Two Motorcyclists Killed In Escambia County Crash

December 29, 2020

Two motorcyclists were killed Monday night in Escambia County.

The Florida Highway Patrol said a 29-year old local woman was traveling west on Highway 98 in a SUV and turned left onto Fairfield Drive.

Two approaching motorcycles crashed into the SUV. The motorcycle riders — an 18-year old male from Cantonment and a 30-year old male from Pensacola — were both pronounced deceased at the scene. The SUV driver was transported to the hospital with serious injuries.

Multiple witnesses told the FHP that the motorcycles were traveling at a high rate of speed above the posted speed limit.

Any charges are pending the outcome of a FHP traffic homicide investigation. The FHP no longer releases the names of crash victims.


27 Responses to “Two Motorcyclists Killed In Escambia County Crash”

  1. Someone on June 21st, 2021 8:34 am

    The woman should be in jail because she was also driving with a suspended license. One of the motorcyclist was my brothers best friend. I’m sorry for the loss of the guys and I hope they get justice soon

  2. Kathy on January 1st, 2021 11:44 am

    I drive a vehicle and I ride a bike and have and will do so till the good Lord calls my number. Point of this is 2 lives were lost and familys and friends were and will always be affected by the loss. I bet not one person making these comments or reading them can honestly say they have always obeyed every traffic law as well as every common sense law ( if there was one) were all human and we all at one point in our lives think that happens to others. It happens to everyone and my heart goes out to the families and friends of the men killed as well as the lady who was injured. Where has humanity and concern gone? Its like everyone wants to put blame on everyone elese when they have at one point in time done same thing or just as bad if not worse.

  3. Emily on December 31st, 2020 4:24 pm

    My condolences to the families involved. It must be a thrill for some people riding with the wind blowing through your hair. I still don’t know why it’s legal to not wear a helmet in Florida. I think that it had to do with some random politician, who enjoyed going out on his motorcycle without a helmet, which apparently he thought was a great idea for the whole state of Florida. I really should have gone into politics. I’ve realized in the last few decades, that they can pretty much get away with anything, if they know who to kiss up to. I remember when my grandmother was firmly opposed to my brother getting a bike. She said that you need to have something between your feet and the highway. She called them “Murdercycles”. I tried to ride one and as soon as I got going, it fell right on top of me when I slowed down. Last time I rode one.

  4. Shotgunrider Blackwell on December 30th, 2020 11:55 pm

    My prayers and condolences to the families that have had their lives so terriably impacted by this most horrible accident. My heart goes out to each one of you. I have driven every type of vehicle made from 2 wheels too 18 wheels , my brother a seasoned bike rider was killed on his motorcycle by a truck that pulled out in front of him, ever since that I always read the comments that people have about such accidents , I actually tracked down a man who commented on my brothers wreck, because he said he heard the wreck from his porch I knew he was near I found this very kind and compassion man who wanted my brothers family to know he ran from his front porch when he heard the crash and that he was there with my brother, and that he didn’t believe that my brother didn’t endure any long suffering…. People who have ugly comments about and or to anyone’s families who have been impacted by such tragedy should be ashamed of yourselves, of you have nothing good to say keep it to yourselves.

  5. Skip on December 30th, 2020 10:47 pm

    I saw the after effects the other night and it was rough. I just rode by a hour ago and saw someone planting a cross at the corner. My Hearts and prayers go out too anyone that lost a loved one. God bless

  6. Witness on December 30th, 2020 9:35 am

    Hello everyone this collision occurred directly in front of my eyes. This was a traumatizing event for all involved including the families and witnesses. I was stopped at the front of the red light on 98, the motorcyclists came from behind me and were trying to get through the intersection just after the light turned red. they were traveling easily over 70 mph and were accelerating based on the sound of the engines. it is clear to me that they did not see the SUV coming and did not even have a second to react. I was the first one out of my vehicle to check on them. Please know that my heart lies with the families of these guys and I prayed for their souls that night.

  7. Daidra on December 30th, 2020 3:42 am

    Kane thank you very much. I think you were able to say so much about what was being said and respond in a very well mannered way. I know that my family appreciates that as Peggy Williams is my aunt and the 18 year old is my cousin.

    I agree with my aunt and some others, regardless of who is to blame be courteous of the families and what they are going through. These men were taken way to soon and a young lady is in the hospital because of what happened. Just pray for the families. Remember that old saying that said “if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say it” maybe listen to that. The families have enough going on already that when checking articles about the accident the last thing they want to do is read the negativity that is spreading. Sending my prayers to the other 2 families involved.

  8. Someone who understand on December 29th, 2020 10:10 pm

    I have read all these comments and some of them are really uncalled for! As someone who has lost someone very important to them from a motorcycle accident this hits me hard! Y’all need to stop being so negative and rude this is a very traumatic event for these families to go through! We do not know the full story yet so stop point blame at people! To the families that are going through this loss I am praying for y’all! And I hope the lady recovers quickly! It’s only gods place to judge what we do not know!

  9. Evy Alex on December 29th, 2020 9:59 pm

    I found out this morning. I’ve been at a loss for words all day. One of the motorcyclists was my boyfriend and he meant a lot to so many people. He touched so many people with his life and existence, me included. May they both rest in peace. This shouldn’t have happened. This event should never have occurred, two lives were cut short. As previously stated, when an event like this occurs we don’t always think about how the other people in the incident feel or the way everyone else feels. Please, keep in mind the emotions and feelings of other people and the people involved. Please, be safe driving. My prayers go out to the families and everyone else involved in this event. Have a nice day.

  10. Momma Cindy on December 29th, 2020 5:37 pm

    To Peggy Williams: I am so sorry for your loss. A loss is a loss. I will be keeping your family in my prayers.

  11. PRAYER IS NEEDED on December 29th, 2020 2:51 pm


  12. MR REALITY on December 29th, 2020 2:45 pm

    I agree, these “local yokuls” around here think, LOUD BOKES OR CARS OR TRUCKS equals HIGH SPEED….They were prob doing the speed limit or a little over it LIKE WE ALL DO. Heck the speed limit on my street is 25 but people do 50, 60, 70 mph and guess who is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND TO STOP THEM…..

  13. MR REALITY on December 29th, 2020 2:42 pm

    Gee mo netty…more of this “thankin”……THE PENALTY FOR SPEEDING ISNT DEATH….If the lady turned in front of them and CASUED the wreck, she should be held accountable. The problem with todays world is NO ACCOUNTABILITY, here let us make YOU the victim. Drivers in this town are a JOKE and that is why I leave them in the rearview mirror. i used to be the most courtious driver in town but it got me NO WHERE, so now I do like everyone else and just drive and when you ZOOM up on my left side THINKING you are gonna cut me off to take a right, THINK AGAIN….

  14. Imomotimi on December 29th, 2020 1:19 pm

    I feel broken right now cos the family of deceased are one best family I have. Please be kind with words because accident never tell you how it will happen, or whom it will happen to so. So it can be you. However, no-one wishes to be an accident victim. Solo sad

  15. Fredric Kennedy on December 29th, 2020 12:42 pm

    The left-turning lanes should be changed to turn on green arrow only. There are wrecks several times a week at this very location due to drivers making left hand turns after the green arrow turned to a green light…. a simple change in this lights programming could have prevented the senseless deaths of these 2 motorcyclists, no matter what their alleged speeds were…

  16. Carlos E McGugin on December 29th, 2020 11:55 am

    There are traffic lights there. Who had the right of way there is the real question. Did she turn on the arrow or was it just a green light.

  17. Kane on December 29th, 2020 11:48 am

    My condolences to all the families in this and to the suv driver.

    @Common Sense Florida is a “No Fault” state.

    I’m glad all those witnesses had great radar. People are quick to judge someone else speed even though It’s just a guess which is more then likely incorrect.

    @All those saying “don’t expect cars to look out for you” that’s an incredibly irresponsible and nonsensical thing to say. As a motor vehicle operator it is your RESPONSIBLILTY to look out for EVERY other driver on the road whether they are in a car a truck a motorcycle or any other conveyance. To say otherwise is inciting people to break the law and spreading misinformation.

    As a motorcycle rider as well as a driver I don’t agree that drivers here do not look out for motorcycles less then anywhere else. This is just something that happens everywhere because people (all of us) are not perfect and we make mistakes sometimes the consequences are tragic.

    I personally have had many drivers look out and pay attention to me even so far as to yielding the right of way to me when they had no obligation to do so. I’ve also had drivers roll through a stop sign on a side street and pull right out in front of me. Fortunately I am always extremely observant and aware when I’m on my bike. We live in a dangerous time for any motorist but especially for motorcyclists as we are the most exposed on the road.

  18. Peggy Williams on December 29th, 2020 9:59 am

    These two young men have family such as me I am the 18 year old aunt. Please keep this in mind while you print your opinions. Our family is broken please be kind and pray for us instead of putting our relative who was taken way too soon. Remember we loved him and it could just as easily be you feeling what we do right now. Have a blessed day.

  19. Common Sense on December 29th, 2020 9:53 am

    @meaness Fault doesn’t matter? Really? Tell that to the 29 yo woman fighting for her life in serious condition at the hospital. Multiple people said they were driving too fast and they clearly weren’t paying attention. “Fault” does matter, it’s why the police determine whose FAULT it is when there is an wreck.

  20. LISA BROXSON-DINETTE on December 29th, 2020 9:51 am

    One of these cycleists parents are friends of mine. It is very distressing for the women that was hit and the parents of the deceased. Please keep this in mind when voicing your opinion. I am sure the friends and family are aware of the speed and the danger that was involved in driving so fast. As well as the poor lady who got hit. Be kind and considerate.

  21. David on December 29th, 2020 9:32 am

    @ Victo
    And what kind of radar was the witnesses using?
    Many on here that blame are the same as the witnesses..quick to blame and judge.
    To many when one cranks up a bike…its speeding because of sound.

    @ Vicky….same for you. What did either of you hope to derive from your comments ” A Like” ” A thumbs up”

    Prayers to the family and friends of the ones lost and the lady driver as well.
    Neither of the 3 good people wanted this to happen…but it does and it will.
    This situation does not make people bad, they are human for Gods sake.

  22. A Alex on December 29th, 2020 9:27 am

    Appears to me with witnesses saying high rate of speed, they were going more than 10mph above the speed

  23. JimC on December 29th, 2020 8:45 am

    Prayers for all involved – for the families, friends, and loved ones. Prayers, too, for the first responders who responded to this tragedy.

  24. Victo on December 29th, 2020 7:41 am

    Yes a lot of people speeds but it said witnesses said they were speeding. Half of people driving shouldn’t be driving. Bikers in Louisiana don’t care car in 3 lanes the biker will drive on the shoulder to pass or drive in between cars.

  25. Dennis on December 29th, 2020 7:03 am

    Vicki, do you have proof of the motorcycles speeding? I rode for years, moved here in ‘93. Automobile drivers have no respect for motorcycle riders here. . Never brought them here. Seems they think of them as bicycles which they also have no respect for. There are cars here that zip in and out of traffic here also.

  26. Meaness on December 29th, 2020 1:52 am

    Every car does not do the speed limit, every motorcycle does not do the speed limit. Some time we do, even though our bikes sound like we are going much faster. Today I saw a Diesel truck weave in and out of traffic like it was a sports car. Two young men lost their lives today. Fault does not matter. We lost 2 of our fellow riders, and it didn’t need to happen. But it did… thoughts and prayers to the families and friends of these two young men gone too soon.

  27. Vicky on December 29th, 2020 1:27 am

    People on motorcycles need to pay attention to the speed limit and not act like they are the only ones on the road and weave in and out of traffic and expect people to always watch out for them!!! This is a sad situation that did not have to happen prayers for all involved