Skanska Barge Runs Aground; Company Believes Mooring Line Was Intentionally Cut

December 21, 2020

Another Skanska barge broke loose from the Pensacola Bay Bridge project Saturday night and ended up near the Bay Bridge Condos in Gulf Breeze.

Skanska says it appears the mooring line was intentionally cut, and there will be an investigation.

“A barge on the eastside of the Pensacola Bay Bridge became unmoored. It appears that the line securing the barge was severed. We’re conducting an internal investigation and authorities are aware of the incident. There does not appear to be any damage at this time,” Skanska said in a statement.

“After internal investigation, we’ve determined that there is strong probable cause this was a result of foul play and the line was intentionally cut. We’re contacting the authorities and Coast Guard to investigate further. We’re grateful no harm was caused to any person or property.”

The barge was recovered Sunday afternoon.

Photos Al Showers/WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Skanska Barge Runs Aground; Company Believes Mooring Line Was Intentionally Cut”

  1. David Donaldson on December 22nd, 2020 12:01 pm

    .TOO many armchair detectives. It easily could have someone with a grudge against the company like a past employee or anyone else that is just wanting to stir the pot a little more.

  2. Capt dave on December 21st, 2020 6:31 pm

    The question is was it a 2.5 / 3 inch nylon line or mardigras line junk I seen it in the pass 40 plus years the lines are dry rotten left on barges ,and it should been wire up hard down with rigging plus nylon lines min 6 lines secure with opposite I have seen companies don’t replace line till they pop. And all companies should be responsible for their equipment . And have a a boat standby especially close to a bridge. Especially with the guidelines of homeland security look at the safety records and its company is responsible for the equipment and security and Proper training always human error, And all the people that ,2have hardship from this should get them marine attorney . The company going to say have permit or waver yes I seen this over and over . Stand by vessel at all time Security Security. Always blame game compliance , You are responsible for your equipment at all times poor management

  3. bob c on December 21st, 2020 11:27 am

    CUT — saw pics with end of line cleanly cut and lying on the seawall.
    No Doubt someone used a sharp edged tool to cut the barge free from the anchorage. Hope LEO, Coast Guard and FWC get the idiot who did this and put many people’s property in danger.
    Things are bad enough, what an idiot to create more troubles for so many.

  4. Oversight on December 21st, 2020 8:49 am

    Eye roll, always someone else’s fault. Come on Skanska, take responsibility for your own inept management.

  5. JTV on December 21st, 2020 5:48 am

    No doubt sabotage