Molino Man Charged With Neglect Of Elderly Woman After DUI, Hit And Run Arrest

December 8, 2020

A Molino mas has been charged with neglecting an elderly woman in his care after he was arrested for driving under the influence.

Nathan Dwight Pettis, 49, was charged with neglect of an elderly disabled adult,  hit-and-run and DUI.

On December 5, Pettis was involved in a hit and run crash on I-10 at Highway 29, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. His truck entered another lane and collided with another vehicle before driving away.  FHP troopers were able to stop his truck a short time later, and found Pettis smelled of alcohol, had slurred speech and could not keep his balance.  Pettis was jailed about 7 p.m. Saturday for DUI.

A family member heard that Pettis had been arrested and went to check on the elderly woman. Pettis is her sole caregiver, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, and he did not alert anyone at the jail to check on the woman because he was in jail.

Sunday, the woman was transported to a local hospital by Escambia County EMS after she was found alone and sick at her Pettis’ home. She was in a recliner, had soiled herself, and she was unable to reach her walker. She had not had food or water for about 24 hours, according to the arrest report.

The responding deputy wrote that the victim “talked softly and was still confused about what was happening to her”.

Pettis remained in the Escambia County Jail Tuesday morning with bond set at $7,250.


17 Responses to “Molino Man Charged With Neglect Of Elderly Woman After DUI, Hit And Run Arrest”

  1. Sunshine on December 10th, 2020 6:02 am

    OMGOSH Y’ALL! Stop bickering back & forth and remember this is about a elderly woman who was neglected, and now probably confused & scared. My heart goes out to her. If anyone knows her , I’d like to know if she’s ok. Ty.

  2. Shaking My Head on December 9th, 2020 2:31 pm

    This sorry piece of garbage needs to be buried under a freaking jail somewhere. He best hope I don’t run into him somewhere.

    @Bill, if you were aware of his failures, did you do anything to help this woman? Just askin’ If you didn’t knowing this information, shame on you.

    Your healthcare is only as good as you are at asking questions. If you don’t like what the doctor says, find another. It’s not hard.

  3. Paul on December 9th, 2020 9:40 am

    @twd. Maybe you should get some sleep instead of calling people names on the internet. My Mother was killed by someone who fell asleep at the wheel.

  4. Concerned on December 9th, 2020 8:50 am

    Sometimes that one person is all the family a person has. We should all be more concerned about what is going on around us. I am sure someone knew this person had a problem!

  5. Third world dweller on December 9th, 2020 6:21 am

    Excuse me that I was typing fast on a small keyboard after working a 16 hr day! How about this, YOU’RE a pathetic grammar Nãzï who needs to get a life rather than sitting in mommys house watching The View. Now you know.

  6. Paul on December 8th, 2020 9:30 pm

    Get the (You’re) right when calling one ignorant. .It makes you look,, well you know ;)

  7. Rasheed Jackson on December 8th, 2020 7:29 pm

    @ Bill,
    Sorry pal but this is not a Government failure issue, “, and the world’s worst healthcare system”. This is a family neglect issue. I do not know this person or the family, but it appears the rest of the family was content to allow her to be cared for by a person who cannot care for himself.
    Many times, the elderly are left to be cared for by the most inept family member. Usually because they do not have a job and stay with the person more to mooch off them rather than being there as a care giver. Yes, it is sad when the elderly are neglected and abused but this is not due to a bad health care system. It is due to families that are to busy, or just refuse to take the time to care for the ones that cared for them.

  8. Scott on December 8th, 2020 6:17 pm

    @bill: leave, just leave….please just go. Socialist countries need you. Have a great trip.

  9. Third world dweller on December 8th, 2020 6:00 pm

    You are SO obviously clueless as to third world health care! Have you ever lived outside the US in a third world country? Hell, have you ever even been outside the US? A cruise or a vacay to an all inclusive don’t count either! I have lived, worked and traveled in multiple third world countries. Is our health care system broken? Yes, but it is HARDLY the worst in the world. You should just stop while your ahead and quit making yourself look ignorant!

  10. Shay on December 8th, 2020 5:58 pm

    @ Bill – Perhaps you would bless us by moving to one of the countries that have your glorious socialist healthcare…

  11. Bill on December 8th, 2020 3:28 pm

    Cancer in America means either death or financial ruin and very likely both.

    Worst in the world. The first step to climbing out of our third world living conditions is to face reality.

  12. Beco on December 8th, 2020 3:01 pm

    A bond of $7K for OR dui OR elder abuse. But combine all three and I’m shocked that no one else expressed such outrage at the behavior compared to such a low bond amount. Our senior citizens deserve SO MUCH MORE protection. Heaven help all the seniors depending on this judge’s lack of compassion.

  13. Franklin on December 8th, 2020 1:57 pm

    (@ Bill, Worlds worst Heath care system) I have just spoke with a Family from Canada, They are having to deal with Cancer in there socialized medical system. and have to wait 8 months to get in to see the Specialist. Do you know what 8 mo can mean to a Cancer patient? I have traveled all over the world, and a French guy said “well i heard that you were letting people die in the streets” NOT… I see more issues since we have been offering Obamacare than i ever did before. My Mother-in-law is from Italy here she had a heart attack and EMT were there in 10 minutes and they had her treated in Baptist with two stints and out in 3 days. She said i would have died in Italy. THEY HAVE SOCIALIZED MEDICINE ALSO MOST OF THESES, IF YOU BRIBE THE DR. YOU CAN GET IN AND GET HELP.

  14. Mike J. on December 8th, 2020 9:38 am

    @Bill, “world’s worst healthcare system”?

    If you don’t like it here, feel free to move to another country.

    Have a nice day!

  15. DDD on December 8th, 2020 9:27 am

    Judge Dickson lowered his bond from $9750 to $7250. Based on the charges, I am scratching my head. Seems Dickson needs to be reminded of family values and voted out next election.

  16. SueB on December 8th, 2020 7:36 am

    Family should have been checking on this family member almost daily. Family know that this Caregiver was and is unfit. Family should have been Checking home if clean, checking refrigerator, most importantly checking & speaking to the elderly adult, asking her questions about her care. So much more the “family members” could have, should have done.

  17. Bill on December 8th, 2020 3:25 am

    When a man’s personal failure and alcoholism, our collective disregard for the elderly, and the world’s worst healthcare system collide.