Pace Man Charged With Raping 15-Year Old At Party Near Jay

December 23, 2020

A Pace teen has been charged with raping a teen girl last year at a party near Jay. The arrest came after a DNA evidence match by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Seth Tyler McDonald, 19, has been charged with first degree sexual assault of a victim between 12 and 18 years old.

In September 2019, the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to a sexual assault case at the Santa Rosa Medical Center in Milton. The 15-year old female told deputies that she had attended a party in the 6300 block of Old Pollard Road north of Jay. She told deputies she had been drinking vodka and beer, according to an arrest report.

The girl told deputies that she blacked out and later found that her shorts were on backward and her underwear was missing, the report states.

A witness claimed they saw McDonald carrying her out of the woods.

DNA samples were obtained from the victim in September 2019. The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office was able to obtain DNA from McDonald in September 2020, with a match to the crime returned this month from FDLE, according to the report.


16 Responses to “Pace Man Charged With Raping 15-Year Old At Party Near Jay”

  1. Shirl on December 24th, 2020 1:42 pm

    What is a 15 year old doing at a party with grown men? He’s in the wrong, but so are her parents for not having her at home where a 15 year old should be. This world is crazy. Well, it’s not the world, it’s some of the people in it.

  2. Stumpknocker on December 24th, 2020 12:54 pm

    I keep reading about this girl passing out and it sounds as if most of you assume it was from alcohol, do any of you know since apparently y’all were there did someone slip something in her drink? He a grown man who’s DNA was found in a 15 year old girl, that’s a big problem!!!!!

  3. fisherman on December 24th, 2020 10:58 am

    In due honesty my parents would tear me up if I was drinking partying like that where was her parent she put a snare in his life.though he shouldnt of took a advantage of the situation. She should be held accountable under her parents rules.if I was drinking like that and she knew from right and beheld accountable too

  4. Alex on December 23rd, 2020 9:51 pm

    Lc if she were your child you should be arrested for child neglect.
    Where was the parents?

  5. Lagia Creamer on December 23rd, 2020 5:17 pm

    It’s the victim blaming for me!!
    Some of you are so self righteous…you didn’t get hammered in high school? You didn’t go to parties??

    Yall should absolutely be ashamed of yourselves!! If that were my daughter I’d go take out his whole bloodline!!
    Hope they throw the book at him and he is someone’s girlfriend!!

  6. Bill on December 23rd, 2020 4:24 pm

    I’m sickened to read posts that equate a RAPE VICTIM with the RAPIST. Drinking too much at party is foolish. Raping someone is savage and unforgivable.

    Yes I drank as a teenager but no I never assaulted anyone and certainly never SEXUALLY assaulted anyone. No amount of alcohol turns a decent person into a rapist.

    To say there’s no victim shows a profound lack of moral judgement. If you can’t see that a young teenage girl who was raped while passed out is the victim you have absolutely no ability to determine right from wrong. That’s an absolutely sick and abhorrent thing to say.

    And the victim, the girl who was RAPED, did not commit a crime on the rapist. That too is an extremely ignorant, immoral, and repugnant comment.

    How did you two come to have no sense of morality? What’s wrong with you? Where is your humanity? You’re sick.

  7. Shay on December 23rd, 2020 4:16 pm

    @Edward Anthony Are you drunk or just stupid. No amount of drinking on someone’s part justifies being raped in the woods after passing out. The man knew she was incapacitated and did it anyway. You say she’s no angel, well if proven he did this to a 15 year old passed out from drinking, then he is devil incarnate.

  8. EDWARD ANTHONY on December 23rd, 2020 1:56 pm

    Are you drunk? or just really that stupid?
    You cannot justify McDonald’s actions – They are pure criminal!
    If you don’t engage in such activities as;
    (The 15-year old female told deputies that she had attended a party in the 6300 block of Old Pollard Road north of Jay. She told deputies she had been drinking vodka and beer, according to an arrest report. The girl told deputies that she blacked out and later found that her shorts were on backward and her underwear was missing)
    This doesn’t happen. This is two young people with NO MORAL up bringing, found each other in the right frame of mind to commit a crime on each other, and NOW they are both marked for life! There is no victim in this story; there are two victimizers…

  9. Well on December 23rd, 2020 10:55 am

    Underage girls.
    When drinking Vodka and Beer to the point of passing out…..
    Please make sure you have someone looking out for you as this is not how you want to wind up.

    Probably goes for anyone drinking to much.

  10. Alan on December 23rd, 2020 10:39 am

    The article leaves numerous questions to be answered in court.

    They were both at a party where one of them has admitted to being highly intoxicated when neither is still old enough to legally drink to this day, much less over a year ago. Hard to make good decisions when you are hammered, as most honest people will attest, having been there and done that as a teenager themselves.

    I think I will hold off on my personal self righteous condemnation of the young man until after the courts verdict. Being accused of something doesn’t mean you are guilty of it.

  11. bewildered on December 23rd, 2020 10:30 am

    Times sure have changed. Nowadays people consider a 15 year old girl who attends a crazy teenage party, drinks beer and hard liquor an angel. Why not leave when you see what is going on instead of getting drunk and pass out

  12. BG on December 23rd, 2020 9:23 am

    I hope all young men learn from this 5 mins of gratification is it worth being in Prison and a sexual Predator for the rest of your life. Bad choices have severe consequences unfortunately.

  13. victim on December 23rd, 2020 8:47 am

    I am glad the victim had the strength and support, to come forward to accuse this evil person.


  14. JimC on December 23rd, 2020 8:32 am

    He has ruined two lives. She can recover, with help, but he has destroyed his own future.

  15. Anne on December 23rd, 2020 6:50 am

    Young man, if you are found Guilty at trial and sent to Prison then you will personally understand the crime you have done.
    Child rapists are quite often on the receiving end of assault behind bars.
    Prayers for the young girl that she recovers and finds a good way for her life.

  16. Jason on December 23rd, 2020 2:09 am

    Somebody got an expensive Christmas present considering this fella was able to post a $250,000 bond. Im sure attorneys are already being interviewed. Its hard to be proud of the titles “felon” and “sexual predator”.
