60 Apply For The Escambia County Fire Chief Job

December 7, 2020

There were 60 people that applied to be the next Escambia County fire chief.

The job has been open for well over a year. The county’s last fire chief, Rusty Nail, was hired in April 2018 and submitted his resignation about a year later.

A selection is not expected until early 2021.

“They are reviewing applications and there will be several rounds of interview,” Escambia County spokesperson Laura Coale said.

In alphabetical order, the 60 applicants for chief of Escambia Fire Rescue are:

  1. Michael A. Aaron
  2. Daniel Augustus Akerman
  3. William D. Austin, Jr.
  4. Michael Joseph Bailey
  5. Christopher L. Balassone
  6. William D. Beaty, Jr.
  7. Greg Benson
  8. James C. Bird
  9. Richard C. Bode
  10. Joshua E. Brown
  11. John G. Brubaker
  12. Roger Keith Burton
  13. Raymond W. Canafax
  14. Craig Carr
  15. Donald S. Collins
  16. Clinton Cooke
  17. Larry James Couch
  18. Thomas H. Croteau
  19. Richard Shannon Draper
  20. Walter G. Ebbert, IV
  21. Mark Ellis
  22. Ian Emmons
  23. William Ervin
  24. John P. Flick
  25. Christopher Michael Gerwick
  26. Jeremiah A. Gilley
  27. Joseph A. Glover
  28. Christopher L. Hatch
  29. James A. Hinton
  30. Walter H. Hower
  31. Trenton D. Kleinow
  32. Dale Kyrouac
  33. Joshua D. Luke
  34. Greg W. Main
  35. Jerry L. Marrison
  36. Brian D. Mayo
  37. Stephen W. McBride
  38. Robert McGilloway
  39. Robert D. Metzger
  40. Thomas J. Moran
  41. Michael C. Morton
  42. Michael P. Osman
  43. James Pribble
  44. John R. Schleicher
  45. Blain A. Schumacher
  46. Randall E. Sides
  47. Jeffery H. Sinclair
  48. Daniel R. Spillman
  49. Ellison L. Stearns
  50. James A. Stillwagon, II
  51. LeAnn Tacon
  52. James W. Tobin
  53. David M. Torsell
  54. William D. Vinyard
  55. Michael J. Vogel
  56. Jason G. Wallace
  57. Loren Shawn Whittington
  58. Robert L. Wirtz
  59. Maurice A. Witt
  60. Scott Wolfe


5 Responses to “60 Apply For The Escambia County Fire Chief Job”

  1. JustConcerned on December 8th, 2020 2:08 am

    How about Joseph Glover?

  2. MtnDewey on December 7th, 2020 11:18 pm

    Well we know how the last one went. Hire an outsider for new blood from a city with an iso rating of one. Then don’t let him do anything and force him to quit and also be fired? Or whatever drama was involved. Sad. We need leadership and no restrictions on the fire chiefs decisions. Also go back to four person crews. They should be able to make the decision they need to for the safety of the community. And a much bigger budget as well. We need a better way to raise money to supplement what is not in the coffer.

  3. Willis on December 7th, 2020 9:31 pm

    So we got a Rusty Nail last time.
    Maybe a Shiny Penny this time.

  4. Suzie B on December 7th, 2020 5:49 pm

    Chris Hatch!! Someone who has been in the volunteer depts as well as the paid. It’s not just a job, he is passionate about his work

  5. Kuntry Klub on December 7th, 2020 7:20 am

    … “briefly” looking over this list…… I see about 10 names of applicants I am familiar with in one way or another… Good ol Boys for sure (insiders) The county admin would serve the folks better if there were new blood brought in. Fire is fire… and the “system is the system. Can’t change fire but the leadership can change the system.