New Urgent Care Center Coming To Atmore

December 12, 2020

A new urgent care center clinic will be built on Highway 21 at I-65 in Atmore.

The Escambia County Healthcare Authority and Atmore Community Hospital announced that construction on the new clinic will begin in the first quarter of 2021, and it is expected to open in the fourth quarter of 2021.

“We have spent a great deal of time researching the most successful urgent care and healthcare models across the country, working with our community leaders and developing a plan of action to build the clinic,” said Debbie Rowell, ECHCA board chairwoman.

Care at the new urgent care clinic will feature a lab, X-ray equipment, a pharmacy and wellness care.

The health care authority said the facility will allow increased access care for residents of Atmore and surrounding areas.


2 Responses to “New Urgent Care Center Coming To Atmore”

  1. Wondering? on December 13th, 2020 9:08 am

    A new facility is only as good as the people working inside. It’s been a while but the few times having to visit Urgent Care in Atmore I was left knowing nothing more than when I went in. And when my parents went there for annual health check ups per their Medicare the Nurse Practitioner, not Doctor because they don’t have Doctors there, changed my dads blood pressure medicine and had him all screwed up.
    Atmore needs better facilities but needs more capable staff in general.

  2. good news on December 12th, 2020 10:51 pm

    Is a new Hospital still in the plans?