. Doug Broxson to be submitted for consideration during the upcoming legislative session.

Pictured: Century Town Hall. NorthEscmabia.com photo, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Century Asking The Florida Legislature To Fund Three Utility Projects”

  1. Dave on January 14th, 2021 10:47 am

    What the township leaders want is a EBT card to run the town.
    Nothing new here!

  2. Don on January 11th, 2021 2:47 pm

    If this happens don’t let them write the checks have someone else do it.

  3. chris on January 11th, 2021 10:44 am

    Project priority, in my opinion.

    #1 Disband the city

    #2 Roll the city into Escambia County govt

    #3 Observe how things possibly actually start getting done

  4. Dale Flowers on January 11th, 2021 9:54 am

    Why ever would we want the County to take over an unincorparted former Town of Century and have the Escambia County taxpaypayers foot the whole bill to make things right there again? Let decades of elections and the poor governance wrought from that have their consequences. There should be no bail outs.

  5. Calla Ferguson on January 11th, 2021 9:24 am

    How many times do the taxpayers have to pay for the mismanagement of funds by the Town Council?!?? I’d like a spreadsheet of all the grants the TOC has received and where the money was used.

  6. SW on January 11th, 2021 8:19 am

    Maybe our new state Representative won’t get tangled up in Century’s web and our sitting Senator won’t be either.
    The best thing would be for the state to pull the charter, disband the inept city government, and sell assets.

  7. JD on January 11th, 2021 6:32 am

    Century needs to dissolve as an incorporated city. The city is not financially stable, has not been in many years, and would likely get more benefits from being run by the county. If not, it surely can’t get worse than it is now. At least there would be no unnecessary city related fees or taxes which apparently are never enough to keep the city afloat. The city does nothing but need help and funding constantly.

  8. The hilarity of it on January 10th, 2021 8:32 pm

    These jokers around here are always looking for a handout. Its pathetic.

  9. M in Bratt on January 10th, 2021 6:40 pm

    @Alan; My point was that TOC cannot manage their money, and they do owe the State of Florida several million dollars from funds that were misappropriated. “Grant Money” is not penny’s from heaven, it all comes out of the pocket of the taxpayers of the State of Florida. Instead of handing them more money, the Legislative Delegation should seriously look at revoking the Town Charter and letting local agency’s take over the services that can efficiently provide reliable service instead of running from one crises to the next non stop.

  10. TAX PAYER on January 10th, 2021 5:38 pm

    WILLIAM??? what ever happened on the gas meters???????????????????????????

  11. Wayne on January 10th, 2021 5:12 pm

    Concerning the grant supposition…if it is a grant all money comes from taxpayers…there is no Grant Tree that sprouts money.
    Everything in this world is tied to money..nothing is for free

    If you didnt pay for it..someone else foots the bill through taxes

  12. Oversight on January 10th, 2021 1:43 pm

    Didn’t the town have remote read water meters before? How’d that go? Nothing like throwing good money after bad. Sorry, but the state needs to pass on Century.

  13. new to Century on January 10th, 2021 12:41 pm

    The water meters were replaced in 2011 so they could be read electronically. I had lived here for about 9 months at the time. My normal bill from the Town of Century at that time was about $50. The first month after the new meter were install my bill was $1700.00. When I went to get this corrected I was told…..”We are having a lot of higher bills this month due to finding there had been usage in the past that had never been billed.” I really had a difficult time trying to explain to the cashier that there was not way I could have used something like 250000 gallons of water in the short time I had lived here. I noticed when the new gas meters were finally installed there were so elevated bills and once again the reasoning for this was “findings there had be usage that had never been billed.”
    As I say, I am new to Century and just cant seem to get with the thinking of The Town of Century employees or officials.

  14. William on January 10th, 2021 10:22 am

    The book..”.The little town that couldn’t”…and never will.

  15. retired on January 10th, 2021 10:11 am

    Water Meter Replacement Project they haven’t finished the first one!!!!!!!!!!

    SORRY THAT WAS GAS METERS, still working on them??????????????????

  16. Alan on January 10th, 2021 10:05 am


    I am pretty sure these are all grants from State programs and are not loans.

  17. David on January 10th, 2021 9:26 am

    In short,Century built their house,and want the states taxpayers to make mortgage payments on it. Let them live in what they voted for and built. Do not rescue it..let it dissolve further into the nothingness it has made itself. Turn the whole area into crop land that can do the state some good.

  18. SueB on January 10th, 2021 8:40 am

    If there are monies due back to the State, then let the new mayor get his feet wet and start asking questions & handle it.
    Utility project #3 should be #1 on the list.
    Utility project #1 -how long has this project been on the list & cost (who is paying?) already a start date?
    Utility project #2 – can wait. Going to electronic meters takes away employment for Century workers.
    What happened to Verizon towers?

  19. M in Bratt on January 10th, 2021 7:01 am

    Talking about throwing money down the well; This town has squandered money like they have a printing press, failed to keep their infrastructure repaired and updated, had one questionable deal after another, and the town council has even gone as far as loaning each other money under very questionable circumstances. They even misappropriated millions of dollars of State Revenue and now owe this money back to the State. Why in this world would the citizens of this State even consider handing them any more money to throw away?