Here’s The Latest Local COVID-19 Case Count Information

December 27, 2020


On Saturday, the Florida Department of Health reported four additional COVID-19 deaths and 531 new cases in Escambia County since Wednesday, December 23.

Here is the latest data, with numbers in parenthesis noting case increases since Wednesday, December 23.

Escambia County cases:

Total cases: 21,268 (+531)
Non-Florida residents: 2,328
Total deaths: 356 (+4)
Long-term care facility deaths : 158 (-2)
Current hospitalizations: 172 (+13)
Number of tests last day: 859
Percent positive last day: 11.2%
Percent positive last week: 13.5%

Escambia County cases by location:

Pensacola: 15,535 (+390)
Cantonment: 1,804  (+63)
Century: 1,000 (+5)
—-including 774 Century prison inmates
Molino: 264 (+3)
McDavid: 131 (+3)
Walnut Hill: 38
Bellview: 30 (+1)
Perdido Key: 17
Gonzalez: 9

Santa Rosa County cases:

Total cases: 10,382 (+357)
Non-Florida residents: 122
Total deaths: 121 (+1)
Long-term care facility deaths: 24
Cumulative Hospitalizations: 523*
Number of tests last day: 372
Percent positive last day: 18.6%

Santa Rosa County cases by location:

Milton: 5,221  (+172)
Navarre: 1,969 (+72)
Gulf Breeze: 1,794 (+73)
Pace: 806 (+40)
Jay: 259 (+4)
Bagdad: 25 (+1)

Florida cases:

Total cases: 1,264,588
Florida residents: 1,243,118
Deaths: 20,135
Hospitalizations: 61,288*

*“Hospitalizations” in the statewide and Santa Rosa County totals is a count of all laboratory confirmed cases in which an inpatient hospitalization occurred at any time during the course of illness. Most of these people are longer be hospitalized. The FDOH does not provide a count of patients currently hospitalized. The Escambia County number is current data compiled each day from the local hospitals.

*The Florida Department of Health does not have a clear standard or definition of “recovered” and does not report a number of recovered individuals.

**Data Sources: Florida Department of Health, Escambia County, City of Pensacola, local hospitals.


2 Responses to “Here’s The Latest Local COVID-19 Case Count Information”

  1. William Reynolds on December 27th, 2020 9:52 pm

    “why the numbers differ from what is reported here.”

    One difference is days. If you are looking at SUNDAY’s numbers. This report was published early Sunday morning and contains SATURDAY’s numbers (it clearly says Saturday). That’s one difference.

    You are quoting 19,066 cases. That’s Florida residents as of Sunday night. The state dashboard also lists 2,342 non-residents that tested positive in Escambia County. 19066+2342 = 21408 total on Sunday in Escambia County.. We reported 21268 total on Saturday (and broke out 2328 non-residents on line 2).

    It all adds up.

  2. will on December 27th, 2020 8:07 pm

    i’ve been following the covid spread stats in escambia county for several months. i check the covid dashboard every day do not understand why the numbers differ from what is reported here. the state of florida says there are 19,066 positive cases. but this website reports there are 21,268. that’s 2,022 more than the state reported. desantis and his minions cooking the books again?? someone is not being truthful at a time when it’s of paramount importance to stop playing games with our lives. my wife and myself are both retired and immuno-challenged and i am a full time caregiver. it terrifies me to have to go out for supplies, etc. this week while in a grocery, i was confronted repeatedly by people who refuse to wear a mask, causing me to turn around and exit the aisle to escape the selfsih oafs who seem to be on a mission to be as arrogant as possible. and this goes on while the announcer reminds the shoppers that masks are required?? enough already. please wear a mask when you are around others. pretend you’re contestant on the insipid masked singer. you’ll be fine. and you won’t be spreading the virus. easy-peasy.