Escambia County Unemployment Rate Increases Again

December 20, 2020

The unemployment rate in Escambia County increased half a point in November, according to data released Friday by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

The unemployment rate in Escambia County was 5.9% in November, up from 5.4% in October. That represents 8,504 people out of work out of a county workforce of 144,454. One year ago, Escambia County’s unemployment rate was just 2.9%, or 4,224 people.

The Escambia County area private-sector employment decreased by 6,600 jobs (-4.2 percent) over the year. The industry losing the most jobs over the year was leisure and hospitality (-3,500 jobs). Construction was the only major industry to gain jobs over the year in November 2020 (+300 jobs).

Florida’s  seasonally  adjusted  unemployment  rate  was  6.4  percent  in  November  2020,  unchanged  from  the  revised October 2020 rate, and up 3.6 percentage points from a year ago. There were 651,000 jobless Floridians  out of a labor force of 10,146,000.

The U.S. unemployment rate was 6.7 percent in November.


14 Responses to “Escambia County Unemployment Rate Increases Again”

  1. JImbo on December 22nd, 2020 12:11 pm

    Most, not all, of the people that dont have a job, don’t want a job. They are hiring everywhere, but we, as a nation, have lost our moral compass, and would rather take free govt money, than work. Bad thing is, we then talk about the others that take the money. Before COVID I had 60+ part time employees and when the Govt offered 600 a week, Almost 50 would not come back to work. QUit giving out free cash, and we can move forward!

  2. DBH on December 21st, 2020 9:41 pm

    Plenty of businesses hiring, but people are simply not applying. We have had huge sales growth this year and are wanting to hire 200+ people, yet the application pool has all but dwindled to near nothing or they apply, set up interview and don’t show up.

  3. Frank Cheney on December 21st, 2020 6:50 pm

    There are plenty of jobs to be had but people will not go back to work until the government quits paying them not to work. We have been advertising for workers for months, they set up an interview and then don’t show up, or interview and then don’t show up for work. I’m not the only employer with this situation. I have spoken with many companies and they have the same problem: we cannot find people willing to work.

  4. Frank Cheney on December 21st, 2020 6:48 pm

    There are plenty of jobs to be had but people will not go back to work until the government quits paying them not to work. We have been advertising for workers for months, they set up an interview and then don’t show up, or interview and then don’t show up for work. I’m not the only employer with this situation

  5. Bigblock345 on December 21st, 2020 6:46 pm

    I’m glad there is at least one person that can do the math and see that the taxpayer is getting bent over the barrel.

  6. MtnDew on December 21st, 2020 6:29 pm

    This stimulus is a joke. As was the first one. Could have given everyone legally living here $500,000.00 to 1million dollars, would have blown the economy through the roof. People could still work, start businesses, do whatever they want. But let us give the Congress pay raises, more benefits, etc. This is ridiculous. The people YOU keep voting in are causing this. Repubes, or Demon-rats (hahahaha), does not really matter, they are all greedy, selfish people who care only for themselves. this is their job, they could care less for you and your family. COVID is another excuse for more money lining their pockets. Wake up!!!!

  7. poor tax payer on December 21st, 2020 1:59 pm

    Regarding the $600 stimulus deal which costs about $1.4T…. that costs about $10,000 per tax payer. The government expects you to feel good and be ‘thankful’ for their generosity.

  8. Rachael on December 20th, 2020 9:33 pm

    I applied for unemployment 7 weeks ago and still haven’t heard back from anyone. Can’t reach anyone at unemployment and they don’t answer or return calls or emails. I haven’t gotten any response back on my food stamp application at all. Everything is just pending. Gulf power has sent me a shut off notice, my phone’s are now shut off. I can’t get a response from any employer, and I have an amazing resume. I got laid off end of October, unexpectedly by a small business that tried keeping up during covid-19 but couldn’t stay open any longer. This $600 stimulus check isn’t going to help at all when I’m behind on all the bills. I can’t have a holiday this year, which is fine. But it’s so frustrating to see all these millionaires and people who make tons of money decide yeah $600 is fine. And they go home to their warm house with food in it.

    I’ve never struggled this bad in my life and I am originally from Flint MI where the unemployment is high and crime is high.

    I can’t do this anymore. I can’t even feed my family or keep the heat on.

  9. Tom on December 20th, 2020 8:44 pm

    @Eab..You are very wise and very right. the name calling and hatred for others politics etc needs to end. If we ever are able to come together as a country again things like that matter.

  10. Eab on December 20th, 2020 12:59 pm

    Some of you folks need to meet Jesus and get him to wipe the hatred and mean attitudes from your hearts. Referring to your fellow citizens as “Demon-rats” simply because they disagree with you is one of the reasons the country is in a mess to begin with.

    Call on God and he will lead you to kindness and mercy. It is not our place to punish those we disagree with.

  11. ensley boy on December 20th, 2020 12:11 pm

    Notice the $600.00 stimulus money to come out of a 900 billion package on sat. Now on sun their saying there close to passing a 1.4 trillion dollar package. WHERE IS THE EXTRA 500 BILLION DOLLARS GOING TO or should I say to whom is it going to??????????

  12. Caraway on December 20th, 2020 9:22 am

    Plenty of people hiring, nobody applying…..

  13. Concerned on December 20th, 2020 8:10 am

    It may only get worse from here. As bad as it has been due to the PLANdemic, just wait til the Demon-rats get their way . We must all BRACE for the impact. Good luck and GOD HELP US ALL. Pray for a Christmas miracle.

  14. dishearted on December 20th, 2020 6:40 am

    and they still found a way to raise TAXES on home owners..