Christmas Morning 2020 Was The Coldest In 25 Years. This Is How Cold It Was.

December 26, 2020

Christmas Day 2020 was officially the coldest on record in Pensacola in 25 years.

The official low Christmas morning 2020 was 31 at the Pensacola International Airport – the location of the official National Weather Service thermometer. That’s the lowest low temperature in Pensacola since it bottomed out at 26 degrees on Christmas morning 1995.

While not an “official” recording location, the weather station thermometer at Northview High School dropped to 29 degrees on Christmas morning.

The all-time record low for a Christmas morning in Pensacola was 11 degrees in 1983.


One Response to “Christmas Morning 2020 Was The Coldest In 25 Years. This Is How Cold It Was.”

  1. tc on December 26th, 2020 5:10 am

    how bout that climate change!