Correctional Officers In Century Assaulted In Two Separate Incidents

December 15, 2020

Correctional officers in Century were recently assaulted by inmates in two separate incidents, according to the Florida Department of Corrections.

Inmate Jamaal Dunbar assaulted an officer by striking them in the face.

Inmate Aaron Reyna assaulted an officer by striking them. The correctional officer was injured and evaluated by medical staff.

In  both cases, FDC said staff responded appropriately, and the inmate was subdued. file photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Correctional Officers In Century Assaulted In Two Separate Incidents”

  1. Rasheed Jackson on December 16th, 2020 1:03 pm

    @ LOL

    Have you ever worked at a prison or just done time in one. Having to deal with the dregs of society everyday of your life weighs on a person. Being spit on and having other bodily fluids thrown on you, along with the verbal assaults you get everyday from people who made bad choices can leave a person with a negative opinion of the people they are paid to watch over. I will say COs have way more patience than I ever could in their situation. So to the often forgotten, THANK YOU COs for your time spent holding those who are unfit to live among us. You are greatly appreciated!

  2. Eric on December 16th, 2020 1:14 am

    Maybe if the officers would treat inmates as human beings they wouldn’t get beat on!

  3. Longhorns on December 15th, 2020 12:04 pm

    @ Gator….why does the state let the violence continue? Having an ex-husband as a prior employee and a family member on the other side. The state corrections is so short handed you have CO’s working overtime. Not to mention the CO’s only have pepper spray to defend themselves, along with a button on their sides to call for help. Which can take up to several minutes depending on where they are at that time. Also keep in mind if these inmates are sentenced to life; they have nothing to loose. Sadly in most prison’s the inmates run it.

  4. Just saying on December 15th, 2020 11:57 am

    Gator what you suggest?

    Lock them up?


  5. David Huie Green on December 15th, 2020 11:54 am

    “Why does the state let the violence continue??????”

    You can not stop violence from happening (or else ears would be peaceful things).

    You can just respond when it happens.

    Your response may or may not convince the violent to end violence.

    David for love and kindness

  6. bewildered on December 15th, 2020 10:46 am

    Why do states or this country as a whole let the violence continue? Because the tables have turned – criminals are now the victims and law abiding, working citizens (or even hundred years old monuments) are the instigators of all the violence. We have a lot to look forward to in the years to come

  7. Bill on December 15th, 2020 10:05 am

    Correction workers, both officers and civilians, deserve better protection from inmate violence and verbal abuse. They should also be given priority for the covid vaccine.

  8. lol on December 15th, 2020 9:41 am

    why does the state let it happen? Are you crazy. Have you ever been in side a prison. Inmates run that place and two the way the officers treat people im sure they had it coming.

  9. Correctional Officer on December 15th, 2020 9:12 am

    Gator, you do realize that Century C.I. houses violent offenders?

  10. Gator on December 15th, 2020 7:17 am

    Why does the state let the violence continue??????