Sacred Heart Administers First COVID-19 Vaccinations To Frontline Workers

December 22, 2020

Ascension Sacred Heart began administering the COVID-19 vaccine to its frontline caregivers on Monday.

Among the first recipients was Dr. Mark Grise (pictured above), an Ascension Medical Group Sacred Heart cardiologist.

Dawn Rudolph, president of Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola, said: “Caregivers continue to lead by example, and I encourage everyone in the communities we serve to get vaccinated when it’s made available to them, It’s important that we do everything possible to demonstrate that the approved COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and work to ensure all people ultimately have access to them.”

In accordance with federal, state and local guidance, frontline caregivers are among the first groups eligible to receive the vaccines.

The vaccinations are not yet available to the general public.

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4 Responses to “Sacred Heart Administers First COVID-19 Vaccinations To Frontline Workers”

  1. joy bryant on December 23rd, 2020 1:54 pm

    So glad that when I was young and the polio vaccine came out-my Dad took me to get the vaccine!! Imagine if he was as stupid as those who risk YOUR life by saying THEIR body is THEIR temple but can kill you!!!???
    Look up an iron lung and see WHAT A VACCINE stopped in it’s tracks and until you understand you should not show your ignorance!! SHAME ON YOU

  2. Big red on December 23rd, 2020 8:56 am

    I agree with just saying. Your body has its own immune system that fights germs and viruses. I don’t need an unknown cocktail from the pharmaceutical company being introduced into my body. Especially a RNA experimental filled syringe vaccine that has not been proven. I could go on about this but it won’t be posted. So if people want to take it it’s your choice. I prefer clean living.

  3. Suzie B on December 22nd, 2020 8:55 pm

    After a recent stay at another local hospital and seeing how selfless these workers are, I will gladly step aside on immunization until ALL medical and essential personnel have what they need to keep the rest of us alive and well. Our turn will come and when it does, I hope it remains a choice for each to make.

  4. Just saying on December 22nd, 2020 2:04 pm

    Crazy , I pass You all can just keep your shot !! My body My choice. RIGHT. Isn’t that how it’s said now days.