Cantonment Woman Robbed At Gunpoint By Her Daughter And Daughter’s Boyfriend

December 24, 2020

A Cantonment woman found bleeding in a Cantonment street was robbed by her daughter and the daughter’s boyfriend, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Autumn Lee Beede, 40, and Lloyd Christopher Lister, 50, were charged with home invasion robbery with a firearm, grand theft of a motor vehicle, false imprisonment, larceny of a credit card, petit theft and fraudulent use of a credit card.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to the 400 block of Forrest Street where they found an extremely upset female in the street bleeding from her wrists where she had been zip-tied.

The woman told deputies that she had been inside her residence with her daughter Beede when she stepped out to smoke. A few minutes later, Beede came back into the residence followed by a white male holding a handgun while wearing a hoodie, gloves and mask on his face, according to arrest report.

The victim said the male suspect put the gun to her head, covered her face, zip-tied her wrists together and tied her feet with an extension cord. She was placed in a bathroom, and the door was tied shut with an extension cord.

According to the ECSO, the victim stated the male said, “Don’t turn around or I will shoot you and ma’am, I don’t want to do that.”

The woman said she was in the bathroom for about 30 minutes before she could escape. She said that she believed the male suspect to be Lister, based upon his voice.

She discovered her 2019 Kia Sorento was missing, along with her phone and a wallet containing a debit card, cash and checkbook. She called her credit union and discovered there were already unsuccessful attempts to use the debit card at an ATM inside a Tom Thumb on East Nine Mile Road, and the card had been used for a $139.07 purchase at Winn Dixie on Nine Mile Road. In a follow-up investigation, deputies obtained video surveillance of Beede and Lister using the victim’s debit card at both locations.

The ECSO said the victim made positive identification of both suspects from the videos.

Beede remained in the Escambia County Jail Thursday with bond set at $114,000, while Lister’s bond was set at $92,000.


21 Responses to “Cantonment Woman Robbed At Gunpoint By Her Daughter And Daughter’s Boyfriend”

  1. judy s on December 25th, 2020 9:42 pm

    i have never made a comment before, on this or any other site. my daughter, 40 now, was enabled by her dad when i tried for tough love. he died, then it was virtually blackmail so i could see the grandchild. 25 years of drugs, alcohol, overdoses, life support,8 rehabs, stealing all that wasn’t nailed down. i was a revolving door at dhr (in a large city) because i knew what grandchild was going thru, got nowhere until she finally abandoned the child, and her dad was able to get custody with my help. I could go on and on about the horrors my daughter put us all through for years. I would not wish it on my worst enemy, there is no one i dislike that bad. I disinherited her, had trust drawn up for grand child, and i will never enable anyone again. I may not have alot, but daughter spent my money far to long abusing her body and taking advantage of everyone she could. I hope the lady this happened to will count herself lucky and cut her losses with a daughter that cares more about drugs than anybody, anything else. I pray every day for her to experience true salvation before she has a meeting with the Lord.

  2. Hmmm on December 25th, 2020 3:26 pm

    That is so methed up.

  3. Stanley Beech on December 25th, 2020 8:04 am

    Folks there are ways to stop these kind of crimes. Put them in jail under the supervision of a former Marine. Make them bust rocks for 12 hours a day for a monthy, no cell phone no TV. When their time is up tell them go out and try that again and you will get a Year of this. Bet you it won’t happen again. Anybody that Bonds them out should be responsible for them for a year, They mess up The one that furnished the Bond gets a taste of the punishment as well.

  4. Olin Schultz on December 24th, 2020 9:15 pm

    This is a sad tale at Christmas time or any other time for that matter. I knew Chris in High School and he was always laughing and joking and seemed happy. It is sad to see someone go downhill over the years. Praying for all involved! Merry Christmas everyone.

  5. CW on December 24th, 2020 8:36 pm

    So she was arrested for felony child neglect back in March and she was already back on the streets? What a shame.

  6. Confused on December 24th, 2020 6:58 pm

    I’m confused on what they spent $139.07 on in freaking WINN DIXIE!??! Let’s see food, snacks, People magazines?? Oh no wait some camping items and some of those nifty fake wood blocks they sell to start barn fires??!! Just sad, waiting to see the judge ye not comments…GTFOH

  7. Linda on December 24th, 2020 3:43 pm


  8. Charlotte R Bates on December 24th, 2020 11:18 am

    I wouldn’t have given them bond. Whose to say if they get out, they won’t seek revenge on her mother. This really is a shame that a woman would treat her mother like this. I can’t imagine doing anything like that to my parents. All I can say is, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS in jail.

  9. Willis on December 24th, 2020 10:38 am

    Merry Christmas Moms everywhere!!!

  10. SueB on December 24th, 2020 10:35 am

    So sorry that the daughter you raised is making bad decisions. It’s time to let her go and do not feel guilty. Never take her back in, never let her inside your home, never loan her money, you know she will never repay even though she says I’m sorry. She will not change. Change your will and disinherit her.

  11. Shaking My Head on December 24th, 2020 9:12 am

    This is a woman with no soul. How can you do that to your own mother or allow anyone else to do the same? Shame on you.

  12. Matchbox on December 24th, 2020 8:45 am

    Wow… Talk about sorry. To do this to your own mother,. Leave her where she is for a long time…

  13. Christopher on December 24th, 2020 8:40 am

    Probably not getting a gift under the tree this year

  14. Otto on December 24th, 2020 8:23 am

    This is not the first time Ms. Beede has had her mugshot on this site. The previous story had to do with child abandonment. Type her name into this site’s search engine.

  15. tc on December 24th, 2020 8:17 am

    bad enough to rob someone at gunpoint but its pure evil to rob your own mother. These 2 need locked up for a very long time..

  16. Steve on December 24th, 2020 8:10 am

    Septic tank trash.

  17. Good grief on December 24th, 2020 7:43 am

    Low lifes! Who does that to their own mother? Who does that to anybody? Low lifes!!!!

  18. JustSaying on December 24th, 2020 7:23 am

    Merry Christmas, Mama! See what a good girl I’ve been and love you so much! That is so sorry to let a man or talk a man into doing that to your own Mother! I wish mine was still here!

  19. EMD on December 24th, 2020 6:12 am

    Makes me want to cry.

  20. BeeDub on December 24th, 2020 5:03 am

    Both should also be charged with elder abuse. This is disgraceful and I would lay money one or both of them have been mistreating her before this incident – if not physically then emotionally and financially.

  21. Just saying on December 24th, 2020 2:29 am

    Quick google search it appears she’s a frequent arrestee having been charged earlier this year with several counts related to child endangerment.

    My semi-educated guess. There is an illegal substance that has control over her brain. Her brain and body need to be in prison or long term rehab. It won’t stop until she’s stopped.