Escambia Health Department Offering COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments To Residents 65+

December 30, 2020

The health department in Escambia County now has an online form for people age 65 and older to request an appointment to received the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Florida Department of Health in Escambia County is one of several Florida counties taking part in COVID-19 vaccination efforts that will prioritize Moderna immunizations for medical providers at high-risk for COVID-19 exposure and persons 65 years of age or older.

FDOH-Escambia received 2,500 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. A total of 840 doses have either been provided to community partners for administration or administered at FDOH-Escambia Clinic.

FDOH-Escambia continues to coordinate vaccine administration with local health care providers and independent living facilities. Clinic appointments are also available for health care workers and Escambia County residents 65 years of age and older.

The health department is requesting individuals 65 years of age and older who are interested in getting vaccinated request an appointment. For the appointment request form, click or tap here. Residents are asked not to call or walk into the health department for the COVID-19 vaccine.

The form only asks for a name and phone number. The health department has not said when they will contact interested individuals 65 and older, or how an appointment can be requested without internet access.

“The arrival of the first doses of COVID-19 vaccines in Escambia County gives us an extraordinary opportunity to protect older adults and health care workers who are at an especially high-risk for COVID-19 exposure,” said Marie Mott, health officer and administrator for FDOH-Escambia.

As vaccination events and details are finalized, FDOH-Escambia will release more information on the vaccination plan. COVID-19 vaccines from other manufacturers will be available for use at later dates as supplies reach the state.


50 Responses to “Escambia Health Department Offering COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments To Residents 65+”

  1. Ola Savage on February 22nd, 2021 2:47 pm

    Please can I get my vaccine shot I’m 77 years old. help!

  2. Dwayne P Hale on February 6th, 2021 10:43 pm

    Seems to be a waste of time trying to get an appointment to receive vaccine as all I ever get is a message to try again later, guess you have to know someone or be someone special to even qualify fro the vaccine I’m 73 and in poor health but that seems not to make me able but i know a lot of people that are young and in perfect health that have been able to get the vaccine guess you just want us old people to die.

  3. Ted on January 28th, 2021 1:06 pm

    Notice: Check your Junk or Spam folder of your email program because some emails from health dept. are ending up there instead of inbox. Don’t know why???

  4. Marge Baars on January 27th, 2021 4:52 pm

    I have been unable to make application.i am 95 years old 08/26/1925 and any help or suggestion woud be appreciated’

  5. Lydia Davis on January 26th, 2021 1:27 pm

    Would really like to hear from someone. My husband is 83, cancer survivor. I’m 77.

  6. Roy Powell on January 23rd, 2021 4:16 pm

    I have submitted my husbands name twice now. He is 85 years old and I would consider him to be a priority.

  7. Minhthu Hiatt on January 22nd, 2021 10:49 am

    I am 69 years old living in Escambia county. I’d register twice but haven’t hear anything. Please advice.
    Minhthu Hiatt

  8. Donald Turbeville on January 21st, 2021 1:18 pm

    A failure on the vaccine rollout. The only thing you will get here is frustration and delay.

  9. OTHNIEL L WILLIAMS on January 20th, 2021 9:59 am

    Still Waiting!!

  10. KATHY AND RON WAGGONER on January 20th, 2021 7:38 am

    Ages 67 and 75. Need to get covid vaccine please. Thank you.

  11. Susan McCarthy on January 16th, 2021 10:16 am

    I registered before Christmas, no one has contacted me or my husband, who registered at the same time. We are 72 & 71 respectively, I know people who registered after we did who’ve gotten their shots. What’s up? How do your lists work? Do we need to register again???

  12. Pamela German on January 13th, 2021 11:35 am

    No one calls

  13. Barbara Aly on January 11th, 2021 8:47 pm

    I’m 64.8 years old and the only caretaker of my 86 year old mother. We live together 24/7 and we follow safety practices. However if I become ill my Mom has no one able to help her as she has diagnosed dementia. She has taken the vaccine which is a great relief, but I constantly worry (her at times) for me not being able to care for her.

    What options do I have in being able to receive the vaccine to ensure her/my safety.

  14. Patricia Elmone on January 8th, 2021 1:05 pm

    I am 65 and am being treated for an existing respiratory problem. Have filled out the form for notification in the event another vaccination clinic becomes available here in Escambia County. I would welcome a reservation/appointment for the vaccine asap. Do I understand correctly that the Health Department will contact me by phone or email if I can get an appointment? Thank you.

  15. max kline on January 7th, 2021 10:14 pm

    63 year old healthcare worker with direct patient contact in private practice,,,,want to get back to work treating ventilator survivors.

  16. Sandra Harwood on January 6th, 2021 3:24 pm

    What’s the point of signing up as “interested” in getting a shot if there is no plan of distribution? Several people I know who are elderly or otherwise compromised were able to get a shot a Sacred Heart, but it was not widely publicized so many people didn’t even know it was available.

    The county health department is doing a rather poor job in prioritizing the elderly community and organizing distribution places. The sign up process is a joke.

  17. Jeanette Davis on January 5th, 2021 9:24 pm

    I signed up online Dec. 30th. Email and phone number. Haven’t heard anything back. I don’t know who to call or where to go. Never heard a word. If I stand in line for hours, will I get turned away? While is in charge of online sign up?

  18. Melba J Payer on January 5th, 2021 9:18 am

    I am 65 and would like to sign up for the covid vaccine.

  19. Jim Lewis on January 4th, 2021 6:22 pm

    So: What exactly is the plan? Who’s in charge? I signed up at the site indicated for Escambia County; now I see vaccinations given at a local church! What is going on?

  20. Akia Lakeemba on January 4th, 2021 3:47 pm

    Waiting to get an appointment to get the vaccine for the COVID-19

  21. Carmen Ciardello on January 4th, 2021 3:43 pm

    I am 85 and want to register for the vaccine.

  22. Herbert Brown on January 4th, 2021 10:44 am

    Nice to see the state doing “pilot” vaccination day of 500 people in underserved part of the county…..BUT that type of planning should have happened MONTHS ago!! We have over 40,000 Escambia county residents 65 or older NOT living in long term care facilities. If 75% wish to be vaccinated, that’s 30,000 people over 65 to vaccinate. If the county vaccinates 500 people 5 days every week, it would take 3 months just to vaccinate the “over 65″ group…..and they would actually have to increase to vaccinating 1,000 people daily after just the first few weeks in order to also give the necessary 2nd shots! WHAT IS THE PLAN?? Who is driving this and who is asking the questions that need to be asked?? If we REALLY want to “open up the economy”, these issues need rapid resolutions!

  23. Lois Penny Grayson on January 4th, 2021 10:43 am

    I am a Re-Employed Annuitant (REA) of the Department of State with official orders to go to Manama, Bahrain, next week for a three month period to work at the Embassy in Manama. I am 76 years old and would really like to get vaccinated before departing. Is there any possibility this can happen? I can provide official documentation to verify my request.

  24. Ernest Westwood on January 4th, 2021 8:35 am

    How about people 86 and over’ We seem to be the forgotten ones.

  25. maurice bouchard on January 3rd, 2021 6:30 pm

    I am 68 yr old and desire to be vaccinated. Please notify me as to time, location, etc.
    Thank you.

  26. David Huie Green on January 2nd, 2021 10:36 am

    “When will visitors (snowbirds) over 65 be eligible to receive the vaccine?”

    As soon as the rest of us.

    “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention makes it clear in its “Florida Interim COVID-19 Vaccination Plan” that you don’t have to be a full-time Floridian to get your inoculation: “The goal of the Florida COVID-19 Mass Vaccination plan is to immunize all Floridians and visitors who choose to be vaccinated.” ”
    (Notice this came out the fifteenth of last month, nothing new. dhg)

    Davis for people (even Yankees)

  27. Jerry on January 2nd, 2021 10:35 am

    So, the Escambia County Health Dept took the weekend off, instead of getting many people vaccinated. WOW! When are they going to start?

  28. David Huie Green on January 1st, 2021 5:28 pm

    “Why aren’t high risk individuals under 65 being prioritized? I’m 62, on immunosuppressant meds and suffering from multiple chronic health problems. The current process means my healthy 68 year old husband can be registered but I cannot. Leave it to Florida to completely disregard CDC guidelines.”

    Because our governor decided. And it’s not as bad as you make it out to be. If you read the article below, you will see he made exceptions for cases like yours.

    David for logistics and reading more than just the headline

  29. Lori Thuma on January 1st, 2021 3:52 pm

    I don’t understand why there was not better distribution plan for this vaccine. We knew it was coming for months. We had a possible date for it to be available. Why is this taking so long to get to people? I fall into phase 1c vaccine plan, but have no earthly idea where to get it. What the heck people! Everyone wants things to get back to normal but no one wants to get it organized on a mass vaccine level. Smh

  30. Tc on December 31st, 2020 10:58 pm

    Think I’d rather take my chances with Covid than use a vaccine that was thrown together in less than a yr with no idea of the long term effects .

  31. Nancy on December 31st, 2020 1:37 pm

    Why aren’t high risk individuals under 65 being prioritized? I’m 62, on immunosuppressant meds and suffering from multiple chronic health problems. The current process means my healthy 68 year old husband can be registered but I cannot. Leave it to Florida to completely disregard CDC guidelines.

  32. Susan Grantham on December 31st, 2020 8:18 am

    I am a nurse at Sacred Heart. Myself and others at Sacred Heart will help to get the vaccine into people’s arms. Lets get everyone vaccinated

  33. CW on December 31st, 2020 6:09 am


    You are misinformed. There are lots of people in Florida wanting the vaccine and there were people standing in line for up to 9 hours in some parts of the state. It’s certainly not “easy to find”.

  34. Shirley Holmes on December 31st, 2020 6:02 am

    Hope it works as promised

  35. Norman C Holmeso on December 31st, 2020 6:00 am

    Look forward to getting the vaccine

  36. Well on December 30th, 2020 10:43 pm

    It appears they struggling to get anyone to take it.
    Should be fairly easy to find if you want it.

  37. Richard Swaney on December 30th, 2020 6:47 pm

    When will visitors (snowbirds) over 65 be eligible to receive the vaccine?

  38. William Reynolds on December 30th, 2020 5:57 pm

    “Boo Hiss to North Escambia dot com
    This does not work. I trusted them to provide a proven reliable process but this is clearly an email/phone # collecting scheme. Shame on you North Escambia!”

    Really? The form was created by the health department not us. Bo Hiss them if you must.

  39. Bob on December 30th, 2020 5:11 pm


    The plan is to issue mask mandates until the vaccine can be distributed to the point of achieving herd immunity.

    It’s not ideal, but it sure beats the plans of “watch people die” and “hope things get better” that we’ve been using for the past 9 months.

  40. on December 30th, 2020 3:52 pm

    Boo Hiss to North Escambia dot com
    This does not work. I trusted them to provide a proven reliable process but this is clearly an email/phone # collecting scheme. Shame on you North Escambia!

  41. Judith Peters on December 30th, 2020 1:57 pm

    I filed out the Survey, now I am assuming I will get call on my phone number when appt is made?

  42. Jeanette Davis on December 30th, 2020 12:36 pm


  43. Barbara P. Billingsley on December 30th, 2020 12:11 pm

    I am 94 years old and am anxious to receive the shot. Please notify me as soon as possible.

  44. Anne on December 30th, 2020 10:37 am

    Hope the links work out, we want to get the vaccines.

    Old Sleepy Joe says “the Darkest Days (of the Covid) are ahead”. even after the announcement and roll-out of the vaccines.
    He also said before the election “if I’m elected will ask you to wear your mask for 100 days” — or something like that. But he also told us he “has a PLAN to defeat C-19″.
    Joe, if you have “a Plan” then what is it?

  45. Just listening on December 30th, 2020 10:14 am

    Cheeta must have died and left the building. Will not load up on this expensive I phone.

  46. Donald C. Dahnk on December 30th, 2020 9:23 am

    trying to sign up. How do I do it?

  47. K on December 30th, 2020 8:43 am

    It worked for me. Signed my husband up.

  48. sam on December 30th, 2020 7:36 am

    finally got mine in, now the wait.

  49. sam on December 30th, 2020 7:18 am

    It’s not working! can’t enter info.

  50. joy bryant on December 30th, 2020 7:09 am

    the link which is handled by survey monkey DOES NOT WORK

    that shouldn’t be there when it doesn’t function correctly